WHAT FRAUD? Racine, Wisconsin Rolls Out Its Mobile Home Voting Station on Wheels – Paid for Exclusively with Zuckerbucks

That is why they are there
Representatives of both parties get to watch the process
Remember.....civilizations eventually become as the lowest common denominator when it appeases them. In all of the racist and other victim accusations, there are many bums in all ways. The bums can sway elections and do. The process has been slow, but the affect is here for all to see behind all the social justice.
Zuckerberg should be jailed for funding voter fraud.

How is having a mobile polling station "voter fraud"?

MAGA Clowns think that letting people vote is "voter fraud".

I can only speak for my self... I think...
  • 70 Million or so voted FOR Biden,
  • 11 Million or so voted AGAINST Trump.
Trump** was not as popular as some believe.


I think way more voted against Trump. Out of the people I know that punched the button for Biden 90% did so as a vote against Trump
Zuckerberg should be jailed for funding voter fraud.

An unbiased look at the story.

Oh, those offensive tweets...
And crammed harvested illegal ballots


I cannot lie, it bring me joy knowing you will go to your grave thinking your god was cheated out of his rightful place in the White House. The pain that brings you is so sweet to watch.
I think way more voted against Trump. Out of the people I know that punched the button for Biden 90% did so as a vote against Trump

Trump did not run in the Democratic Primaries, but Biden won overwhelmingly
I cannot lie, it bring me joy knowing you will go to your grave thinking your god was cheated out of his rightful place in the White House. The pain that brings you is so sweet to watch.
Again, you say the dumbest fucking things either because you are truly that stupid, trying to gas light to get a rise out of people - which is as transparent as your empty head, or both. By your own admission you are nothing but a cross between a dem cuck apologist, agitator, and troll.

1. Trump is not my 'God'. God is my God, and Jesus Christ us my savior. I will pray one day you know them, give up ssuch blasphemy just to incite emotion by using your own.

2. Go to my grave thinkig Trump was cheated? Dear snowflake, I am moving on, looking towards tge future. You TDS-suffering, hate/revenge-driven, treasonous, obsessed are the ones who can not let go after 6 years of failing at coup attempt after coup attempt, failed Stalinist trial after Stalinist trial, always screaming before each one, 'We've got him THIS time' - which will most probably be the last words you speak on your death bed ... before each one results in



Oh, poor pathetic obsessed snowflake....
Again, you say the dumbest fucking things either because you are truly that stupid, trying to gas light to get a rise out of people - which is as transparent as your empty head, or both. By your own admission you are nothing but a cross between a dem cuck apologist, agitator, and troll.

1. Trump is not my 'God'. God is my God, and Jesus Christ us my savior. I will pray one day you know them, give up ssuch blasphemy just to incite emotion by using your own.

2. Go to my grave thinkig Trump was cheated? Dear snowflake, I am moving on, looking towards tge future. You TDS-suffering, hate/revenge-driven, treasonous, obsessed are the ones who can not let go after 6 years of failing at coup attempt after coup attempt, failed Stalinist trial after Stalinist trial, always screaming before each one, 'We've got him THIS time' - which will most probably be the last words you speak on your death bed ... before each one results in

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Oh, poor pathetic obsessed snowflake....

1. Yet you might be the least Christ-like person on the planet. Weird.

2. Yet you cannot stop talking about your god being cheated. Weird.
Yep. He was seen as the person that could beat Trump. Electability was all that mattered.
The fraud and steal, again, evidence of which is still coming out, is all that mattered...

The Democrats, co-conspiring media, criminal DOJ & FBI hiding and protecting Hunter and Joe from the evidence of their proven crimes mattered...
1. Yet you might be the least Christ-like person on the planet. Weird.

2. Yet you cannot stop talking about your god being cheated. Weird.

1. Based on your history of mentally unstable, hate-driven, propaganda parroting, highly emotionally opinionated reality- denying diatribes and tantrums, it's comforting to know whatever you post can immediately be ignored or 'round-filed'.

2. Again, you launch the same aniti-rekigeous / Christian attack, showing your kindergarten reading comprehension level. As you said earlier, just stating the fact, lil' snowflake...sorry you get triggered.

Perhaps you pulled your head your of your arse and tried to be a little more objective than remaining a Democrat party-1st sheep you could see the fraud being exposed across the country.

None of it matters - the damage is done. Even if a miraculous decision was made and atrump was made President, tge ruling being Biden won by fraud...
- Biden and Dems have fucked up the country so badly that Trump - no one - could affect an immediate turn-around now

- There is only one way to go, & that is forward, not back. The last Presidential election is over, Trump is no factor for a year and a half, mid terms are next, and hopefully lessons were learned and precautions are being taken to prevent another such election.

Over half the nation believes the last Presidential election was stolen, right or wrong. If another such election happens confidence in our election system will tank, & there will be hell to pay.
Oh, those offensive tweets...
And crammed harvested illegal ballots


They were thinking more about the 500,000 people who had died from covid, the crashed economy, two impeachments, the failure to address the murder of citizens by the police, along with the lies, and the general incompetence. The revolving door of corrupt staffers, aides and cronies, who left the White House to go to jail.

He was also embarassing the country around the world with other world leaders openly laughing in his face, including the entire United Nations General Assembly.

The tweets weren't just offensive, they were threatening, and illegal.

You were really big on Locking Hillary UP!!!!! But utterly silent on the proven crimes of the Trump Regime.
It goes like this - There was no voter fraud, vaccines aren't supposed to prevent transmission or infection, we are not in a recession, some women have penises, Biden isn't an addled old man, Jan. 6 was an insurrection, Hunter Biden laptop story is a nothingburger, Trump colluded with Russia.

Striking out the ones where truth finally acknowledged by MSM.
It goes like this - There was no voter fraud, vaccines aren't supposed to prevent transmission or infection, we are not in a recession, some women have penises, Biden isn't an addled old man, Jan. 6 was an insurrection, Hunter Biden laptop story is a nothingburger, Trump colluded with Russia.

Striking out the ones where truth finally acknowledged by MSM.
1. False - there have already been convictions

2. Vaccines do not stop acquiring COVID, despite this administration repeatedly declaring it did / they do

3. The only way you buy we aren't in a recession is to accept the WH's new definition of 'recession'... an attempt to control language thus control the false narrative

4. ...but men are not capable of giving birth and Democrats still can't tell you what a woman is

5. Biden is a dementia-ravaged, mentally unstable, mentally incompetent old man proven to need cue cards to walk, talk, sit, and leave the room

6. Hunter Bidrn's laptop has been verified as valid as well as what's on it. 50+ US Intel 'experts' have already been busted for perjury, for signing a document falsely declaring the data was 'Russian disinformation' - none of them will be brought to justice.

7. Debunked, and proven Hillary initiated the seditious scandal, the largest in US history, & Barry's treasonous administration tried to - and failed to - carry it out. Hillary's own campaign manager testified she created, organized, and Green lighted it's activation through the FBI.

8. You are a liar and have just proven there is no reason to continue to waste time on anything you say in the future.

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