What do you think of the police?

You're from gawddam New Jersey -- what do you know about surfing ?!
Gawdam is right. And I know absolutely nothing about surfing. Never did it and have no interest in it.

I'm originally from New York (Brooklyn). Moved to Jersey to get away from the crowds and traffic which has become just as bad. If I were younger I would move way up North, Maine or New Hampshire.
I think there are some bad apples here and there, but, for the most part, they're normal, mostly good people doing a thankless job.[...]
What do you mean by "a thankless job?" Please be specific and if necessary provide examples.

For example:

I still don't know what you mean by "thankless."

It's a pretty common expression to say something is a thankless job. But generally, I just mean they get a lot of unwarranted hate for no reason.
I on the other hand had cops pull guns on me and put me in handcuffs for the simple act of walking home. Cops who I might add wore no uniform and never identified themselves as such. Had I followed the sage advice of the gun nuts on this board and been packing, at least two of the three of us would have been dead.
You are full of shit. If you were cuffed there was a reason. Given your attitude here you ran your alligator mouth.

Nnnnope. Hadn't said a word. I was alone, walking to my house from a trolley. Up pulls this plain Oldsmobile, screeches to a halt in front of me, two guys jump out with guns drawn. They spoke first, something like "up against the wall".

Matter of fact as far as "running mouths" (there's a cop term), only the more talkative one of the two did that. When I asked politely what all this might be about he turned around in the car and screamed "WE'RE TRYING TO SOLVE A FUCKING HOMICIDE IS THAT ALL RIGHT WITH YOU??"

I figured it was a rhetorical question and didn't answer.

Anything else?
people get shot that way....

Yeah, I know. In hindsight, I know what a stupid move it was. But I was a kid, and I'd never had a gun pulled on me before, so the whole thing was kind of surreal. But as soon as the cop said put my hands up, I immediately did it.

That got a little kid shot recently. I just read that the dispatcher knew Rice was not carrying a real gun but didn't think it was important to tell the cops. She got 8 days off. That's all a little black kid's life is worth these days.

A while back, some of the nutters here were saying they could tell a real gun from a fake so I posted two guns that I own. One is real, one is not. Needless to say, the blowhards could not tell the difference.

Yeah, and again, I'm not making excuses for cops (or even for the people who get shot in such situations), but it just seems like a very different climate for cops these days. You get a lot more people threatening cops both publicly and anonymously. To some extent, I can't blame cops for being a bit on edge in today's climate and the extent of hatred that the cops experience compared to when I was a kid.

Yes, a very different world and the blame can be laid at a lot of doors.

True that cops are hated more now than when I was a kid but a huge part of that is because back then, blacks had no rights, Hispanics had no rights, no one had any rights except whites.

People of color still don't have many rights but now they are daring to fight for what is rightfully theirs. All you have to do is read here to see how the privileged right feels about that.

Nothing will change until we change the way we look at people.
I on the other hand had cops pull guns on me and put me in handcuffs for the simple act of walking home. Cops who I might add wore no uniform and never identified themselves as such. Had I followed the sage advice of the gun nuts on this board and been packing, at least two of the three of us would have been dead.
You are full of shit. If you were cuffed there was a reason. Given your attitude here you ran your alligator mouth.

Nnnnope. Hadn't said a word. I was alone, walking to my house from a trolley. Up pulls this plain Oldsmobile, screeches to a halt in front of me, two guys jump out with guns drawn. They spoke first, something like "up against the wall".

Matter of fact as far as "running mouths" (there's a cop term), only the more talkative one of the two did that. When I asked politely what all this might be about he turned around in the car and screamed "WE'RE TRYING TO SOLVE A FUCKING HOMICIDE IS THAT ALL RIGHT WITH YOU??"

I figured it was a rhetorical question and didn't answer.

Anything else?
LOL, yeeeeaaaahh right.
people get shot that way....

Yeah, I know. In hindsight, I know what a stupid move it was. But I was a kid, and I'd never had a gun pulled on me before, so the whole thing was kind of surreal. But as soon as the cop said put my hands up, I immediately did it.

That got a little kid shot recently. I just read that the dispatcher knew Rice was not carrying a real gun but didn't think it was important to tell the cops. She got 8 days off. That's all a little black kid's life is worth these days.

A while back, some of the nutters here were saying they could tell a real gun from a fake so I posted two guns that I own. One is real, one is not. Needless to say, the blowhards could not tell the difference.

Yeah, and again, I'm not making excuses for cops (or even for the people who get shot in such situations), but it just seems like a very different climate for cops these days. You get a lot more people threatening cops both publicly and anonymously. To some extent, I can't blame cops for being a bit on edge in today's climate and the extent of hatred that the cops experience compared to when I was a kid.

Yes, a very different world and the blame can be laid at a lot of doors.

True that cops are hated more now than when I was a kid but a huge part of that is because back then, blacks had no rights, Hispanics had no rights, no one had any rights except whites.

People of color still don't have many rights but now they are daring to fight for what is rightfully theirs. All you have to do is read here to see how the privileged right feels about that.

Nothing will change until we change the way we look at people.

I wouldn't agree that "people of color" had no rights back then unless we grew up in very different decades or something (i.e., if you grew up in the 50's or something. I have no problem with people protesting and exercising their constitutional rights, but to label all cops or even a majority of cops as racist Nazis is very ignorant and dangerous, IMO. It will put the cops more on edge, and it could help escalate situations where cops feel like they're threatened.

And, as an Asian, I feel more discrimination from the left than I ever did from the right, tbqh. Just look at how Asians are viewed and treated in Hollywood, under affirmative action, etc.
They can interrogate me in a hotel room. Cops are unappreciated until you need one. They get some thanks from the community but they live every day with a target on their backs and a hateful propagandizing anti-cop media that gets some of them killed.

I couldn't do the job because I can only take stupid people in small doses. They have to seek them out and deal with them all day every day. I'm pretty sure I'd end up on the evening news.
No golden showers for me, thanks!
Dirty mind....Who said golden showers?


But he might be willing to share.
They can interrogate me in a hotel room. Cops are unappreciated until you need one. They get some thanks from the community but they live every day with a target on their backs and a hateful propagandizing anti-cop media that gets some of them killed.

I couldn't do the job because I can only take stupid people in small doses. They have to seek them out and deal with them all day every day. I'm pretty sure I'd end up on the evening news.
No golden showers for me, thanks!
Dirty mind....Who said golden showers?


But he might be willing to share.
You are doing quite well with civility thus far. Is it too early for being hammered?
people get shot that way....

Yeah, I know. In hindsight, I know what a stupid move it was. But I was a kid, and I'd never had a gun pulled on me before, so the whole thing was kind of surreal. But as soon as the cop said put my hands up, I immediately did it.

That got a little kid shot recently. I just read that the dispatcher knew Rice was not carrying a real gun but didn't think it was important to tell the cops. She got 8 days off. That's all a little black kid's life is worth these days.

A while back, some of the nutters here were saying they could tell a real gun from a fake so I posted two guns that I own. One is real, one is not. Needless to say, the blowhards could not tell the difference.

Yeah, and again, I'm not making excuses for cops (or even for the people who get shot in such situations), but it just seems like a very different climate for cops these days. You get a lot more people threatening cops both publicly and anonymously. To some extent, I can't blame cops for being a bit on edge in today's climate and the extent of hatred that the cops experience compared to when I was a kid.

Yes, a very different world and the blame can be laid at a lot of doors.

True that cops are hated more now than when I was a kid but a huge part of that is because back then, blacks had no rights, Hispanics had no rights, no one had any rights except whites.

People of color still don't have many rights but now they are daring to fight for what is rightfully theirs. All you have to do is read here to see how the privileged right feels about that.

Nothing will change until we change the way we look at people.

I wouldn't agree that "people of color" had no rights back then unless we grew up in very different decades or something (i.e., if you grew up in the 50's or something. I have no problem with people protesting and exercising their constitutional rights, but to label all cops or even a majority of cops as racist Nazis is very ignorant and dangerous, IMO. It will put the cops more on edge, and it could help escalate situations where cops feel like they're threatened.

And, as an Asian, I feel more discrimination from the left than I ever did from the right, tbqh. Just look at how Asians are viewed and treated in Hollywood, under affirmative action, etc.

You touch on an important point - the difference time makes.

Yes, I grew up in the 50s and no, blacks and Hispanics had no rights. Blacks were tortured and murdered and the law looked the other way. Hispanics have done the dirty work for the US for many generations and have always been treated like shit.

I can remember seeing documentaries about migrant labor camps and as recently as the late 90s, there was migrant housing on the land where I lived.

Interestingly, there are more undocumented Asians in the US than Hispanics but people choose to hate the Hispanics and ignore the real reasons they are here and will always be here. They also ignore why they're here and who brings them here.

Its odd that people still think Hollywood is all liberal or that there is no discrimination by RWs. Fact is, all non-whites are hated, mistrusted and not judged by who/what they really are.
They can interrogate me in a hotel room. Cops are unappreciated until you need one. They get some thanks from the community but they live every day with a target on their backs and a hateful propagandizing anti-cop media that gets some of them killed.

I couldn't do the job because I can only take stupid people in small doses. They have to seek them out and deal with them all day every day. I'm pretty sure I'd end up on the evening news.
No golden showers for me, thanks!
Dirty mind....Who said golden showers?


But he might be willing to share.
You are doing quite well with civility thus far. Is it too early for being hammered?

Read my sig and know there's not enough booze on the planet to make me be civil to you.
No golden showers for me, thanks!
Dirty mind....Who said golden showers?


But he might be willing to share.
You are doing quite well with civility thus far. Is it too early for being hammered?

Read my sig and know there's not enough booze on the planet to make me be civil to you.
You seem to be confused, you are getting there. I said you were still civil meaning you weren't hammered yet. Take the compliment, don't ruin the fellowship :badgrin:
Frankly and only truth :)
This all depends on where in the USA you live.

If you live in a big city of 1 million or more the police are usually quite hostile because their jobs are more dangerous there and this tends to stress them out. Normally however if you are polite to them they will act professionally towards you.

If you live in a smaller town of 100 thousand or less the police are normally quite friendly and polite.

What do I think of them? I think they have a job to do. I think it is a hard job and not for everyone.

I always try to keep all the laws, obey all speed limits and traffic laws, pet license for my cat, etc. I never have trouble with the police.

Where I live when I take my cat for a walk after midnight sometimes the paranoid neighbors will call the police. The police have always been friendly to me especially when they see the cat and the pet license hanging from the cat's neck.

Most people with cats are flagrant about NOT getting pet licenses.

My cat has a pet license however.

I am lily white and 50% German, 25% Greek, and 25% French Celtic.

Negroes normally have a very bad habit of running away from the police, and this triggers a chase response in the police the same as if you tried to run away from a dog or a mountain lion or bear. Then you are going to get tackled and handcuffed.

Never run away from the police. Always stand your ground and be polite and answer all their questions.

Latinos have a habit of running away from the police anytime they cause a car crash. Even if the car is registered to them and they are easily traceable later. But they usually get away.

Ergo Latinos run faster and better than Negroes.



Blacks and Hispanics are shot for no reason. Shot for following cops' orders, shot for mouthing off, shot handing their license over, shot while laying in the street with their hands up, shot for reading in their car, shot for no reason at all.

All of those have happened and will happen over and over again. Posters here have even said people deserve to be shot for nothing or for mouthing off or shoplifting.

Cops who shoot for no reason as well as for some small infraction are not fired. They are given a paid vacation.

Yes, its foolish to run but if you knew you would be shot, my bet is you would run too.
Do you thank all the Bering Sea fisherman who put food on our tables? Their job happens to be #1 on the list of dangerous jobs and more of them are killed "in the line of duty" as it were than workers in any other field.
I don't thank them because I rarely eat seafood. A little tunafish is about it. However if you were intellectually honest you would know every business in America is governed by OSHA regulations. Employees die because they take unnecessary risks. A few are killed in explosions or a boat sinking but point out which one are being murdered for their profession.

Not all cops are stellar but we are talking about some 800,000 people interacting with some of the worse elements of society day in and day out. When it goes bad it gets played in a loop on TV and people like you suck it up.
Here's a good interview I heard recently with a retired cop about what happens in that circle....

>> Stamper says because of the way he was raised, he was easily susceptible to be molded by a system of policing that rewards bad behaviour and teaches cops to always be in control, no matter what.

"They get sucked into the culture. And that culture rewards some positive values but it also rewards some very negative values." - Norm Stamper

Now retired after 34 years of policing, Stamper has become an advocate for police reform in the United States and has written several books, including To Protect and Serve: How to Fix America's Police. He argues that in order to stop the shooting of black civilians in his country, we need a fundamental change to the system of American policing. <<
(audio interview at the link)

Not all cops are stellar but we are talking about some 800,000 people interacting with some of the worse elements of society day in and day out. When it goes bad it gets played in a loop on TV and people like you suck it up.
If you would spend some time watching a few episodes of COPS, the tv "ride-along" documentary, you would learn the vast majority of police patrol activity involves car stops and victimless offenses (like marijuana).
Cops are OK, yes you do have some bad apples but for the most part they are helpful. Now if you are referring to the band The Police I'm not a fan. Yes they are talented but I'm not big on reggae and they have reggae overtones in their music.

I don't agree with everything this former cop says, but there is one thing I think he hit right on the head. Instead of blaming all cops, why don't liberals blame the (mostly liberal) politicians who created the laws that give cops the probable cause that forces them to pull over/detain people to meet arrest quotas?

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