What Isn't The Media Telling Us About January 6th?

No one claimed that a riot didn't occur, moron. Rioting and trespass don't demand political persecution or sentences greater than democrats dole out for MURDER. I suppose you believe trespassing in a public building calls for summary execution too, eh?

Not to mention the fact that it started off as a peaceful riot until the tear gas and hand grenades started.
If the police are so sure that this man is guilty then why won't they release the video of him assaulting the police officers to the public and many of the other hostages as well?

What Isn't The Media Telling Us About Cancer or ____________________(fill in the blank)​

This fantasy world you live in is pathetic.

"If this guy's story rings true...?" Okay. Well, if a bear shit in the woods and there no Magadonian there to smell it, does it have a stink?"
says the guy who cant decide what name he wants to use........
I didn't say that violence didn't occur. I want the video footage to prove that the man from Columbus is guilty. Now cough it up or shut up.
You are trying to blame the violence that occurred on the Capitol police, which is pathetic.
Why does it make sense for the J6 committee to destroy evidence used in the investigation?

That seems odd. Maybe even suspicious.
They didn’t.

Hey moron, thanks for proving you're a fascist democrat. This is America, innocence doesn't have to be proven---guilt does. SMFH, what an idiot statement.

Innocent until proven guilty can finally exist again.

The guilty plea did that for me.

Some people are coaxed/threatened into pleading guilty because of a lesser sentence. So it doesn't actually mean what you think that it does.
They didn’t.

They did.

So we agree it is bad to delete evidence.

You are just claiming they did not do the bad thing. I am claiming they did.

So deleting evidence is bad. Like when Hillary had her server files deleted.
They didn’t.

“all the evidence.”

No one is saying they deleted ALL THE EVIDENCE.

I saw the mostly peaceful protest on TV.

I saw Ray Epps encourage people to go into the Capitol. That is evidence.

There is evidence that was not preserved. FACT.


How do we know if the deleted evidence could be exculpatory?

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