What Liberals REALLY think about us Conservatives

At the risk of being... Buuuuusssssssssshhhhhhhhhhed, remember "if you are not for us, you are against us" and the way conservatives latched onto that and declared anyone (mostly liberals) who were not 100% behind the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as being enemies of the state?

I can't say what they really think of us. Many of them on this site are decent people who just happen to see things differently then me. Some can be real a'holes. Some kid around and are funny. Some can be real a'holes. ;)

I suspect most of them are just like us. They like some of us and dislike others of us.


I don't recall EVER referring to anybody who opposed any war as 'enemy of the state'. And that Bush "If you aren't with us you're against us" line was in the immediate wake of 9/11 and standing up to terrorism. It had nothing to do with Afghanistan or iraq.

So what is your gut reaction when you're told that you are throwing a temper tantrum if you vote conservative in an election? That you are 'out of touch with reality'? That you are an 'enemy of the state'?

Does stuff like that make you question your conviictions? Soften your opinions? Make you reconsider your position?

bush* and his cronies claimed that people who disagreed with him on several policies (Gitmo, PATRIOT Act, HSA, etc) were "giving aid and comfort to the enemy".

And again, the quotes you posted say nothing about conservatives. The quotes clearly reference american voters.

Direct quotations in context please.
At the risk of being... Buuuuusssssssssshhhhhhhhhhed, remember "if you are not for us, you are against us" and the way conservatives latched onto that and declared anyone (mostly liberals) who were not 100% behind the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as being enemies of the state?

I can't say what they really think of us. Many of them on this site are decent people who just happen to see things differently then me. Some can be real a'holes. Some kid around and are funny. Some can be real a'holes. ;)

I suspect most of them are just like us. They like some of us and dislike others of us.


I don't recall EVER referring to anybody who opposed any war as 'enemy of the state'. And that Bush "If you aren't with us you're against us" line was in the immediate wake of 9/11 and standing up to terrorism. It had nothing to do with Afghanistan or iraq.

So what is your gut reaction when you're told that you are throwing a temper tantrum if you vote conservative in an election? That you are 'out of touch with reality'? That you are an 'enemy of the state'?

Does stuff like that make you question your conviictions? Soften your opinions? Make you reconsider your position?

bush* and his cronies claimed that people who disagreed with him on several policies (Gitmo, PATRIOT Act, HSA, etc) were "giving aid and comfort to the enemy".

And again, the quotes you posted say nothing about conservatives. The quotes clearly reference american voters.

Did Bush call Americans "the enemy?"
I don't recall EVER referring to anybody who opposed any war as 'enemy of the state'. And that Bush "If you aren't with us you're against us" line was in the immediate wake of 9/11 and standing up to terrorism. It had nothing to do with Afghanistan or iraq.

So what is your gut reaction when you're told that you are throwing a temper tantrum if you vote conservative in an election? That you are 'out of touch with reality'? That you are an 'enemy of the state'?

Does stuff like that make you question your conviictions? Soften your opinions? Make you reconsider your position?

bush* and his cronies claimed that people who disagreed with him on several policies (Gitmo, PATRIOT Act, HSA, etc) were "giving aid and comfort to the enemy".

And again, the quotes you posted say nothing about conservatives. The quotes clearly reference american voters.

Did Bush call Americans "the enemy?"

No. He did not. I can't imagine on his worst day or in his worst moment that he would see the American people as 'the enemy' or refer to the American people as the 'enemy'. And I can't imagine in his worst moment of incompetence that he would race bait or pit one segment of society to treat or view another group as 'their enemies'.
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I don't recall EVER referring to anybody who opposed any war as 'enemy of the state'. And that Bush "If you aren't with us you're against us" line was in the immediate wake of 9/11 and standing up to terrorism. It had nothing to do with Afghanistan or iraq.

So what is your gut reaction when you're told that you are throwing a temper tantrum if you vote conservative in an election? That you are 'out of touch with reality'? That you are an 'enemy of the state'?

Does stuff like that make you question your conviictions? Soften your opinions? Make you reconsider your position?

bush* and his cronies claimed that people who disagreed with him on several policies (Gitmo, PATRIOT Act, HSA, etc) were "giving aid and comfort to the enemy".

And again, the quotes you posted say nothing about conservatives. The quotes clearly reference american voters.

Direct quotations in context please.

Umm, it was YOU who posted the quotes. Why are you asking ME for context when it's YOU who posted the quotes? I guess you're admitting you posted indirect quotes without context.

It's must be that, or you're just too illiterate to understand what you posted
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bush* and his cronies claimed that people who disagreed with him on several policies (Gitmo, PATRIOT Act, HSA, etc) were "giving aid and comfort to the enemy".

And again, the quotes you posted say nothing about conservatives. The quotes clearly reference american voters.

Direct quotations in context please.

Umm, it was YOU who posted the quotes. Why are you asking ME for context when it's YOU who posted the quotes? I guess you're admitting you posted indirect quotes without context.

It's must be that, or you're just too illiterate to understand what you posted

But it was YOU who said that "Bush* and his cronies claimed that people who disagree with him on several policies (Gitmo, PATRIOT Act, HSA, etc.) were 'giving aid and comfort to the enemy'. So do you have direct quotations in context to back that up. The quotations I cited were attached to a person, referenced as to context, and linked.
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At the risk of being... Buuuuusssssssssshhhhhhhhhhed, remember "if you are not for us, you are against us" and the way conservatives latched onto that and declared anyone (mostly liberals) who were not 100% behind the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as being enemies of the state?

I can't say what they really think of us. Many of them on this site are decent people who just happen to see things differently then me. Some can be real a'holes. Some kid around and are funny. Some can be real a'holes. ;)

I suspect most of them are just like us. They like some of us and dislike others of us.


I don't recall EVER referring to anybody who opposed any war as 'enemy of the state'. And that Bush "If you aren't with us you're against us" line was in the immediate wake of 9/11 and standing up to terrorism. It had nothing to do with Afghanistan or iraq.

So what is your gut reaction when you're told that you are throwing a temper tantrum if you vote conservative in an election? That you are 'out of touch with reality'? That you are an 'enemy of the state'?

Does stuff like that make you question your conviictions? Soften your opinions? Make you reconsider your position?

No, it makes me question the liberal making those statements. First they know nothing at all about me or what I think about this country and its leaders.

If it makes me an "enemy of the state" to believe the Obama has totally screwed up in some areas then so be it.

As for the "if you are not for us, you are against us", you are right, it was said before the wars, however, conservatives latched onto it after the wars had begun and used it to beat the patriotism out of anyone that did not 100% agree with them and I do mean beat the patriotism out of those who disagreed.

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Direct quotations in context please.

Umm, it was YOU who posted the quotes. Why are you asking ME for context when it's YOU who posted the quotes? I guess you're admitting you posted indirect quotes without context.

It's must be that, or you're just too illiterate to understand what you posted

But it was YOU who said that "Bush* and his cronies claimed that people who disagree with him on several policies (Gitmo, PATRIOT Act, HSA, etc.) were 'giving aid and comfort to the enemy'. So do you have direct quotations in context to back that up. The quotations I cited were attached to a person, referenced as to context, and linked.

So you're asking for Bush quotes with context?

Then you're even more illiterate than I first realized. The post you responded to contained both the quote (ie "giving aid and comfort to the enemy") and the context (ie it was said to people who opposed bush* policies)

The quotations I cited were attached to a person, referenced as to context, and linked

Umm, you didn't post any quotes from liberals describing conservatives. You posted quotes from liberals describing voters.
Bush was speaking in the context of massive attacks by foreign nationals on US soil resuting in thousands of deaths and hundreds of millions in property damage.

Are Obama's political enemies the same thing?
Anyone who is not willing to escalate the fight to where Obama wants to take it is doomed to lose.

Hmmm. Interesting comment but not real sure where you're coming from. Where do you think he wants to take it? My impression is that he doesn't want to fight. He just wants everybody to grovel at his feet and worship him. But that's just me. :)

on the contrary I see a definite Direction Obama wants to take the fight. He spends most of his time Pointing figures and playing the race card. The Direction he and the Dems are taking the fight is lower and lower in to the sewer. More and more Gutter Politics.
I think Conservatives are wonderful people....

I saw one helping an old lady cross the street the other day
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Do you really think he has any ethical limits, politically?

Come now, ethics & morals go out the door in DC, a place where a butchered baby would be describe as collateral damage.

Does a guy like this see any ends as justifying his means?

I am sure they all do, few wouldn't. There are no restraints, a land where torture, murder and rape are acceptable and justifiable behaviors.
oh god not another "these guys think you're stupid, dont you hate them" threads. how about asking an actual liberal instead of putting words in their mouth. Just a thought yanno...

You don't think that the folks quoted in the OP are liberals? If not, why do you think they are not?
Im not answering that bullshit...you believe what you want. They can wrap a flag around themselves , scream for tax cuts, fight in a war, chew tobacco listening to Kenny Chesney and that wont stop you from calling them a liberal. Everyones a liberal!!

Just go with that...the OP is full of shit. I get texts from family members telling me to send this message to 10 people and god will bless me. Then it says "the devil said you wouldnt do it,..prove him wrong"

Thats what the OP is trying to do....it's cheap

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