What Game Is Iran Playing ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
The first question might be >> why did Iran shoot down the US drone ? That could/should be the first thing to consider when evaluating the level of a retaliation. Right now, Democrats are gleefully attacking Trump as being weak, for having pulled back from the originally planned retaliatory strike.

It is looking to me like Trump did the right thing. The originally planned strike would have killed about 150 Iranians. As Trump indicated, that would have been a major overkill, way out of proportion to the loss of a drone, with zero loss of life.

My take on this is that the Iranians shot down the drone to GOAD Trump into a fight with Iran, that would result in the loss of American lives. This would, the Iranians might be thinking, be just what's needed to sink Trumps chances in the 2020 ELECTION.

If the Iranians could sabatoge Trump's 2020 campaign, and get a Democrat back in the White House, they could achieve 2 things. The stoppage of crippling sanctions against Iran, and the restoration of the Obama Iran nuclear agreement.

Looks like Trump didn't fall for it. If the cyber attacks on Iran now being planned achieve success, Iran may wish they had never started this thing. Somebody in Iran will need to go into deep hiding.
The first question might be >> why did Iran shoot down the US drone ? That could/should be the first thing to consider when evaluating the level of a retaliation. Right now, Democrats are gleefully attacking Trump as being weak, for having pulled back from the originally planned retaliatory strike.

It is looking to me like Trump did the right thing. The originally planned strike would have killed about 150 Iranians. As Trump indicated, that would have been a major overkill, way out of proportion to the loss of a drone, with zero loss of life.

My take on this is that the Iranians shot down the drone to GOAD Trump into a fight with Iran
, that would result in the loss of American lives. This would, the Iranians might be thinking, be just what's needed to sink Trumps chances in the 2020 ELECTION.

If the Iranians could sabatoge Trump's 2020 campaign, and get a Democrat back in the White House, they could achieve 2 things. The stoppage of crippling sanctions against Iran, and the restoration of the Obama Iran nuclear agreement.

Looks like Trump didn't fall for it. If the cyber attacks on Iran now being planned achieve success, Iran may wish they had never started this thing. Somebody in Iran will need to go into deep hiding.

One must ask themselves: WHY would Iran desire to battle any adversary that will surly defeat them?
Sure there would be US casualties but those most likely would be comparatively few versus Iranian casualties.
For Iran to purposely choose to fight the US would be a suicide mission for Iran.
IMO, you supposition lacks cred.
Do you think maybe we’d shoot down a foreign drone if it came to close to the mainland?
One must ask themselves: WHY would Iran desire to battle any adversary that will surly defeat them?
Sure there would be US casualties but those most likely would be comparatively few versus Iranian casualties.
For Iran to purposely choose to fight the US would be a suicide mission for Iran.
IMO, you supposition lacks cred.
Obviously you are incapable of understanding what the OP said. Maybe try reading it again. thus time > Slower, Cheers.

Hint: Election.
One must ask themselves: WHY would Iran desire to battle any adversary that will surly defeat them?
Sure there would be US casualties but those most likely would be comparatively few versus Iranian casualties.
For Iran to purposely choose to fight the US would be a suicide mission for Iran.
IMO, you supposition lacks cred.
Obviously you are incapable of understanding what the OP said. Maybe try reading it again. thus time > Slower, Cheers.

Hint: Election.

I read the ENTIRE piece of shit OP, BEFORE I made my post. Cheers
The first question might be >> why did Iran shoot down the US drone ? That could/should be the first thing to consider when evaluating the level of a retaliation. Right now, Democrats are gleefully attacking Trump as being weak, for having pulled back from the originally planned retaliatory strike.

It is looking to me like Trump did the right thing. The originally planned strike would have killed about 150 Iranians. As Trump indicated, that would have been a major overkill, way out of proportion to the loss of a drone, with zero loss of life.

My take on this is that the Iranians shot down the drone to GOAD Trump into a fight with Iran, that would result in the loss of American lives. This would, the Iranians might be thinking, be just what's needed to sink Trumps chances in the 2020 ELECTION.

If the Iranians could sabatoge Trump's 2020 campaign, and get a Democrat back in the White House, they could achieve 2 things. The stoppage of crippling sanctions against Iran, and the restoration of the Obama Iran nuclear agreement.

Looks like Trump didn't fall for it. If the cyber attacks on Iran now being planned achieve success, Iran may wish they had never started this thing. Somebody in Iran will need to go into deep hiding.

You would likely have to ask the democrats. Before he was in office, obama had his minions contact the Iranians to hold off negotiations with Bush, because they would get better terms from him...
I read the OP, offered an opinion, you didn't like it, and you cried. Tuff shit.
You offered a BS. You are the tuff shit. You're not that stupid. You're just a POS LIAR, who prefers to keep the drone thing in the Trump bash category. Hate to inform you - that's already shot to hell. Try to keep up.
The first question might be >> why did Iran shoot down the US drone ? That could/should be the first thing to consider when evaluating the level of a retaliation. Right now, Democrats are gleefully attacking Trump as being weak, for having pulled back from the originally planned retaliatory strike.

It is looking to me like Trump did the right thing. The originally planned strike would have killed about 150 Iranians. As Trump indicated, that would have been a major overkill, way out of proportion to the loss of a drone, with zero loss of life.

My take on this is that the Iranians shot down the drone to GOAD Trump into a fight with Iran, that would result in the loss of American lives. This would, the Iranians might be thinking, be just what's needed to sink Trumps chances in the 2020 ELECTION.

If the Iranians could sabatoge Trump's 2020 campaign, and get a Democrat back in the White House, they could achieve 2 things. The stoppage of crippling sanctions against Iran, and the restoration of the Obama Iran nuclear agreement.

Looks like Trump didn't fall for it. If the cyber attacks on Iran now being planned achieve success, Iran may wish they had never started this thing. Somebody in Iran will need to go into deep hiding.
Trump maybe playing a different game in the swamp and Iran is just a pawn ...we'll know soon enough

they're probably going to try and off him if he gets reelected
You would likely have to ask the democrats. Before he was in office, obama had his minions contact the Iranians to hold off negotiations with Bush, because they would get better terms from him...
The sanctions are working and they're desperate. If they can get Trump to attack them militarily they can play the victim and hopefully get some support they're not getting now. They know the Dems will take their side and attack Trump as a war monger, hoping he loses in 2020 and they can resume their nuclear weapons quest.

BTW, did anyone notice how the Dems attacked Trump as reckless when he announced a military response, then attacked him as weak when he called it off?
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The sanctions are working and they're desperate. If they can get Trump to attack them militarily they can play the victim and hopefully get some support they're not getting now. They know the Dems will take their side and attack Trump as a war monger, hoping he loses in 2020 and they can resume their nuclear weapons quest.
BTW, did anyone notice how the Dems attacked Trump as reckless when he announced a response, then attacked him as weak when he called off the strike?

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