What Is Racism?

Defining Racism Beyond its Dictionary Meaning​

By Nicki Lisa Cole, Ph.D.​

Updated July 14, 2019

Racism refers to a variety of practices, beliefs, social relations, and phenomena that work to reproduce a racial hierarchy and social structure that yield superiority, power, and privilege for some, and discrimination and oppression for others. It can take several forms, including representational, ideological, discursive, interactional, institutional, structural, and systemic.

Racism exists when ideas and assumptions about racial categories are used to justify and reproduce a racial hierarchy and racially structured society that unjustly limits access to resources, rights, and privileges on the basis of race. Racism also occurs when this kind of unjust social structure is produced by the failure to account for race and its historical and contemporary roles in society.

Contrary to a dictionary definition, racism, as defined based on social science research and theory, is about much more than race-based prejudice—it exists when an imbalance in power and social status is generated by how we understand and act upon race.

So lets look at some truths.

People will say that everybody is racist or can have racist thoughts. This comment has been used by some to dissmiss the continuing practice of racism by law and policy in America. So while everybody can have racist thoughts not everybody codified such thought into law and policy. Only one group did that, whites. Now is this racist or truth? To say this does not mean all whites are blamed for this, but we have allowed some low lifes to hijack the conversation and they have conflated any comment reflecting upon racism into a racial attack on everybody white who has ever lived.

When the topic of race is presented we get the not all whites comment being hollered generally from the right. The problem with that diversion is that we do not have the name of every white person responsible for acts of racism or the implementation of racist law or policy by federal, state and local governments, courts or private businesses. While all whites have not practiced racism, the system was created to provide racial preference to all whites. While all whites are not racists, there is a subculture in the white community that is.

This is reality. Now you can name all the black racists you want but there ain't no black Paul Gosars, Margaret Greenes, Madison Cawthorns or Kris Kobachs. You do not see one member of the Nation of Islam making laws. There was no member of the NBPP who served as Obamas top advisor.

So let's be real about this and face the truth.

Funny, I thought you'd just have a picture of white people.
Paul, IM2, Newsvine what's her name, do not speak for most of the Blacks. Most that I know, and, or met through the years
are regular people just like the rest of us, that is the mainstream of Americans
These on here that are stirring the embers are either race baiters or wannabe activists.
No, they don't. But they do for enough for the shit to happen like what went on at Nordstroms, Ferguson, Chicago, Detroit, etc. They influence those JUST LIKE THEM, unfortunately, and the ones paying the price of their Angry Black Folks mentality are hispanics, asians and whites.
Oh...and blacks that speak AGAINST their violent mentality. They are not exempt either. They are "uncle toms".

Violent. Violence. That is all they know.
You don't know shit and you are proving it you racist fuck.
I know them, I've talked to them, and I've even worked for them, Now fuck off you racist piece of shit.
You have never had a serious converation about race with anyone black. You couldn't have if you really believe what you do. I happen to be black, and know what black people think. I don't have to imagine, guess or lie to myself about things in order to deny. You won't get an honest conversation about race at work. Because if blacks spoke to you honestly they would get fired.

Go in here and tell these black folks your expert opinion.
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No, they don't. But they do for enough for the shit to happen like what went on at Nordstroms, Ferguson, Chicago, Detroit, etc. They influence those JUST LIKE THEM, unfortunately, and the ones paying the price of their Angry Black Folks mentality are hispanics, asians and whites.
You are truly delusional.

If we are angry we have the right to be. You scrubs were mad about some shit you made up and attacked the capital.
Oh...and blacks that speak AGAINST their violent mentality. They are not exempt either. They are "uncle toms".

Violent. Violence. That is all they know.
Whites have killed millions and you say violence is all WE know?

Blacks who are called uncle toms are the sorry ass, self hating, internalized racism afflicted, white wannabes who repeat the same racist crap you do.

You have not seen me or other blacks consistently threaten civil war, race war, or cheer for blacks killing whites like you no good preces of trash have done. All you know is violence and you try blaming everybody but yourselves for the dysfunctional nation your white racism has created.
IM2 is not only one of the Angry Black Men, he is mentally ill I think. Nobody can be as stupid/blind/violent as he is and not have something wrong with his brain.
I just thought of a new term that describes this phenomenon of Black people pretending that all is well in the Inner Cities.

Blacks aren't in denial, you are. I told you what the problem is but of course I can't know what the problem is, after all I'm black and lived in the inner city for more than half my life. I can't know more about the problem than a white boy who lives in the suburb clicking links.
IM2 is not only one of the Angry Black Men, he is mentally ill I think. Nobody can be as stupid/blind/violent as he is and not have something wrong with his brain.
No, you are the one with the mental problem. It is apparent that you sufffer from psychosis. You have no factual rebuttal for the facts I present. You're just running your mouth because you know other racists will join you.
NewsVine_Mariyam Blah blah blah. You sound like IM2 embarking on discourse of deflection because you know I'm right and you refuse to admit you are wrong. Why do ignore the horrible murders of Serenity, Demtrius, P.J. and the countless other innocent Black kids who have been murdered in drug gang cross fire? As long as people like you and IM2 and Paul Essian etc IGNORE the carnage that has been happening to your people for 50 years it will continue for another 50 years. It is sad that an old White guy has to be the advocate for these kids but I will keep doing it. No one else is, certainly not you.

You aren't advocating for anything. 10 times more blacks die from high blood pressure because of what we have to hold in when we face the ignorance of white people like you. All you're doing is race baiting.

Tell white banks to invest in ideas from black entrepreurs with the money blacks put in the bank, tell city governments to give black entrpreneurs tax abatements and TIFFS so they can grow businesses that will create jobs and you will watch the reduction of drug sales and the crime that goes with it.

Because no daddy at home ain't the answer.
You have never had a serious converation about race with anyone black. You couldn't have if you really believe what you do. I happen to be black, and know what black people think. I don't have to imagine, guess or lie to myself about things in order to deny. You won't get an honest conversation about race at work. Because if blacks spoke to you honestly they would get fired.

Go in here and tell these black folks your expert opinion.
Next time you link another forum on this site, it won't be a friendly reminder, IM2
You have never had a serious converation about race with anyone black. You couldn't have if you really believe what you do. I happen to be black, and know what black people think. I don't have to imagine, guess or lie to myself about things in order to deny. You won't get an honest conversation about race at work. Because if blacks spoke to you honestly they would get fired.

Go in here and tell these black folks your expert opinion.
Again you don't know shit, racist. We have talked about racism, but, they aren't all batshit crazy like
your sorry ass. But again, they're educated. Also, they aren't racist.
It really has to suck being you.
I love this scene so much. White reporter tries to be slick with 14 year old Venus Williams. Thought she was too over-confident

Just watch how the white reporter WIMPED out when Richard Williams came in to put him in place.

This is why the movie was made. For those who don't know the price paid by Black American fathers in this country. Without this man those girls could have been food. Like so many Black wunderkinds before them..

But the white reporter was right I guess. Those williams sisters didn't do anything in Tennis and there confidence was miss placed (sarcasm)
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No, you are the one with the mental problem. It is apparent that you sufffer from psychosis. You have no factual rebuttal for the facts I present. You're just running your mouth because you know other racists will join you.
You don't have the mentality or brains to write your own rebuttals. You have to plagarize what someone else says, then you expect me to debate it. As if you would understand, which you wouldn't. That red haze and bloodlust against whities is too strong to reach you. So...I'll continue to run my mouth and you can continue to scour the internet for another post that didn't come from your brain and I will laugh at you some more.
I love this scene so much. White reporter tries to be slick with 14 year old Venus Williams. Thought she was too over-confident

Just watch how the white reporter WIMPED out when Richard Williams came in to put him in place.

But the white reporter was right I guess. Those williams sisters didn't do anything in Tennis and there confidence was miss placed (sarcasm)

Their, not there. No sarcasm. Just fact.
I love this scene so much. White reporter tries to be slick with 14 year old Venus Williams. Thought she was too over-confident

Just watch how the white reporter WIMPED out when Richard Williams came in to put him in place.

But the white reporter was right I guess. Those williams sisters didn't do anything in Tennis and there confidence was miss placed (sarcasm)

Both sister are/were fantastic tennis players. I do remember Venus's first win, and her racial remark after that win
in front of reporters.
I do believe it was because of that, that the major endorsements went to her sister Serena.
Oh...and blacks that speak AGAINST their violent mentality. They are not exempt either. They are "uncle toms".

Violent. Violence. That is all they know.
Are black people more violent than white people ?
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Both sister are/were fantastic tennis players. I do remember Venus's first win, and her racial remark after that win
in front of reporters.
I do believe it was because of that, that the major endorsements went to her sister Serena.
Serena was a better player than Venus and Serena got hardly any endorsements.
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