What in the hell is wrong with people?

Do you think liberals prefer the ACA to single payer? Where did the idea for the ACA come from? Does the ACA represent a form of compromise on the part of liberals?

Are you aware that some USMB cons are rooting for Vladimir Putin to win a battle of wills against president Obama? Do you think any liberals are doing that?

Do you know that the government shutdown cost us 24 billion dollars and was nothing but a conservative temper tantrum? Or...do you think it was a liberal strategy?

Honestly dude.....you are living in upside-down backward land. Your conservative elected officials have publicly decried compromise and have stated their objective to oppose the president on every measure.

What is wrong with these people...........exactly.
Torn between two commies.

Hey Boss, did you read that above response from your buddy SJ? It's like; WTF?
That is what passes for "intelligent" Republican response on this board. You good with that? Or do you want a "higher" level of discourse?

Oh.....without question. Boss wants a higher level of discourse. That's why he suggested that the Guatemalan kids have been given "Obama phones". Boss despises canned talking points and overblown rhetoric. He just wants to know what is wrong with liberals. That's all.
Torn between two commies.

Hey Boss, did you read that above response from your buddy SJ? It's like; WTF?
That is what passes for "intelligent" Republican response on this board. You good with that? Or do you want a "higher" level of discourse?

Oh.....without question. Boss wants a higher level of discourse. That's why he suggested that the Guatemalan kids have been given "Obama phones". Boss despises canned talking points and overblown rhetoric. He just wants to know what is wrong with liberals. That's all.

I am really starting to get upset that I didn't get my Obama phone. WTF? According to those repubs on here, EVERYBODY gets an Obama phone. But me. And them.

Did I whine good? Have you noticed the amount of whining, blaming and outright crying that goes on here by the Republicans? Everybody is out to get them. Everybody mis understands them, all the power's that be don't like them. Sometimes I think I am participating on a message board filled with a bunch of whiny 10 year olds that missed nappy time. Man up you Republicans. Grab your bootstraps and quit crying.

Then there are those who suffer from Obama Derangement Syndrome. They've got it much harder than anyone else. They not only have to do all the whining and crying but then they have to blame EVERYTHING on Obama. Takes a lot of mental gymnastics to do that.

Other than those points, I just can't figure out wtf is wrong with these Republicans.
Hey Boss, did you read that above response from your buddy SJ? It's like; WTF?
That is what passes for "intelligent" Republican response on this board. You good with that? Or do you want a "higher" level of discourse?

Oh.....without question. Boss wants a higher level of discourse. That's why he suggested that the Guatemalan kids have been given "Obama phones". Boss despises canned talking points and overblown rhetoric. He just wants to know what is wrong with liberals. That's all.

I am really starting to get upset that I didn't get my Obama phone. WTF? According to those repubs on here, EVERYBODY gets an Obama phone. But me. And them.

Did I whine good? Have you noticed the amount of whining, blaming and outright crying that goes on here by the Republicans? Everybody is out to get them. Everybody mis understands them, all the power's that be don't like them. Sometimes I think I am participating on a message board filled with a bunch of whiny 10 year olds that missed nappy time. Man up you Republicans. Grab your bootstraps and quit crying.

Then there are those who suffer from Obama Derangement Syndrome. They've got it much harder than anyone else. They not only have to do all the whining and crying but then they have to blame EVERYTHING on Obama. Takes a lot of mental gymnastics to do that.

Other than those points, I just can't figure out wtf is wrong with these Republicans.
Okay, I realize this runs the risk of being bumped over to the Flame Zone board, but I am genuinely not intending to flame here. I think this is a legitimate topic of discussion amongst the non-crazy people in society. Every day, I am confronted with yet another liberal who seems to have completely lost their mind. At first, I thought it was just a simple difference in ideology, which is normally a good thing in political discourse, you need another side to certain arguments, it is a healthy thing for society to have contrasting viewpoints.

I started noticing during the Bush years, the rhetoric from the left became more shrill and harsh, the resentfulness and hostility was thick, and I chalked it all up to Bush just not being their cup of tea. Many on the left were still angry over what happened to Clinton, so I figured okay, turn about is fair play, Bush is going to be the scapegoat for all this angst. And of course, they railed on Bush and are still railing on Bush, but this goes even deeper.

It has now become outright ridiculous. Almost 6 years into the Obama presidency, and arguably the worst performance of a president in modern history with one failure on top of another as far as they eye can see. Scandals unfolding on a daily basis, and not just little meaningless ones, really big ones... impeachable ones, as a matter of fact. The economy is still in the crapper, jobs are still virtually non-existent, despite all the fluff and propaganda being fed to us daily. But still, I can rationalize that left-wing liberals are still standing by their guy because that's who brought them to the dance. Fair enough, Bush had avid supporters who loved everything he did and still do. This goes deeper.

We can go through a host of issues, it doesn't really matter what they are... Illegal immigration, voter IDs, gay marriage, global warming... whatever it is, the left has their talking points ready and are prepared to do battle. But it's not just these issues, it's the level at which they absolutely refuse to acknowledge any other viewpoint and just automatically reject anything the right has to say... on ANYTHING. Doesn't matter! If the political right came out tomorrow in favor of fuzzy puppies and fluffy kittens, the left would launch an anti-fuzzy puppy and fluffy kitten campaign, charging that the right were racist bigots who were out of touch with mainstream Americans.

I realized the level at which this has reached today, as I was discussing the Israeli mobilization on Gaza with a liberal friend. He says... "What right does Israel have to exist?" Now, this person has always been liberal, but I've always respected the arguments they made and felt like they articulated some valid points, even when I didn't agree with them. But this just blew me away. I couldn't believe he said that. Then I notice that he and several other liberals were posting all these videos put out by Al Jazeera, showing the civilian casualties and whatnot.

Then I come here and there is a debate about voter ID and some liberal is saying "you just don't want the poor to vote!" Like the poor are somehow suddenly unable to show identification to prove who they are, even though they must've shown ID to get food stamps, Medicaid, WIC, AFDC, EIC, and all other government subsidies. In another thread, some liberal is whining about the greedy corporations getting rich off the bailouts and stimulus that OBAMA DEMANDED!

All over my facebook, there are my liberal friends posting cartoons which depict the Mayflower arriving to the shores of America and the Native American's watching... the meme is about how they look like "illegal immigrants" to them! Each day, I see images of literally thousands of illegals climbing the fences into America and nothing being done to stop it... in fact, we're sending them aid! Hell, they're probably getting Obama phones and food stamps by now!

What in the hell is wrong with people, have they just lost their goddamn minds? Has one political faction in this country gone completely insane? Because that is how it seems to me, and I don't know why. It's not simply politics, it's mentally disturbing. It's as if the left is poised to take a counter position to rationality in any form. The more off-the-rails the better! And it's not just a handful of nutters, it's the whole entire left wing. It's not just a little bit of stupid, it's complete ignorance of anything approaching common sense reasoning. They don't even bother debating anymore, they just blurt out something sublimely ignorant and start hurling names at republicans and "teabaggers!"

Is this something in the water they're drinking? Hormones in the meat? Have radical Islamists contaminated our food supply? Are they under some kind of hypnotic spell? Minds being controlled by aliens? What in the hell is wrong with people??? :eusa_shifty:

It's the Left that's become more shrill?

Holy fuck, you're a bigger fool than I thought, and you weren't doing that well in my previous thoughts.
Hey, I can live with the fact that left and right disagree on some social beliefs, but this is WAY beyond that. It's like there is some kind of mantra instilled in them to oppose anything said by the right, regardless of what it is or how much sense it makes. No compromise, no discussion, no negotiation, no debate... just straight up NO... you're a rightie, therefore we oppose anything you say. It doesn't even seem to matter if the right moderates to their side on an issue... still it's NO! Not going to budge, not going to agree with you, on general principle.

On every issue that comes down the pike... it can be anything... a freaking trial in Florida or something... doesn't matter... they wait to see what position most on the right are going to take, then oppose it. It doesn't matter if it's right or wrong or even if it contradicts their own stated principles. If the right is for something, they have to be opposed. If they have to support radical Islamic terrorists to oppose the right... FINE! If they have to destroy every freedom we have in America... FINE! If they have to dissolve our borders and create chaos in the border cities having to deal with the influx of illegals, so be it! They don't care, they are going to oppose the right on whatever. Nothing seems to matter more to the left than simply bowing up and refusing to listen to the right on anything or find any way to get along.

The whole problem here is that you want to downplay the absolute disaster Bush's presidency was and shrilly harp that we have "illegals".

The Crash of 2008.

Bush pretty much fucked up everything, is there a good reason to listen to the right on any subject?
Yeah, and Obama doubled-down on Bush.

I don't see anything Obama did that is as bad as the Iraq War. Or the fouled up response to Katrina. Or the 2008 Crash.

Has Obama made mistakes? Yup.

Is he still a damned sight better than Bush. Yup.
Oh.....without question. Boss wants a higher level of discourse. That's why he suggested that the Guatemalan kids have been given "Obama phones". Boss despises canned talking points and overblown rhetoric. He just wants to know what is wrong with liberals. That's all.

I am really starting to get upset that I didn't get my Obama phone. WTF? According to those repubs on here, EVERYBODY gets an Obama phone. But me. And them.

Did I whine good? Have you noticed the amount of whining, blaming and outright crying that goes on here by the Republicans? Everybody is out to get them. Everybody mis understands them, all the power's that be don't like them. Sometimes I think I am participating on a message board filled with a bunch of whiny 10 year olds that missed nappy time. Man up you Republicans. Grab your bootstraps and quit crying.

Then there are those who suffer from Obama Derangement Syndrome. They've got it much harder than anyone else. They not only have to do all the whining and crying but then they have to blame EVERYTHING on Obama. Takes a lot of mental gymnastics to do that.

Other than those points, I just can't figure out wtf is wrong with these Republicans.

Hey Boss, is this some MORE of that well thought out, well presented argument that you Repubs on the message board are known for? WOW. Who could resist that persuasive argument. LMAO.

Might work better for the Repubs if they would learn what IMO means. Instead of stating bullshit as some sort of fact, you all could start out with IMO. Then we would know to scroll on by.
Hey Boss, did you read that above response from your buddy SJ? It's like; WTF?
That is what passes for "intelligent" Republican response on this board. You good with that? Or do you want a "higher" level of discourse?

Oh.....without question. Boss wants a higher level of discourse. That's why he suggested that the Guatemalan kids have been given "Obama phones". Boss despises canned talking points and overblown rhetoric. He just wants to know what is wrong with liberals. That's all.

I am really starting to get upset that I didn't get my Obama phone. WTF? According to those repubs on here, EVERYBODY gets an Obama phone. But me. And them.

Did I whine good? Have you noticed the amount of whining, blaming and outright crying that goes on here by the Republicans? Everybody is out to get them. Everybody mis understands them, all the power's that be don't like them. Sometimes I think I am participating on a message board filled with a bunch of whiny 10 year olds that missed nappy time. Man up you Republicans. Grab your bootstraps and quit crying.

Then there are those who suffer from Obama Derangement Syndrome. They've got it much harder than anyone else. They not only have to do all the whining and crying but then they have to blame EVERYTHING on Obama. Takes a lot of mental gymnastics to do that.

Other than those points, I just can't figure out wtf is wrong with these Republicans.

The only thing that USMB nutters like doing more than whining is telling liberals what it is like to be a liberal.
Fund science, r&d and education. Anyone that is opposed to this is a fucking traitor for harming this country!

I'm all for those things. How to go about is where we'll probably differ.
Science and RD should be handled in the private sector and colleges who by the way are funded by and work closely with the private sector to develop new tech. Profit is a major incentive to get things done.

Schools get plenty of money. Hell,here in Texas we have the Robin Hood tax plan where they take money from wealthy districts and give to the poor one's.

Our education system is being run by left wing kooks. Fix that and were good.
Okay, I realize this runs the risk of being bumped over to the Flame Zone board, but I am genuinely not intending to flame here. I think this is a legitimate topic of discussion amongst the non-crazy people in society. Every day, I am confronted with yet another liberal who seems to have completely lost their mind.


and after you define what a 'liberal' is you will be exposed. why? because your caricature is one force fed by right wing media that demands a polarized society -- with us or against us -- conservative or liberal


I can tell who a liberal is just by stating ANY position as a right wing conservative. As a right wing conservative, I think we should all support fuzzy kittens! ...Now let's wait for a liberal to jump on that and tell me why I am a racist who is out of touch with mainstream Americans!

You are and always have been out of touch with mainstream Americans because you state everything in terms of black and white, liberal and conservative.
Boss hit the nail on the head. The left has lost all ability to think. They just take their orders from their masters and go out there, like programmed robots and spew forth the talking points given to them. I'm beginning to think there really IS some kind of kool aid being served.

I agree. The left appears to have gone bat shit crazy.
No matter how damning the evidence or how damaging to America they follow in lockstep.
I'm not giving the Republicans or Bush a pass by any means. The passing of the PA being his worst offense(that we know of).
But dems have taken it to a whole new level,they cry about unemployment and wage stagnation yet want to flood our country with illegals.
The whole Lois Lerner thing...Jesus Christ how much evidence do you need!!!

I could go on but I dont feel up to writing a novel...
The whole problem here is that you want to downplay the absolute disaster Bush's presidency was and shrilly harp that we have "illegals".

The Crash of 2008.

Bush pretty much fucked up everything, is there a good reason to listen to the right on any subject?
Yeah, and Obama doubled-down on Bush.

I don't see anything Obama did that is as bad as the Iraq War. Or the fouled up response to Katrina. Or the 2008 Crash.

Has Obama made mistakes? Yup.

Is he still a damned sight better than Bush. Yup.

Well yeah!! If you're into socialism and the nanny state you're happy as a pig in shit.
Hey, I can live with the fact that left and right disagree on some social beliefs, but this is WAY beyond that. It's like there is some kind of mantra instilled in them to oppose anything said by the right, regardless of what it is or how much sense it makes. No compromise, no discussion, no negotiation, no debate... just straight up NO... you're a rightie, therefore we oppose anything you say. It doesn't even seem to matter if the right moderates to their side on an issue... still it's NO! Not going to budge, not going to agree with you, on general principle.

On every issue that comes down the pike... it can be anything... a freaking trial in Florida or something... doesn't matter... they wait to see what position most on the right are going to take, then oppose it. It doesn't matter if it's right or wrong or even if it contradicts their own stated principles. If the right is for something, they have to be opposed. If they have to support radical Islamic terrorists to oppose the right... FINE! If they have to destroy every freedom we have in America... FINE! If they have to dissolve our borders and create chaos in the border cities having to deal with the influx of illegals, so be it! They don't care, they are going to oppose the right on whatever. Nothing seems to matter more to the left than simply bowing up and refusing to listen to the right on anything or find any way to get along.

The whole problem here is that you want to downplay the absolute disaster Bush's presidency was and shrilly harp that we have "illegals".

The Crash of 2008.

Bush pretty much fucked up everything, is there a good reason to listen to the right on any subject?
Yeah, and Obama doubled-down on Bush.

Obama invaded two countries based on faulty intelligence?
The Left went insane when the court ruled that Bush won and not Gore.

They have been at war with the right ever since.
Yeah, and Obama doubled-down on Bush.

I don't see anything Obama did that is as bad as the Iraq War. Or the fouled up response to Katrina. Or the 2008 Crash.

Has Obama made mistakes? Yup.

Is he still a damned sight better than Bush. Yup.

Well yeah!! If you're into socialism and the nanny state you're happy as a pig in shit.

Yea, I love the state run industry now...the national oil company and the way that everyone makes the same in wages and benefits...I do miss my private property...
Oh.....without question. Boss wants a higher level of discourse. That's why he suggested that the Guatemalan kids have been given "Obama phones". Boss despises canned talking points and overblown rhetoric. He just wants to know what is wrong with liberals. That's all.

I am really starting to get upset that I didn't get my Obama phone. WTF? According to those repubs on here, EVERYBODY gets an Obama phone. But me. And them.

Did I whine good? Have you noticed the amount of whining, blaming and outright crying that goes on here by the Republicans? Everybody is out to get them. Everybody mis understands them, all the power's that be don't like them. Sometimes I think I am participating on a message board filled with a bunch of whiny 10 year olds that missed nappy time. Man up you Republicans. Grab your bootstraps and quit crying.

Then there are those who suffer from Obama Derangement Syndrome. They've got it much harder than anyone else. They not only have to do all the whining and crying but then they have to blame EVERYTHING on Obama. Takes a lot of mental gymnastics to do that.

Other than those points, I just can't figure out wtf is wrong with these Republicans.

And right on cue, one of USMB's best representatives of modern American conservatism shows up to prove my point.
I am really starting to get upset that I didn't get my Obama phone. WTF? According to those repubs on here, EVERYBODY gets an Obama phone. But me. And them.

Did I whine good? Have you noticed the amount of whining, blaming and outright crying that goes on here by the Republicans? Everybody is out to get them. Everybody mis understands them, all the power's that be don't like them. Sometimes I think I am participating on a message board filled with a bunch of whiny 10 year olds that missed nappy time. Man up you Republicans. Grab your bootstraps and quit crying.

Then there are those who suffer from Obama Derangement Syndrome. They've got it much harder than anyone else. They not only have to do all the whining and crying but then they have to blame EVERYTHING on Obama. Takes a lot of mental gymnastics to do that.

Other than those points, I just can't figure out wtf is wrong with these Republicans.

And right on cue, one of USMB's best representatives of modern American conservatism shows up to prove my point.

WHO NEEDS ENEMIES??? we got obama!!
The OP is hilarious because if you replace "liberal" with "conservative and "Bush" with "Obama" I think most Democrats would agree with his post.

But then it would be a bold-faced lie rather than the absolute truth.

The left can always access ThinkProgress or some other Soros propaganda arm to get examples of obscure so-called rightwingers acting terribly, but all we have to do is watch Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and other Democrats and we can witness prime examples of the worst character traits of the left.

Course a story about Melvin Schmuckwad cancels out everything. Melvin, who happens to be a Republican living in Fucknuts Arkansas and isn't it just terrible the way he treated illegals, or gays, or women in general, says he's a Teabagger and hates fuzzy little puppies. He speaks for every teabagger in America, even though none of us knew who this dipshit was before the left produced this story, and none of us agree with this prick in the first place.

What you're decrying here, rightfully, is the idea of blanket generalizations. That's always fallacious.

--- which is exactly what the OP in its drunken stupor and all his followups did about 142 times so... take a number. :eusa_hand:
Last edited:
Boss hit the nail on the head. The left has lost all ability to think. They just take their orders from their masters and go out there, like programmed robots and spew forth the talking points given to them. I'm beginning to think there really IS some kind of kool aid being served.

I agree. The left appears to have gone bat shit crazy.
No matter how damning the evidence or how damaging to America they follow in lockstep.
I'm not giving the Republicans or Bush a pass by any means. The passing of the PA being his worst offense(that we know of).
But dems have taken it to a whole new level,they cry about unemployment and wage stagnation yet want to flood our country with illegals.
The whole Lois Lerner thing...Jesus Christ how much evidence do you need!!!

I could go on but I dont feel up to writing a novel...

The whole Lois Lerner thing?

Evidence of what? What are you certain that she did?
I wondered for years how on earth did Hitler or Stalin or Mao come to wield such absolute power. I've found my answer witnessing the "new left" and their utter devotion to a leader and they walk in lock step with the ideaology never waivering, never questioning.

Progressives aren't liberals at all. They are pro government in your face control freaks but who pretend to be liberal.

One of the most disturbing trends of late is the "get Congress out of the way and let Obama do his job" talking point.

It's jaw dropping unreal because left wing whackos genuinely believe that Obama should rule by EO.

So I've found my answer to an old question and it's most disturbing to say the least.

ETA: i am not saying Obama is Hitler, Stalin or Mao. Just wanted to be perfectly clear. It's the devotees, the rabid followers of any "leader" that disturbingly are willing to give said leader/government the power of complete control over their lives.

Progressives fit the bill. And I do differentiate between Progressives and true classical liberals.

Progressives are powerless without their media suckups and their hate-filled followers. They couldn't do a thing without the useful idiots they use like pawns in a game of chess.

The key always seems to be, what is the most silly idea we can imagine, and the left will support it. Of course if you don't support it too you're a racist, or a homophobe, or a teabagger. Progressivism is totally consumed with identity-politics.

Yeah, I don't know how anyone could confuse you with being a racist...

Oh wait...I remember...

Guns Aren't The Threat, Blacks w. or without Guns Are

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