What has happened to this board?

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Fact is, and back to the OP, it really doesn't need to matter what one's personal, political beliefs are. That has NOTHING to do with manners and the ability to discuss a topic without resorting to ad hominems, red herrings and just flat out personal attacks because one's ass is getting whooped.

The fact is, there ARE more active leftwing posters on this board and they run in packs like dogs. Deny what you want. Willful blindness on your part does not negate reality.

Another fact is, before the influx of leftwingers who cannot handle the responsibility that goes with freedom of speech instead of abusing the privilege, this board was more civil.

I allow it because the ideal is correct. In practice, the left can't handle it.

Bullshit, bullshit and more bullshit..

More lefties than righties...RATFLMAO!!! What a crock. Wanna start a list of lefties? I'll start a list of righties...I bet dollars to donuts my list would be twice as long as yours..

Pack of dogs huh? Check out the thanks in the FIRST post in this thread and THIS post....righties the lot of them. Care to find me a similar leftie post?

You really are living in la-la land or outright lying if you think the board is/was more civil since the influx of righties came on board from Hannity....Christ for every uncivil leftie, I'll give you half a dozen righties...easily...

The bullshit is YOUR post. I expect nothing better from some Southeast Asian wannabe limey than this shit post. Now you want to try again?

You fucking partisans need to give it up. YOU are a either deluded or a fucking liar. Period.

You want to play with me Grump? I'm sick of you socialist fucks playing victim on a board you control the majority of. That means you can't even win a straight up with the underdog.

You lose, fucker.

And you KNOW I can get just as nasty as you and pull out more actual facts than you so just shut the fuck up.

Take your deluded ass somewhere else if you can't handle the truth.
That goes both ways. Point is, the right doesn't run around in wolfpacks like WWII German U-boats.

Except, y'know, when they do.

Uh huh. Want to try again?

How come it is when I get attacked here, it's 5-6 on me, but when I see a leftwinger being attacked it's one on one?

Take your bullshit and sell it at the fertilizer plant. They can use it.
Okay. So you're dumb AND can't afford a plane ticket. My bad ....:lol:

Either that, or I'm married to the perfect woman and have no interest in another.:cuckoo:

She' have to be a deaf mute Mother f-ing Theresa in order to put up with your pathetic whimpering girly ass.

The bullshit is YOUR post. I expect nothing better from some Southeast Asian wannabe limey than this shit post. Now you want to try again?

You fucking partisans need to give it up. YOU are a either deluded or a fucking liar. Period.

You want to play with me Grump? I'm sick of you socialist fucks playing victim on a board you control the majority of. That means you can't even win a straight up with the underdog.

You lose, fucker.

And you KNOW I can get just as nasty as you and pull out more actual facts than you so just shut the fuck up.

Take your deluded ass somewhere else if you can't handle the truth.

Here's my list of right-wing whackjobs. Note I haven't included normal righties like Trajan, Avatar, Dis or CG. Hell, I've even left some whackjobs out like your pet monkey Conjob. Dare you to even find half the number of lefties. Now put up, or shut the fuck up...BTW, nothing wrong with Limeys...well, depending on what part of the country they come from...

Political Chic
Soggy in NOLA
The infidel
Mr Fitnah
The Rabbi,
Titanic Sailor
Two Thumbs
Willow Tree
The bullshit is YOUR post. I expect nothing better from some Southeast Asian wannabe limey than this shit post. Now you want to try again?

You fucking partisans need to give it up. YOU are a either deluded or a fucking liar. Period.

You want to play with me Grump? I'm sick of you socialist fucks playing victim on a board you control the majority of. That means you can't even win a straight up with the underdog.

You lose, fucker.

And you KNOW I can get just as nasty as you and pull out more actual facts than you so just shut the fuck up.

Take your deluded ass somewhere else if you can't handle the truth.

Here's my list of right-wing whackjobs. Note I haven't included normal righties like Trajan, Avatar, Dis or CG. Hell, I've even left some whackjobs out like your pet monkey Conjob. Dare you to even find half the number of lefties. Now put up, or shut the fuck up...BTW, nothing wrong with Limeys...well, depending on what part of the country they come from...

Political Chic
Soggy in NOLA
The infidel
Mr Fitnah
The Rabbi,
Titanic Sailor
Two Thumbs
Willow Tree

So? Nice. I'm the administrator of this board. Please excuse me for not playing this game with your dumb, cheating ass. And I say cheating because I KNOW you and you KNOW what position that puts me in.

Pussy. Play like a man.
I'm sick of you socialist fucks playing victim on a board you control the majority of..

The only one seeming to be whimpering is you..that aside, if you're talking about control, the only ones who have control are the mods. Shall we go through a little exercise on their political leanings shall we?

You - rightie
Dis - rightie
Pixie - rightie
Phoenix - rightie
Newby - rightie
Meister - rightie

Del - Centrist
Elvis - Centrist

Modbert - leftie
EZ - leftie
Care -Leftie

Dank - no idea
Post R - no idea

So, any other lies you want to post?
Okay. So you're dumb AND can't afford a plane ticket. My bad ....:lol:

Either that, or I'm married to the perfect woman and have no interest in another.:cuckoo:

She'd have to be a deaf mute Mother f-ing Theresa in order to put up with your pathetic whimpering girly ass.

and here I was just thinking about how SHOCKING is that some man hasn't rented a crane and swept you up off your feet yet. :eek:
I'm sick of you socialist fucks playing victim on a board you control the majority of..

The only one seeming to be whimpering is you..that aside, if you're talking about control, the only ones who have control are the mods. Shall we go through a little exercise on their political leanings shall we?

You - rightie
Dis - rightie
Pixie - rightie
Phoenix - rightie
Newby - rightie
Meister - rightie

Del - Centrist
Elvis - Centrist

Modbert - leftie
EZ - leftie
Care -Leftie

Dank - no idea
Post R - no idea

So, any other lies you want to post?

Yeah, ok then I am right of left for sure, I am fair as are the others when it comes to making board decisions. Lucky for you
I'm sick of you socialist fucks playing victim on a board you control the majority of..

The only one seeming to be whimpering is you..that aside, if you're talking about control, the only ones who have control are the mods. Shall we go through a little exercise on their political leanings shall we?

You - rightie
Dis - rightie
Pixie - rightie
Phoenix - rightie
Newby - rightie
Meister - rightie

Del - Centrist
Elvis - Centrist

Modbert - leftie
EZ - leftie
Care -Leftie

Dank - no idea
Post R - no idea

So, any other lies you want to post?

Sure. On another board. You're just flat-ass stupid. I ain't playing this.

Oh, and out of curiosity, just how right wing am I? DO try to filter out the fact that just because I can't stand Democrats and socialists doesn't make me a rightwinger. It just means I don't like YOUR bullshit.
So? Nice. I'm the administrator of this board. Please excuse me for not playing this game with your dumb, cheating ass. And I say cheating because I KNOW you and you KNOW what position that puts me in.

Pussy. Play like a man.

he's responding to your assertions which are nothing more than delusions.

but you are the administrator.

so perhaps you should stop doing these weekly rants which do nothing except polarize the board and embolden the wingiest of wingnuts
I'm sick of you socialist fucks playing victim on a board you control the majority of..

The only one seeming to be whimpering is you..that aside, if you're talking about control, the only ones who have control are the mods. Shall we go through a little exercise on their political leanings shall we?

You - rightie
Dis - rightie
Pixie - rightie
Phoenix - rightie
Newby - rightie
Meister - rightie

Del - Centrist
Elvis - Centrist

Modbert - leftie
EZ - leftie
Care -Leftie

Dank - no idea
Post R - no idea

So, any other lies you want to post?

Yeah, ok then I am right of left for sure, I am fair as are the others when it comes to making board decisions. Lucky for you

Wasn't talking about being fair or not. I find all the current mods fair. Luck shouldn't have anything to do with it....
The bullshit is YOUR post. I expect nothing better from some Southeast Asian wannabe limey than this shit post. Now you want to try again?

You fucking partisans need to give it up. YOU are a either deluded or a fucking liar. Period.

You want to play with me Grump? I'm sick of you socialist fucks playing victim on a board you control the majority of. That means you can't even win a straight up with the underdog.

You lose, fucker.

And you KNOW I can get just as nasty as you and pull out more actual facts than you so just shut the fuck up.

Take your deluded ass somewhere else if you can't handle the truth.

Here's my list of right-wing whackjobs. Note I haven't included normal righties like Trajan, Avatar, Dis or CG. Hell, I've even left some whackjobs out like your pet monkey Conjob. Dare you to even find half the number of lefties. Now put up, or shut the fuck up...BTW, nothing wrong with Limeys...well, depending on what part of the country they come from...

Political Chic
Soggy in NOLA
The infidel
Mr Fitnah
The Rabbi,
Titanic Sailor
Two Thumbs
Willow Tree

You izz so damn boring!
Sure. On another board. You're just flat-ass stupid. I ain't playing this.

Oh, and out of curiosity, just how right wing am I? DO try to filter out the fact that just because I can't stand Democrats and socialists doesn't make me a rightwinger. It just means I don't like YOUR bullshit.

Well, you appear to have a rabid hate of lefties of any description....which ain't healthy.

Probably in the US you are considered an average, run of the mill right winger. In the rest of the Western World - a full-on looney tune....

And you KNOW what position that puts me in.

Pussy. Play like a man.

What? Now you have a conscience?

I got balls and brains. You're so addicted toa fucking drug -- oh wait -- that's a blind political belief, right? You don't know shit.

You fucking lefties cheer the the fuck out of me when I nail some rightwing idiot, but you forget it and call me a rightwinger the next day.

YOU don't even count. You're some foreign oddjob that's never lived here so fuck off, huh? When you get your US voter's registration. let me know. Otherwise, shut your fucking suck, communist.

Take your socialist shit and shove it. You even can try to shove it HERE if your little socialist, the state will protect me ass thinks so.

Otherwise, get a REAL game and a REAL brain.
Is it just me or has this board really turned into an absolute cesspool?

I've gone just to a few threads and it's about 10% meaningful debate and 90% bullshit, trolling, name calling, ad hominems ...

I haven't been here actively in a while, but I remember this place being much more civil and way more enjoyable.

Is it because of all the new members?

What happened?

PubliusInfinitum got himself banned and its been all downhill ever since...
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