What Isael can do to save itself -?

Palestinian peaceful civilians throw stones at Israeli cars.

* (Deu 10:19 KJV) Love ye therefore the stranger: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.

Israel God's forbidden place

Jews, all Jews, together as one lived in Egypt for 430 years.

Now how long has the USA been in existence --?

When the USA was not even a twinkle in a woman’s eyes {:}?

Now after looking back I must correct my post ---

Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492

It's now 2012


520 years.,.,., my how time flies by ~~~ ~:~ :)-

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What Isael can do to save itself -?

Christians you need to wake up !!!


Spitting on Christians in Jerusalem draws rabbinic rebuke
January 17, 2010

Attacks on Christian clergyman in Jerusalem are not a new phenomenon, and may result from an extreme interpretation of the Bible's injunction to "abhor" idol worshipers.,.,.,.,. attacks recently have reached epidemic proportions -- or at least enough that government officials and Orthodox rabbinic figures have begun to take notice.

"Besides desecrating the Holy Name, which in itself represents a very grave sin, provoking gentiles is, according to our sages -- blessed be their holy and righteous memory – forbidden and is liable to bring tragic consequences upon our own community, may God have mercy," said the statement.

Spitting on Christians in Jerusalem draws rabbinic rebuke | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

God will offer no mercy to the wicked

Jerusalem: pious Jew spits on Christians again
Submitted by David Bloom on Mon, 09/05/2005

The Jerusalem Post reports another incident of a pious Jew spitting at Christian clergy or symbols in the Israeli-occupied Old City of Jerusalem. According to Holocaust survivor Dr. Israel Shahak, in his book Jewish History, Jewish Religion, this practice has ancient roots and has become increasingly commonplace:

Jerusalem: pious Jew spits on Christians again | World War 4 Report

Christians in Jerusalem want Jews to stop spitting on them

A few weeks ago, a senior Greek Orthodox clergyman in Israel attended a meeting at a government office in Jerusalem's Givat Shaul quarter. When he returned to his car, an elderly man wearing a skullcap came and knocked on the window. When the clergyman let the window down, the passerby spat in his face. The clergyman preferred not to lodge a complaint with the police and told an acquaintance that he was used to being spat at by Jews. Many Jerusalem clergy have been subjected to abuse of this kind. For the most part, they ignore it but sometimes they cannot.

Christians in Jerusalem want Jews to stop spitting on them - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

The Jews of Israel openly spit on Christians and that is a fact

And you might ask what does the above have to do with " What Isael can do to save itself -?

God did not tell the Jews to spit on us He said:

(Lev 19:34 KJV) But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.

But they refuse to listen until there are none left to hear. <:>

at least when they are gone the spitting will stop :)-
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i hate to say this, but, once all of israel's enemies get nukes (and all eventually will) they will have a hard time surviving. you can battle but for so long with so many countries/people (right or wrong) before it comes back to haunt you. whomever uses a WMD on them will then be attacked by some of the superpowers. it won't be good. it's better for all of our survival that the people in the middle east get along but i don't see it happening.
i hate to say this, but, once all of israel's enemies get nukes (and all eventually will) they will have a hard time surviving. you can battle but for so long with so many countries/people (right or wrong) before it comes back to haunt you. whomever uses a WMD on them will then be attacked by some of the superpowers. it won't be good. it's better for all of our survival that the people in the middle east get along but i don't see it happening.
Israel has managed, largely by stealing its nuclear technologies from the U.S., and by corrupting our legislature via its internal lobbying organization, AIPAC, to attach itself to the U.S. Israel survives only because of this attachment. It could not possibly survive without it, not even by using its nuclear arsenal. Because to do so would not only cause its own eventual destruction it would contaminate all the oil fields in the Middle East beyond any future usefulness and thus turn the U.S. against it.

The bottom line in this equation is U.S. protection of Israel was the primary motivation for the 9/11 attack. And that is not just my opinion. It comes right from the horse's mouth:

(Excerpt - from a PBS Frontline interview with Osama bin Laden in 1998)

(Miller)... "What is the meaning of your call for Muslims to take arms against America in particular, and what is the message that you wish to send to the West in general?"

(bin Laden) "The call to wage war against America was made because America has spear-headed the crusade against the Islamic nation, sending tens of thousands of its troops to the land of the two Holy Mosques over and above its meddling in its affairs and its politics, and its support of the oppressive, corrupt and tyrannical regime that is in control. These are the reasons behind the singling out of America as a target. And not exempt of responsibility are those Western regimes whose presence in the region offers support to the American troops there. We know at least one reason behind the symbolic participation of the Western forces and that is to support the Jewish and Zionist plans for expansion of what is called the Great Israel. Surely, their presence is not out of concern over their interests in the region. ... Their presence has no meaning save one and that is to offer support to the Jews in Palestine who are in need of their Christian brothers to achieve full control over the Arab Peninsula which they intend to make an important part of the so called Greater Israel. ..."


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What Isael can do to save itself -?

Christians you need to wake up !!!


Spitting on Christians in Jerusalem

LOL you are funny indeed , as if the largest problem in the world for Christians is being spat on.

A simple fact of numbers:
There are currently more then 2 million convicted prisoners in the USA.

Now lets say that out of that 2 million,about 1/4 or 500,000 are convicted for violent crimes (assault,rape,murder and such).

About 75% of the USA population are Christians.
That means that out of 500,000 criminals who committed 500,000 crimes at least 75% of the victims are Christians.

That's about 375,000 Christians who was murdered or raped or assaulted by Americans.

So basically while you bitching about isolated incidence of Christians being spat on in Israel , while in your own country Christians are treated much worse.

To make my point a bit stronger , the murder rate in the USA is about 30 per day (I rounded down) that means that about 21 Christians get killed in the USA per day.

So in conclusion:

About 21 Christians are murdered every day in your country,
and you choose to bitch about isolated incidents where Jews are spitting on 21 Christians a year in Israel.

Surly being spat on is much worse of being a victim of murder.

Indeed you are a funny man.
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About 21 Christians are murdered every day in your country,
and you choose to bitch about isolated incidents where Jews are spitting on 21 Christians a year in Israel.

Surly being spat on is much worse of being a victim of murder.

The above was just the number of reported spitting on Christians, not the total sum of them.

They, these Israeli Zionists are racist to the core. :evil:

i hate to say this, but, once all of israel's enemies get nukes (and all eventually will) they will have a hard time surviving. you can battle but for so long with so many countries/people (right or wrong) before it comes back to haunt you. whomever uses a WMD on them will then be attacked by some of the superpowers. it won't be good. it's better for all of our survival that the people in the middle east get along but i don't see it happening.

If the Isarelis want to survive the solution has been before them all along.

Lev 19:34 KJV) But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself ; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.

You don't have to read between the lines to understand the above and yet even today they refuse and I just cannot understand why ?

:)- :eusa_angel:
About 21 Christians are murdered every day in your country,
and you choose to bitch about isolated incidents where Jews are spitting on 21 Christians a year in Israel.

Surly being spat on is much worse of being a victim of murder.

The above was just the number of reported spitting on Christians, not the total sum of them.

They, these Israeli Zionists are racist to the core. :evil:

I will not add anything that will make you look even more stupid then your last comment.
People are getting killed and you bitch about 'the total sum of spitting'.
What Isael can do to save itself -?

Christians you need to wake up !!!


Spitting on Christians in Jerusalem

LOL you are funny indeed , as if the largest problem in the world for Christians is being spat on.

A simple fact of numbers:
There are currently more then 2 million convicted prisoners in the USA.

Now lets say that out of that 2 million,about 1/4 or 500,000 are convicted for violent crimes (assault,rape,murder and such).

About 75% of the USA population are Christians.
That means that out of 500,000 criminals who committed 500,000 crimes at least 75% of the victims are Christians.

That's about 375,000 Christians who was murdered or raped or assaulted by Americans.

So basically while you bitching about isolated incidence of Christians being spat on in Israel , while in your own country Christians are treated much worse.

To make my point a bit stronger , the murder rate in the USA is about 30 per day (I rounded down) that means that about 21 Christians get killed in the USA per day.

So in conclusion:

About 21 Christians are murdered every day in your country,
and you choose to bitch about isolated incidents where Jews are spitting on 21 Christians a year in Israel.

Surly being spat on is much worse of being a victim of murder.

Indeed you are a funny man.

First of all your use of statistics is excellent in that it adds substance to the conversation. And you are right that the issue of spitting is relatively minor when compared to the other problems that our sorry world faces at this point in history.
But before you dismiss it all togeather please respond to this question, what do you think the Jewish World's reaction would be if a group of Catholic Priests were to spit on Jewish Visitors to the Vatican ?
LOL you are funny indeed , as if the largest problem in the world for Christians is being spat on.

A simple fact of numbers:
There are currently more then 2 million convicted prisoners in the USA.

Now lets say that out of that 2 million,about 1/4 or 500,000 are convicted for violent crimes (assault,rape,murder and such).

About 75% of the USA population are Christians.
That means that out of 500,000 criminals who committed 500,000 crimes at least 75% of the victims are Christians.

That's about 375,000 Christians who was murdered or raped or assaulted by Americans.

So basically while you bitching about isolated incidence of Christians being spat on in Israel , while in your own country Christians are treated much worse.

To make my point a bit stronger , the murder rate in the USA is about 30 per day (I rounded down) that means that about 21 Christians get killed in the USA per day.

So in conclusion:

About 21 Christians are murdered every day in your country,
and you choose to bitch about isolated incidents where Jews are spitting on 21 Christians a year in Israel.

Surly being spat on is much worse of being a victim of murder.

Indeed you are a funny man.
First of all your use of statistics is excellent in that it adds substance to the conversation. And you are right that the issue of spitting is relatively minor when compared to the other problems that our sorry world faces at this point in history.
But before you dismiss it all togeather please respond to this question, what do you think the Jewish World's reaction would be if a group of Catholic Priests were to spit on Jewish Visitors to the Vatican ?

Thank you for your response,
It should be noted though that Ultra-Orthodox Jews don't single out Christians, they also spit on non-religious Jews (However this must be making less attractive headlines.).

I don't dismiss the issue, personally I think those people should be jailed or fined, this is no way for civilized people to behave.

What I do totally dismiss is faulty logic and deliberate provocation of hate like the one <toldtocare> is trying to make.
He is screaming "Christians wake up, you should know what happening in Israel".
While his argument is based on faulty logic:​
"There are some Jews spitting on Christians in Israel" thus "All Israelis hate Christians."

About your question
what do you think the Jewish World's reaction would be if a group of Catholic Priests were to spit on Jewish Visitors to the Vatican ?
Like I said before I don't believe that it is OK to spit on other people, doesn't matter if they are Christians or Martians.
You asked how the Jews would react in a similar case ... Well I don't know if this counts as spitting but this is what I found (Those are just a few examples)

July 17, 2009: Queens, New York -- Several mausoleums were damaged and approximately 55 headstones overturned in a Jewish cemetery.

February 21, 2009: Lincoln, Nebraska -- Jewish girl was shot with air-soft gun. Assailants yelled, "Jew girl, we are going to do what the Germans did."

March 6, 2009: Newton, Massachusetts -- A man was hit in the face with a thrown egg while someone yelled, "****."

November 18, 2009: Naples, Florida -- Numerous incidents took place during a "Kick a Jew Day" at a middle school.
2009 Audit of Anti-Semitic Incidents: Anti-Semitic Assaults

The Jewish response to this in Israel was probably a last page story in the daily paper with the headline "Anti-Semitic indecent in the USA".
What else can they do ?
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• http://www.usmessageboard.com/4869927-post1.html
There are a number of verses in the bible that ends with this : “for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.”

If you wondered what the reference to Egypt was but just passed over it there is a link that makes the connection. It is a bit difficult to follow but the Egyptian connection is clear enough.

Here is the link –

Israel God's forbidden place

If you have nothing better to do the above is a good read :)-
NOTtheTalk - Israel v Palestine: who is right? (International)

:confused: :)-
&#8226; http://www.usmessageboard.com/4869927-post1.html
There are a number of verses in the bible that ends with this : &#8220;for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.&#8221;

If you wondered what the reference to Egypt was but just passed over it there is a link that makes the connection. It is a bit difficult to follow but the Egyptian connection is clear enough.

Here is the link &#8211;

Israel God's forbidden place

If you have nothing better to do the above is a good read :)-
NOTtheTalk - Israel v Palestine: who is right? (International)

:confused: :)-

Fortunately intelligent people do not live their lives according to bible verses. Even more fortunately , no one is living their lives according your interpretation of said verses.
(For the cheap seats: Your post have absolutely no meaning in real life.)

The fact you didn't respond to my previous post proves that you have nothing of substance
to say except copy paste the same thing multiple times.
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• http://www.usmessageboard.com/4869927-post1.html
There are a number of verses in the bible that ends with this : “for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.”

If you wondered what the reference to Egypt was but just passed over it there is a link that makes the connection. It is a bit difficult to follow but the Egyptian connection is clear enough.

Here is the link –

Israel God's forbidden place

If you have nothing better to do the above is a good read :)-
NOTtheTalk - Israel v Palestine: who is right? (International)

:confused: :)-

Fortunately intelligent people do not live their lives according to bible verses. Even more fortunately , no one is living their lives according your interpretation of said verses.
(For the cheap seats: Your post have absolutely no meaning in real life.)

The fact you didn't respond to my previous post proves that you have nothing of substance
to say except copy paste the same thing multiple times.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCNRJKhoqQI]Christian Zionism in USA to Protect Israel ? John Hagee Jesuit trained - YouTube[/ame]

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