What is the Absolutely Stupidest Thing Said by Maxine Waters?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
She has some real beauties, so I cant decide.

California Stupid - Maxine Waters - It must be the water - Staging Sparta Report

Oil Companies: “Guess what this liberal would be all about? This liberal would be about socializing … uh, umm. … Would be about, basically, taking over, and the government running all of your companies.”

The GSE’s: “We do not have a crisis at Freddie Mac, and particularly Fannie Mae, under the outstanding leadership of Frank Raines.”

Rodney King Riots: “If you call it a riot, it sounds like it was just a bunch of crazy people who went out and did bad things for no reason. I maintain it was somewhat understandable, if not acceptable. So I call it a rebellion.”

On Impeachment: “If we discover that Donald Trump or his advocates played a role to help provide strategy — if they’re the ones who came up with ‘Crooked Hillary,’ if they’re the ones who came up with, ‘she’s ill, something’s wrong with her energy,’ and the way that he basically described her during the campaign — I think that is something that would put the question squarely on the table whether or not he should be impeached.”

Abortion: “I have to march because my mother could not have an abortion.” Best reason ever for legalizing abortions.

Sequestration:”If sequestration takes place, that’s going to be a great setback. We don’t need to be having something like sequestration that’s going to cause these job losses — over 170 million jobs that could be lost,”….uhh, only 136 million employed at the time.

Maxine Waters Is Funny!

According to discoverthenetworks.com, “Waters has traveled several times to Cuba, where she praised dictator Fidel Castro and called for an end to the U.S. trade embargo against the Castro government.” and “On September 9, 2000, Waters was among the many people who greeted and honored Castro during his visit to Harlem’s Riverside Church.”

And for a bit of comic relief: Rep. Waters has also accused the CIA of selling crack cocaine in black neighborhoods: “It doesn’t matter whether [the CIA] delivered the kilo of cocaine themselves or turned their back on it to let somebody else do it. They’re guilty just the same.”

And this anecdote about the longtime member of the Congressional Black Caucus is an absolute hoot:

“In 1998 Waters voted in favor of a measure calling on Castro to turn over (to U.S. authorities) a female fugitive named Assata Olugbala Shakur, who had received refugee status in Havana after escaping in November 1979 from a U.S. prison — where she had been serving a life sentence for her 1973 execution-style murder of a New Jersey state trooper. After having cast the aforementioned vote, Waters learned that Shakur was actually the former Black Panther Joanne Chesimard, who had taken a new name in the early 1970s. Once Waters was aware of the fugitive’s actual identity, the congresswoman penned a letter of apology to Castro and urged the Cuban dictator to continue safeguarding the convicted killer — because the latter [had] been ‘persecuted for her civil-rights work’ in the United States.”​

What On Earth?: Top 10 Outrageous Maxine Waters Quotes

4. Outrageous flag-waving: After the health care bill was signed in April 2010, Waters denounced flag-waving at a Tea Party rally. “I was amazed. I really was. I didn’t say anything to anybody. I just watched—the Republicans were out there—they were having a great time. They were laughing, they were waving the American flag, they were egging them on, and I thought that was outrageous behavior. I really did.”...

7. White power: Racial politics are always front and center for Waters, as evidenced by this quotation from a 1993 interview with the Los Angeles Times: “Policy, for the most part, has been made by white people in America, not by people of color. And they have tended to take care of those things that they think are important. Whether it’s their agricultural subsidies, or other kinds of expenditures that are certainly not expenditures for poor people or for people of color. And so we have to band together and keep fighting back.”​

Wow, just wowee!
She needs to be squished into a lil bitty cage and thrown into the back of a cave somewhere at earths end
Within a year maxime and pelosi will be sitting in the 'sunroom' shitting themselves and having little filipina girls wipe their asses.
But not before pelosi attacks the current president bush first and maxime leads putin's troops into N.Korea.
Bitch is flat out crazy....
She doesn't top this one though...


I'm embarrassed that she's from Houston.
It's just nuts how stupid the reps from inner cities are.

Just a reflection of her constituents.

God what an imbecile.....
Bitch is flat out crazy....

She is a wily, clever, calculating, whining, bitching and despicable politically correct sub human who knows that she is immune to criticism because of her gender and her race.
She's not immune to it, we dish it. She's immune to the repercussions of it because the people she represents are clueless morons with the IQ of a bunch of 5th graders

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