What does Mandela's Death mean for South Africa


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2010
With his passing, one of the links back to both the Apartheid Era, and the Post Apartheid attempts at reconcilliation is gone.

The main question I have is that even though he has been sick for a while and not an active participant in SA politics, is his death a warning of SA going the path of Zimbabwae?

After his election he was one of the proponents of not punishing the White South Africans for the past, unless they could be attributed with a crime. While there plenty of examples of this occuring, he was a mitigating factor. Even when he left government service he was a proponent of reconcilliation and moving forward.

At this point, he is gone. Do the forces for Vengance, and of course self-aggrandizement and enrichment, which is sadly so prevalent in most African governments now begin to go the path of Zimbabwae, with both government sactioned and government ingorance allowed appropriation of the remaining white land and buisness ownership?
With his passing, one of the links back to both the Apartheid Era, and the Post Apartheid attempts at reconcilliation is gone.

The main question I have is that even though he has been sick for a while and not an active participant in SA politics, is his death a warning of SA going the path of Zimbabwae?

After his election he was one of the proponents of not punishing the White South Africans for the past, unless they could be attributed with a crime. While there plenty of examples of this occuring, he was a mitigating factor. Even when he left government service he was a proponent of reconcilliation and moving forward.

At this point, he is gone. Do the forces for Vengance, and of course self-aggrandizement and enrichment, which is sadly so prevalent in most African governments now begin to go the path of Zimbabwae, with both government sactioned and government ingorance allowed appropriation of the remaining white land and buisness ownership?

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Helter Skelter In South Africa? Alarmists Spread Fear That Whites Will Be Massacred After Nelson Mandela Dies

It might have already started
Mandela's passing and the looming threat of a race war against South Africa's whites as a widow mourns the latest murdered white farmer, a chilling dispatch from a nation holding its breath | Mail Online

After listening to the latest television news about the health of Nelson Mandela, a South African family living not far from the former President’s hospital unit turned in for the night.
But Roelof and Laura du Plessis, a married couple with four children who live on a heavily fortified farm outside Pretoria, did not have a peaceful night’s rest.
In fact they were about to become the latest victims of what white pressure groups in this troubled nation say is nothing less than a savage war against them.
Hearing noises outside their home, Mr du Plessis, 46, got out of bed and ran outside.
To his horror, he found his 19-year-old son being held with a gun to his head by a gang of five armed black attackers.

South Africa is in terrible shape. It has an unemployment rate of 33%. The ANC is saturated with corruption. It has survived, Mandela survived by redistribution as long as there was something to redistribute. South Africa's GEAR program (Growth, Employment and Redistribution), is grinding to a halt. The whites have been looted until there is nothing left to loot.

In the many race fueled riots as there have been, we know one thing. Once something has been looted to the end, there is nothing left, the wall board is ripped off, the floors are taken up and carted off. The shelves are bare and then the shelves are taken. The object of the looting is burned in revenge for there being nothing left to loot.
With his passing, one of the links back to both the Apartheid Era, and the Post Apartheid attempts at reconcilliation is gone.

The main question I have is that even though he has been sick for a while and not an active participant in SA politics, is his death a warning of SA going the path of Zimbabwae?

After his election he was one of the proponents of not punishing the White South Africans for the past, unless they could be attributed with a crime. While there plenty of examples of this occuring, he was a mitigating factor. Even when he left government service he was a proponent of reconcilliation and moving forward.

At this point, he is gone. Do the forces for Vengance, and of course self-aggrandizement and enrichment, which is sadly so prevalent in most African governments now begin to go the path of Zimbabwae, with both government sactioned and government ingorance allowed appropriation of the remaining white land and buisness ownership?

You mean like this
Helter Skelter In South Africa? Alarmists Spread Fear That Whites Will Be Massacred After Nelson Mandela Dies

It might have already started
Mandela's passing and the looming threat of a race war against South Africa's whites as a widow mourns the latest murdered white farmer, a chilling dispatch from a nation holding its breath | Mail Online

After listening to the latest television news about the health of Nelson Mandela, a South African family living not far from the former President’s hospital unit turned in for the night.
But Roelof and Laura du Plessis, a married couple with four children who live on a heavily fortified farm outside Pretoria, did not have a peaceful night’s rest.
In fact they were about to become the latest victims of what white pressure groups in this troubled nation say is nothing less than a savage war against them.
Hearing noises outside their home, Mr du Plessis, 46, got out of bed and ran outside.
To his horror, he found his 19-year-old son being held with a gun to his head by a gang of five armed black attackers.

South Africa is in terrible shape. It has an unemployment rate of 33%. The ANC is saturated with corruption. It has survived, Mandela survived by redistribution as long as there was something to redistribute. South Africa's GEAR program (Growth, Employment and Redistribution), is grinding to a halt. The whites have been looted until there is nothing left to loot.

In the many race fueled riots as there have been, we know one thing. Once something has been looted to the end, there is nothing left, the wall board is ripped off, the floors are taken up and carted off. The shelves are bare and then the shelves are taken. The object of the looting is burned in revenge for there being nothing left to loot.

The genocide of White South Africans (white farmers in particular) is exactly why I will NEVER give up my guns and NEVER obey an assault weapons ban! NEVER!

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