What Is Your Own Definition of Liberal and Conservative?

Many people are aware of the similarity between the fucking Nazi Swastika and the symbols previously used in other cultures long before the time of Hitler.

And like the English language, the meaning of those symbols is of an evolving nature. This is where the Tea Party showed their ignorance of change, when they labeled themselves "teabaggers", thinking of a long ago meaning. But even they realized that the language had given it a new definition, and like those using the swastica, showed ignorance
I am not the one proudly displaying the Nazi symbol.
Some people refuse to accept change.

No different than being stuck in the 1950's when Chuck Berry Little Richard wrote:

Good Golly Miss Molly, sure like to ball. Good golly, Miss Molly, sure like to ball. When you're rockin' and a rollin', I can't hear your momma call.

And in the next century, in polite company describing how "Miss Molly, sure like to ball"
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You cannot, absolutely cannot, make a definition of a conservative or a liberal by only focusing on US politics.

The definition should reach around the world.

A conservative, according to wikipedia, which usually has the best and most thought out definitions of words says: "a conservative.... seeks to promote and to preserve traditional social institutions."

While Liberals, according to wikipedia: "Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but they generally support individual rights (including civil rights and human rights), democracy, secularism, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion and a market economy."

Now, the thing is that in the US people are quick to say "Republican = conservative, Democrat = liberal". Not necessarily. Many Democrats will not be liberal and many Republicans will not be conservative. They might be more extreme or they might be a mix of liberal and conservative.

The problem is people like their nice neat and tidy boxes in which to place people.
At the end of the day you have to go into one box or the other.
The question posed is rather subjective. Not everyone is going agree on what defines these terms. Just as an example, an issue that may have been a liberal one twenty years ago could be considered a conservative position now.
And like the English language, the meaning of those symbols is of an evolving nature. This is where the Tea Party showed their ignorance of change, when they labeled themselves "teabaggers", thinking of a long ago meaning. But even they realized that the language had given it a new definition, and like those using the swastica, showed ignorance
I believe it was a bunch of liberal twats who gave the Tea Party the handle “tea baggers.”

Anyone who uses the older version of the symbol for religious reasons is absolved of any claim of ignorance. You are merely wrong.
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Neither is he, you idiot. He is ascribing Nazi-like ideology to the Dumbocrap Party. It isn’t a display of pride. It is condemnation.

Yes he is. Whatever his reason might be, he is displaying the Nazi symbol. There is no way around this. He might think he is making some cute little point, but the bottom line is he is proudly displaying the Nazi symbol
Yes he is. Whatever his reason might be, he is displaying the Nazi symbol. There is no way around this. He might think he is making some cute little point, but the bottom line is he is proudly displaying the Nazi symbol
There is a way around your false claim. A flat denial. You remain wrong.

He is condemning the Dumbocrap Party by alleging in that ugly symbolism that they are Nazi-like.

Now, reasonable people may disagree about how appropriate it is to ascribe a Nazi-like political ideology to the Dims. But that’s a different issue for a different discussion.
There is a way around your false claim. A flat denial. You remain wrong.

Does his avatar have the the Nazi symbol in it? Yes or no? If it is yes, then I am not wrong.

He is condemning the Dumbocrap Party by alleging in that ugly symbolism that they are Nazi-like.

That is his intent, but that does not remove the fact he is displaying the Nazi symbol. It would be like a Christian displaying the upside-down cross to make some point about a group. you would never see it done

Now, reasonable people may disagree about how appropriate it is to ascribe a Nazi-like political ideology to the Dims. But that’s a different issue for a different discussion.

I do not care if people ascribe a Nazi-like political ideology to the Dims or the Repubs. I care more about the display of the symbology. New people come on this forum and see up to a half a dozen people with Nazi symbols they will likely not stay
Does his avatar have the the Nazi symbol in it? Yes or no? If it is yes, then I am not wrong.

That is his intent, but that does not remove the fact he is displaying the Nazi symbol. It would be like a Christian displaying the upside-down cross to make some point about a group. you would never see it done

I do not care if people ascribe a Nazi-like political ideology to the Dims or the Repubs. I care more about the display of the symbology. New people come on this forum and see up to a half a dozen people with Nazi symbols they will likely not stay
His avatar does have the swastika in it. And yet, you are in fact completely wrong for the reasons I already noted.
After somebody else asked me this question it got me thinking that it was a pretty good question. Here's my answer to it and I'm going to make it short and sweet. A conservative wants and stands for America to be like it's supposed to be,.. a free country. While a liberal wants completely the opposite.
Todays American Liberals ae not actual Liberals at all anymore. The Left is controlled by Marxists.

As for Conservatives, it is very simple: We believe is fidelity to the constitution and its original intent, limited government, maximum liberty, and traditional ethics and morals.

Mark Levin does the a great job at explaining conservatism if you find any lectures by him are serious papers or books by him.

Yep, liberals are people tolerant of others and open to new ideas. Liberals want you to do whatever you want as long as you don't infringe on our rights.

The term "liberal" doesn't reflect Democrats in any possible way. Democrats are authoritarian leftists, there is nothing liberal about them
His avatar does have the swastika in it. And yet, you are in fact completely wrong for the reasons I already noted.

The intent changes nothing. If I go off on a racist rant to condemn someone's racism...guess what it still is not right.
So far the only racism I see in this thread is coming from you by accusing people of being Nazis.

Well, first Nazi is not a race and second, I call people with the swastika in their avatars Nazis, since that is the symbol of the Nazis.

If you were a SLU fan and had their symbol as your avatar I would call you a Billiken.

This is not really complicated

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