What Jews think of goyim...err, the non-Jews.


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
This video should be a wake up call to those who think Jews are only victims of hate, never the perpetuators of it. Jews have a derogatory term of "goyim" for the inferior, in other words, non-Jews. It doesn't matter what color, ethnicity, or non-Jewish faith you are, to the Jew you are their slave meant to serve them.

This video should be a wake up call to those who think Jews are only victims of hate, never the perpetuators of it. Jews have a derogatory term of "goyim" for the inferior, in other words, non-Jews. It doesn't matter what color, ethnicity, or non-Jewish faith you are, to the Jew you are their slave meant to serve them.

Of course --- I have several white Christian slaves posting all my replies on USMB.. There's a lot to this. My first wife was Jewish. Gave me a card when we were dating. Said "Goyim are for practice". I'm CERTAIN she was instructing me to "practice" on Goyim before marriage.. :mm:
Hold on. Are Jews white People or not ? They used to not Be, but now they are, but now they ain't ?
I suspect they think Protestants are easy meat while Catholics are a deadly scourge -- same as what Protestants think.

Hold on. Are Jews white People or not ? They used to not Be, but now they are, but now they ain't ?
Depends on how you define things.

If all you use is white or black, then they are white.

If all you use are white, yellow, brown, red, and black, then they are also white.

If you can squeeze "olive" into there then maybe there is a difference.
This video should be a wake up call to those who think Jews are only victims of hate, never the perpetuators of it. Jews have a derogatory term of "goyim" for the inferior, in other words, non-Jews. It doesn't matter what color, ethnicity, or non-Jewish faith you are, to the Jew you are their slave meant to serve them.

/--- One of my Jewish friends called me Goyim and I called him Hebe. I'd eat a bacon sandwich in front of him and he'd say I love Catholics, they pay retail.
This video should be a wake up call to those who think Jews are only victims of hate, never the perpetuators of it. Jews have a derogatory term of "goyim" for the inferior, in other words, non-Jews. It doesn't matter what color, ethnicity, or non-Jewish faith you are, to the Jew you are their slave meant to serve them.

Hey Locke --- did you even WATCH the video? There is a LONG explanation of biblical prose here. And it's explained very well. It's NOT sound bite politics. You cannot take it out of context. Discussions could go on for HOURS.

A "non-human" is one that is not "under control". Not meaning under the control of JEWS -- but under the control of God. In the Bible -- many neighbors and civilizations were "not under control" and thus not fulfilling their human responsibilities for morals and belief. Therefore "not human" or beasts.

Certainly there are cultures and countries and maybe even a religion or two TODAY that YOU consider "not under control" of a moral and ethical code.

Would be hard to consider Christians "not under control of God" since it's the SAME God.. You're pissing on an ally here.
This video should be a wake up call to those who think Jews are only victims of hate, never the perpetuators of it. Jews have a derogatory term of "goyim" for the inferior, in other words, non-Jews. It doesn't matter what color, ethnicity, or non-Jewish faith you are, to the Jew you are their slave meant to serve them.

Of course --- I have several white Christian slaves posting all my replies on USMB.. There's a lot to this. My first wife was Jewish. Gave me a card when we were dating. Said "Goyim are for practice". I'm CERTAIN she was instructing me to "practice" on Goyim before marriage.. :mm:

I thought that was target practice dude...
Every group is capable of irrational hate of "the other"...it only becomes scary when the haters have power.
We are called by God to pray for Israel. And for good reason. They are going to be nearly wiped out in this next war. So we pray. What Jews do with that is on the Jews, not the Christians.

Did you get that from Jimmy Swaggart of the 700 Club? :p

According to the OT, Yahweh is the main war deity of the 12 tribes of Israel, yes they observed multiple deities. Long story short, they pissed of Yahweh so many times that Yahweh punished them be assimilating them into other nations. That was punishment. Think about it! In the NT the failed jewish messiah, the one Christians call Jesus, called non-jews names. "Goyim" means cattle. Do the math!

Read Mythology's Last Gods: Yahweh and Jesus. Unplug from fairy tales that have crippled mankind for centuries.
This video should be a wake up call to those who think Jews are only victims of hate, never the perpetuators of it. Jews have a derogatory term of "goyim" for the inferior, in other words, non-Jews. It doesn't matter what color, ethnicity, or non-Jewish faith you are, to the Jew you are their slave meant to serve them.

Of course --- I have several white Christian slaves posting all my replies on USMB.. There's a lot to this. My first wife was Jewish. Gave me a card when we were dating. Said "Goyim are for practice". I'm CERTAIN she was instructing me to "practice" on Goyim before marriage.. :mm:

I thought that was target practice dude...

Well that's what Locke wants you to believe.. Actually the card said "Shiksas are for Practice". But I didn't want posters to be diving into the English to Yiddish dictionary to discover my deception.

Shhhhh.. It's very secret stuff... :eusa_shhh:
We are called by God to pray for Israel. And for good reason. They are going to be nearly wiped out in this next war. So we pray. What Jews do with that is on the Jews, not the Christians.

Did you get that from Jimmy Swaggart of the 700 Club? :p

According to the OT, Yahweh is the main war deity of the 12 tribes of Israel, yes they observed multiple deities. Long story short, they pissed of Yahweh so many times that Yahweh punished them be assimilating them into other nations. That was punishment. Think about it! In the NT the failed jewish messiah, the one Christians call Jesus, called non-jews names. "Goyim" means cattle. Do the math!

Read Mythology's Last Gods: Yahweh and Jesus. Unplug from fairy tales that have crippled mankind for centuries.

Got it from the Bible. God will mark 10,000 from each tribe so that they cannot be killed during the tribulation of the Jews, exactly like He did Cain. They will be Messianic Jews preaching the Good News.
What we consider punishment, God saw as salvation. Dispersing them kept them alive. And then He called them home.
Jesus in no way failed in His mission. He came as a sacrificial lamb for the Jews. It was the Jews that failed to recognize the time of their visitation. He'll be back. The Jews will run to Him the next time.
I'm glad we are at least able to discuss Jews, which is more than can be said about the mainstream media or "polite society" which, of course, avoids all important things.

The Jews have similar but also different, views on other people than we have about each other. For instance, a Muslim may hate a Christian, or vice versa, but to the Jews, they are both just a group of morons.

The Jews also have a low opinion on blacks, but feel free to use them for their own purposes.

The only group that Jews fear is white people who are aware of Jews, which is why they must fight this at any and all cost. They simply cannot have white people wake up, it's rule number one of Judaism.

This is why Jews and evangelical Christians are such great friends, for example. The Jews know evangelical Christianity keeps white people stupid, so they fund it, while the greedy evangelical pastors like getting the Jewish money, and like to have more "sheep" in their congregation to fleece, etc.

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