What if Going Broke is the Entire Point of Getting Woke?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
I've been saying that he democrats favorite form of government, Socialism, is NOT the titanic failure it always is as soon as implemented.

The people who believe that they would be "better off" by handing their freedom, property and weapons to the Socialist's Leaders end up selling their kids and eating their pet, while the leadership ends up billionaires. It works Perfectly!

Same way with Wokeness. The NFL got woke - attendance plummeted. MLB is Woke and they're screwed just as badly.

You think the Socialist puppeteers pulling the strings CARE that American sports is going broke! Well in fact, Yes, they do -- and they're glad!

They're happy to destroy institutions that are uniquely American!

Like Socialism, it's working as planned and that's the whole point!

Ohhh look, A Nazi lying, another demon got their horns.

Socialism is ownership or control of the means of production by the state.

Bail outs are no socialism.

You know this, but chose to lie - like a good Nazi.

When the government is providing the funding for a company to survive they are controlling production.
I wonder if United Airlines is expecting to get more business by proclaiming that half their pilots will now be affirmative action hires? I know I will never take the chance by flying with them. I want the best qualified pilot, not some dumbass hired because of color or gender.

Maybe they are trying to go broke. Go woke, go broke.
I've been saying that he democrats favorite form of government, Socialism, is NOT the titanic failure it always is as soon as implemented.

The people who believe that they would be "better off" by handing their freedom, property and weapons to the Socialist's Leaders end up selling their kids and eating their pet, while the leadership ends up billionaires. It works Perfectly!

Same way with Wokeness. The NFL got woke - attendance plummeted. MLB is Woke and they're screwed just as badly.

You think the Socialist puppeteers pulling the strings CARE that American sports is going broke! Well in fact, Yes, they do -- and they're glad!

They're happy to destroy institutions that are uniquely American!

Like Socialism, it's working as planned and that's the whole point!

Right now all of the most successful countries in the world are socialist democracies. All of the countries that are failing are right wing and/or authoritarians. Donald Trump attempted an authoritarian right wing take over the US government and he failed.

40 years republican policies ruling the United States and left the people sick, broke and unemployed. So tell us again about the failure of left-wing policies and how great thing will be under a Republican.

The Democrats have never crashed the economy. They didn’t kill a half 1 million people in a pandemic. And they don’t turn away desperate refugees from the richest country on earth.

Keep drinking the republican Kool-Aid. After Trump lost the White House, the House and the Senate, and the coup attempt, it’s about all you have left.
Right now all of the most successful countries in the world are socialist democracies. All of the countries that are failing are right wing and/or authoritarians. Donald Trump attempted an authoritarian right wing take over the US government and he failed.

40 years republican policies ruling the United States and left the people sick, broke and unemployed. So tell us again about the failure of left-wing policies and how great thing will be under a Republican.

The Democrats have never crashed the economy. They didn’t kill a half 1 million people in a pandemic. And they don’t turn away desperate refugees from the richest country on earth.

Keep drinking the republican Kool-Aid. After Trump lost the White House, the House and the Senate, and the coup attempt, it’s about all you have left.

Then why don't you move to North Korea or Venezuela and enjoy that success?

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