What I mean by American technology


Jul 20, 2014
When Im talking about developing my own country, and that I would rather use American technology than a lot of others out there...

I don't mean that I would advocate a monopoly of trade into my country by the USA and Canada..

I mean, things like High tech Medical equipment, IBM, Microsoft, Motorola.. space rocket technology and manned space crafts.. fighter aircraft, warships, missiles, air defense systems... military ground vehicles, helicopters, Civilian aircraft, Agriculture mechanical and electronic technology... from the USA
Trains and railway systems and busses from Canada...

The things behind everything that really set the stage for how powerful, effective, and efficient, and how well off the country and its people can end up being...

Stuff that people end up dead and in a trillion, microscopic bloody pieces, easily spied on, or shot dead when they fail... the kinds of stuff that.. it BETTER NOT fail.


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