What is the best conservative news site

I prefer National Review..........

My go to sources.....

-Daily Wire
-Legal Insurrection
-The Federalist
-American Thinker

Favorite Podcasts

I listen to the Derek Hunter Podcast Daily( I think he is the best conservative commentator since Rush passed away)

I listen to the Andrew Klavan podcast each week

I read John Nolte at Breitbart for film reviews and entertainment news.....
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I used to read britebart and Newsmax....they have too much advertisements and if you have a ad block they will not let you read their articles

I sometimes read drudge just to get the liberal side of things....whatever happened to matt drudge?
I used to read britebart and Newsmax....they have too much advertisements and if you have a ad block they will not let you read their articles

I sometimes read drudge just to get the liberal side of things....whatever happened to matt drudge?

I read John Nolte at Breitbart for entertainment news.....in particular the destruction of Disney.......and movie reviews.....
It's a whole lot easier to point out biased liberal news sites like ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, PBS, NPR, the NYT, the Guardian, Politico Rolling Stone and dozens of blogs like Huffington which are fueled by Soros Media Matters.
I prefer National Review..........
Actual information doesn't have a political bias.

I quit watching any "news" on TV back in 2015 when Morning Joe, a show I respected for its balanced approach spent 2 months sucking up to Trump.

I don't read opinion pieces or watch/listen to online podcasts.

I don't want someone else's opinion. If they have verifiable facts to provide, great, but I don't need anyone twisting information to fit a certain perspective.

I read news from many aggregators.

When I want live news (say like live election results) I will go to CNN because they're news operation is the largest and most reaching. But when the part comes on where they tell me what I'm supposed to think about the news I turn it off.

I also don't seek out sources that confirm my bias'. My opinions are my own and come from the perspective of "what's the best solution" as opposed to "the Conservative" or "Progressive" or "DEM/REP" viewpoint.

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