What if the polls are wrong again?

and how did we go from a 4 point lead back to about 10 in 12 hours? Guess NBC is in panic mode

A) all polls are all outliers all of the time

B) To correct for errors take only identical polling companies doing the same poll. Then and only then can you compare trendlines and have a bad idea as opposed to an awful idea of what's going on.
Don’t breathe a sigh of relief just yet—polls have been consistently wrong

Wow...I didn't realize they had gotten so many wrong....interesting article.
y would we breathe clinton will b way worse than trump so lets PRAY the polls are wrong which is almost certain. bc there are people who have been pushed to the side for years now but we refuse to sit back while these gays n politically correct idiots try to take over its time to push back. this country was built on chritian faith thats why it says in god we trust but we continue to play to muslims n gays like their opinions are more important i know some idiots gonna reply were suppose to love everyone yes true but doesnt mean we have to let there opinions affect our decision
making at this rate we might as well set the whole county on fire because we are going to hell letting these gay lovers run our country the whole political correct movement is garbage n the death of america
Don’t breathe a sigh of relief just yet—polls have been consistently wrong

Wow...I didn't realize they had gotten so many wrong....interesting article.
y would we breathe clinton will b way worse than trump so lets PRAY the polls are wrong which is almost certain. bc there are people who have been pushed to the side for years now but we refuse to sit back while these gays n politically correct idiots try to take over its time to push back. this country was built on chritian faith thats why it says in god we trust but we continue to play to muslims n gays like their opinions are more important i know some idiots gonna reply were suppose to love everyone yes true but doesnt mean we have to let there opinions affect our decision
making at this rate we might as well set the whole county on fire because we are going to hell letting these gay lovers run our country the whole political correct movement is garbage n the death of america
But pollsters have been misfiring around the world for more than two years now: They incorrectly forecast the 2014 US midterm elections, plus elections in Turkey, Scotland, Canada, and Israel. They also got Brexit wrong, and Greece, too—not once, but twice.
that qoute is exactly y we need trump cause hilliary wants to open borders n no other race is gonna love us like us white people quit getting fooled this is our country n we are letting "others" play to our hearts when their motives arent true wise the fuck up before we lose what belongs to us what our fathers fought and died for we are becoming weak n our fathers are turning in their graves
in two weeks the white house will report that unemployment is down to 2.9% and that we have a 10Trillion dollar surplus {well thats when they see that Hillary is still 10 points behind}

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