Debate Now What does MAGA mean ? Specifically ?

America once was great, as in "a great nation", feared by our enemies, loved and respected by our allies and others. America was once "strong" and "good". It was said that America was great because America was good. We need to return to being good. Then we will be great again.
And this is the fairy tale lie. It is evidence of how some people only see themselves as Americans. You ignore all of the wrong done to everybody not a white male and of course you can say America was good for you, because you got everything given to you. We cannot return to that. During the history of this country there has been consistent fighting among groups in Amerca because the one group, white males, have never wanted to share power. And that's what MAGA wants to return to.
WOKE is a mental sickness....
I'm not going to go off topic because of your ignorance. But you are an example of what the OP is asking for. Why hasn't America been great? Because evil men like you live here trying to manipulate everything to your favor.
Libs did it to MAGA just watch the news how they speak of MAGA like its the devil itself... its a pro American first movement what is so evil about that?....
MAGA is a pro white movement.
Those pictures I posted are from when trump was president.
Do you think there was a food shortage?
Or were those welfare lines?
Trump didn’t shut down the economy, forcing people to seek welfare, that was democrat governors.
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I call MAGA a sales pitch. Just like I call Build-Back-Better a sales pitch........
MAGA essentially stands for TWO main issues/priorities

1.) Revert extreme lefty/lib policies, starting from the 70'ies till today - whereby I admittedly partially support this "issue".
However I would and will never support a known human scumbag and pathological fraudster - who has proven that he is incapable to change these issues, nor even interested in doing so - he lives and thrives of the existing discontent and thus is doing his best to keep and further the known discontent.

2.) Impose a US minorities conviction (especially extreme conservative views) onto a US majority - taking lefty/lib proceedings (aka manipulating corrupt and purely self-interested politicians and thus enforcing laws favorable to them) as being legal means - that therefore need to be enforced via fake propaganda and if necessary to call for violence - just as the lefty/Lib have successfully done.
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I call MAGA a sales pitch. Just like I call Build-Back-Better a sales pitch.

If MAGA means Make American Great Again, it means we were once great.

Can somewhat tell me when that was, what made us "great" and when you'll know we've gotten back to that point ?

I contend that people (because I've been cornering them on this topic) don't know what they mean when they say MAGA.

Nobody I've talked to can give me specifics.

One person I talked to said:

Well, in 1960, we didn't have the illegal problem we have now. So I asked what the problem is now (in terms of numbers). Didn't have it. How about 1960...didn't have it. I decided to forego the easy follow up question and move on.

So I am going to say, I think America is great now. We have A LOT of issues, for sure. But I still love living here and am grateful for my freedoms and liberties.

I see MAGA as a sales pitch and an implication that we've lost something (but nobody can tell me what). And I am not so sure American was any greater then than it is today.

Let me know what you think.

Rule #1: Provide specifics.

Rule #2: If you want to argue generalities, you have to be very clear on what they are and the basis for them.

Rule #3: No commentary on the "other side"
America is still the greatest country on Earth. We have the largest economy and when other democracies are in trouble, we are the first call they make.

As for the 1960s, life was great...if you were a white, male, heterosexual.

But you were only going to live to the age of 66, and if you got cancer you were fucked.

People who think the 60s were great did not live through the 60s. Our president was assassinated, and so was his brother when he was on the cusp of being president. Civil rights leaders were being assassinated on a regular basis, our cities were on fire with race riots, there were left wing terrorists bombing police stations and the US Capitol, our men were being slaughtered in Viet Nam, and you only had three TV channels to choose from.

The music was incredible, though.
America is still the greatest country on Earth. We have the largest economy and when other democracies are in trouble, we are the first call they make.

As for the 1960s, life was great...if you were a white, male, heterosexual.

But you were only going to live to the age of 66, and if you got cancer, you were fucked.

I already linked the article that said food bank lines, but here it is again in case you missed that.
So my statement stands. Trump didn’t cause that by shutting down the economy, that was implemented on the state level.
America is still the greatest country on Earth. We have the largest economy and when other democracies are in trouble, we are the first call they make.
Only if you "evaluate" according to a US$ based currency in view of a US$ denominated GDP.
As for factual GDP buying power - China has already taken the lead since 2017/18.

You sure about, other democracies "calling" for US help???
What you meant to say was: US global hegemonic policy - ensures US directed involvement in any country and conflict on the planet.

ALL USA governments create tensions and wars and then try to exploit them in their favor. Aside from making huge state debts this concept isn't working out anymore since the 90'ies - and thus the US economy and population is facing an increased degrading financial situation - making the overall US population poorer and poorer, - which in turn has endangered the "American way of Life.

And the latter had been ensured via US hegemonic exploitation - thus ensuring a "lifestyle based on credits", aka a Life style, beyond the factual individuals financial means.
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It’s not about identifying some specific year and saying everything was great then.

Why do you people get so worked up about the idea of making America great again?

Yes it is.

If America can be made great "again", it was great once before.

The logic follows.

Who is "you people".

I voted for Trump twice.
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We were respected and feared by our adversaries when Trump was in office... the history of lessening conflict around the world proves it...

I would really like to hear how it proves it.

Frankly, I have no idea what you are referencing.
You asked what MAGA means. I explained it as best as I could. I grew up when a truly great America was the norm. I experienced everything I wrote. I won't go through reams and libraries of data and information to back it all up because that is an unreasonable request and I have neither the time nor inclination to do it.

But you asked what MAGA means. My post is what MAGA means.

I asked what it meant.....specifically.

And you put for some generalities (which, while I am not critical of....I feel deserve a little more attention).

And yes, most people won't go through all that data for the simple reason that in many cases it does not exist.

It's a perception.

I've already said I respect you as a poster, but your response isn't in keeping with the OP.

MAGA is a sales pitch. It appeals to a false nostalgia over things that often did not exist.
America once was great, as in "a great nation", feared by our enemies, loved and respected by our allies and others. America was once "strong" and "good". It was said that America was great because America was good. We need to return to being good. Then we will be great again.

I still want data, but I am in line with your conclusion (intuitively speaking).
MAGA is a campaign slogan that has been used by both democrats and republicans. I believe it refers to re-establishing an America first foreign policy agenda, a promotion of liberty and personal responsibility, and a return to a free-speech based non-PC societal climate.

So, can we add it up and compare it to the past ?

I'd love to know what a promotion of liberty looked like.

That certainly wasn't FDR.

But then again, it depends on what your defintion is.

FDR started Social Security.

I see that as a reduction in liberty.

Others might see it differently.
You don’t, because it means different things to different people and it changes according the the laws at the time.

Presumably it means 0 people crossing illegally…but maybe it means militarized. Maybe it means shooting those who to to cross. Maybe it means changing immigration laws on the legal side.

To my knowledge we have never zero illegal immigration.

How can you duplicate something that either never existed in the first place?

But you said it never existed. How can make that claim if you won't say this is the standard it does not measure up. Maybe we should be having a discussion around standards.

Maybe there is some threshold number. 1000, 2000, 10,000 ????? Who knows. The point is that until you put one down and say that is the goal, then you don't have a comparison. And you can't say our borders are secure. You also can't say they are not secure.

AGAIN, you can't say it didn't exist because you can't tell. You have not set the standard to say it didn't exist.

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