What do you think of the police?

people get shot that way....
Here people get shot when they have a weapon such as a gun, a knife, or a pipe in their hands and they do not drop it when ordered to do so by the police.

The police actually have no choice. If an assailant is within 7 yards (or meters) of you and they have a knife or pipe they can kill you before you can draw your gun and shoot them. So the police must shoot them the moment it's apparently by their body language that they are not going to comply.

We have people -- normally homeless and mentally ill -- shot by police here about once each month.

I totally agree. I can understand to some extent why people would not comply right away due to the whole hectic and surreal experience of having guns pulled on me, but common sense should kick in very fast and remind you that you should comply very fast. If not, you're just asking for a bad outcome.
It means "nobody ever thanks them".

But I thank them, and I also apologize that the neighbors uselessly called them over me walking my cat after midnight.
What exactly do you thank them for?

Most cops will probably never fire a bullet in the line of duty, and most cops will probably never face any serious danger during their entire career. But putting on the uniform and badge makes you a target from certain criminals. And if you happen to be unlucky enough to win the jackpot and be at the ground zero of, say, 9/11 or the San Bernardino shootings or any shootings, you're expected to run towards the sound of gunfire or explosions or whatever while everyone else runs away.

And even if you never face a situation that extreme, every single traffic stop or interaction with a suspect is a potential situation where you won't survive to go home at the end of your shift.
people get shot that way....

Yeah, I know. In hindsight, I know what a stupid move it was. But I was a kid, and I'd never had a gun pulled on me before, so the whole thing was kind of surreal. But as soon as the cop said put my hands up, I immediately did it.

Yeah you could've easily been another Yoshihiro Hattori. In your case you can't blame the police for accosting you --- they're simply reacting to the realities of living in a gun culture. You need to be aware that you're swimming in that culture even if you're not a participant.

I on the other hand had cops pull guns on me and put me in handcuffs for the simple act of walking home. Cops who I might add wore no uniform and never identified themselves as such. Had I followed the sage advice of the gun nuts on this board and been packing, at least two of the three of us would have been dead.
drumpf says he plans to militarize them and private prisons plan to make a bundle off the cheeto's kkk beliefs.

I do believe that most cops try to do it right but many get into it because they can enjoy being an armed bully.
They can interrogate me in a hotel room. Cops are unappreciated until you need one. They get some thanks from the community but they live every day with a target on their backs and a hateful propagandizing anti-cop media that gets some of them killed.

I couldn't do the job because I can only take stupid people in small doses. They have to seek them out and deal with them all day every day. I'm pretty sure I'd end up on the evening news.
people get shot that way....

Yeah, I know. In hindsight, I know what a stupid move it was. But I was a kid, and I'd never had a gun pulled on me before, so the whole thing was kind of surreal. But as soon as the cop said put my hands up, I immediately did it.

Yeah you could've easily been another Yoshihiro Hattori. In your case you can't blame the police for accosting you --- they're simply reacting to the realities of living in a gun culture. You need to be aware that you're swimming in that culture even if you're not a participant.

I on the other hand had cops pull guns on me and put me in handcuffs for the simple act of walking home. Cops who I might add wore no uniform and never identified themselves as such. Had I followed the sage advice of the gun nuts on this board and been packing, at least two of the three of us would have been dead.

Yeah, I'm not saying that there are no asshole cops or jaded cops, and I definitely know your mileage may vary depending on the situation, who you are, and who the cop is. But I've had other run ins with cops as a high schooler (again, every time it was my fault), and I was always able to deescalate the situation so that it never resulted in violence or even being put in cuffs. I've ridden in the back of cop cars (never while cuffed) for doing stuff like cutting class, having cigarettes as a minor, being out past curfew, etc.

I'm not saying there is anything you could've done to not have that outcome, and I do realize that cops can make horrible mistakes in a split second based on what they perceive as a threat regardless of whether or not society finds that perception to be reasonable.

But I've never been beaten up by cops, shot by cops, etc. In my experience only, cops are generally very cool people as long as you make them feel safe and you are reasonably respectful of them.
people get shot that way....

Yeah, I know. In hindsight, I know what a stupid move it was. But I was a kid, and I'd never had a gun pulled on me before, so the whole thing was kind of surreal. But as soon as the cop said put my hands up, I immediately did it.

That got a little kid shot not very long ago. I just read that the dispatcher knew Rice was not carrying a real gun but didn't think it was important to tell the cops. She got 8 days off. That's all a little black kid's life is worth these days.

A while back, some of the nutters here were saying they could tell a real gun from a fake so I posted two guns that I own. One is real, one is not. Needless to say, the blowhards could not tell the difference.
people get shot that way....

Yeah, I know. In hindsight, I know what a stupid move it was. But I was a kid, and I'd never had a gun pulled on me before, so the whole thing was kind of surreal. But as soon as the cop said put my hands up, I immediately did it.

That got a little kid shot recently. I just read that the dispatcher knew Rice was not carrying a real gun but didn't think it was important to tell the cops. She got 8 days off. That's all a little black kid's life is worth these days.

A while back, some of the nutters here were saying they could tell a real gun from a fake so I posted two guns that I own. One is real, one is not. Needless to say, the blowhards could not tell the difference.

Yeah, and again, I'm not making excuses for cops (or even for the people who get shot in such situations), but it just seems like a very different climate for cops these days. You get a lot more people threatening cops both publicly and anonymously. To some extent, I can't blame cops for being a bit on edge in today's climate and the extent of hatred that the cops experience compared to when I was a kid.
They can interrogate me in a hotel room. Cops are unappreciated until you need one. They get some thanks from the community but they live every day with a target on their backs and a hateful propagandizing anti-cop media that gets some of them killed.

I couldn't do the job because I can only take stupid people in small doses. They have to seek them out and deal with them all day every day. I'm pretty sure I'd end up on the evening news.
No golden showers for me, thanks!
I on the other hand had cops pull guns on me and put me in handcuffs for the simple act of walking home. Cops who I might add wore no uniform and never identified themselves as such. Had I followed the sage advice of the gun nuts on this board and been packing, at least two of the three of us would have been dead.
You are full of shit. If you were cuffed there was a reason. Given your attitude here you ran your alligator mouth.
They can interrogate me in a hotel room. Cops are unappreciated until you need one. They get some thanks from the community but they live every day with a target on their backs and a hateful propagandizing anti-cop media that gets some of them killed.

I couldn't do the job because I can only take stupid people in small doses. They have to seek them out and deal with them all day every day. I'm pretty sure I'd end up on the evening news.
No golden showers for me, thanks!
Dirty mind....Who said golden showers?
They can interrogate me in a hotel room. Cops are unappreciated until you need one. They get some thanks from the community but they live every day with a target on their backs and a hateful propagandizing anti-cop media that gets some of them killed.

I couldn't do the job because I can only take stupid people in small doses. They have to seek them out and deal with them all day every day. I'm pretty sure I'd end up on the evening news.
No golden showers for me, thanks!
Dirty mind....Who said golden showers?
I thought it was a reference to a hooker/hotel story about some guy that became president.
They can interrogate me in a hotel room. Cops are unappreciated until you need one. They get some thanks from the community but they live every day with a target on their backs and a hateful propagandizing anti-cop media that gets some of them killed.

I couldn't do the job because I can only take stupid people in small doses. They have to seek them out and deal with them all day every day. I'm pretty sure I'd end up on the evening news.
No golden showers for me, thanks!
Dirty mind....Who said golden showers?
I thought it was a reference to a hooker/hotel story about some guy that became president.
Yes, it was meant to be a double entendre.....
I think there are some bad apples here and there, but, for the most part, they're normal, mostly good people doing a thankless job.[...]
What do you mean by "a thankless job?" Please be specific and if necessary provide examples.

For example:

I still don't know what you mean by "thankless."

Do you thank all the Bering Sea fisherman who put food on our tables? Their job happens to be #1 on the list of dangerous jobs and more of them are killed "in the line of duty" as it were than workers in any other field.

Do you thank the ironworkers and others who work at very dangerous construction jobs, some of which are much higher on the list than police -- who are way down at #10 in terms of dangerous jobs.

Do you thank the garbage collectors who handle all the junk and often filthy waste we create and take it away from us?

I think a really thankless job which we never even hear about is that of the prison guards. They deal at very close range with some of the most dangerous and crazy individuals in society -- and they aren't even armed! Prisoners throw urine and feces at them and they are subject to be made hostage at any time. I'm recalling the Attica and Santa Rosa prison uprisings back in the 70s in which dozens of guards were made hostage for more than a month, some of whom suffered unspeakably cruel treatment.

I can't think of any civil service job which is less glamorized and hyped by media, more dangerous and less "thanked" than that. Can you?

And while we're at it, what about the people who work in our sewers. Now there's a hell of a job. Talk about thankless. . .
I still don't know what you mean by "thankless."

Do you thank all the Bering Sea fisherman who put food on our tables? Their job happens to be #1 on the list of dangerous jobs and more of them are killed "in the line of duty" as it were than workers in any other field.

Do you thank the ironworkers and others who work at very dangerous construction jobs, some of which are much higher on the list than police -- who are way down at #10 in terms of dangerous jobs.

Do you thank the garbage collectors who handle all the junk and often filthy waste we create and take it away from us?

I think a really thankless job which we never even hear about is that of the prison guards. They deal at very close range with some of the most dangerous and crazy individuals in society -- and they aren't even armed! Prisoners throw urine and feces at them and they are subject to be made hostage at any time. I'm recalling the Attica and Santa Rosa prison uprisings back in the 70s in which dozens of guards were made hostage for more than a month, some of whom suffered unspeakably cruel treatment.

I can't think of any civil service job which is less glamorized and hyped by media, more dangerous and less "thanked" than that. Can you?

And while we're at it, what about the people who work in our sewers. Now there's a hell of a job. Talk about thankless. . .
You're from gawddam New Jersey -- what do you know about surfing ?!

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