CDZ What did you all think of the 60 minutes Stormy interview?

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Democrats have been held accountable

Republucans just deny

If Clinton were held accountable he’d be in jail for multiple rapes. Let’s not forget he lied about his Oval Office tryst with Monica too.
Clinton was impeached

Let’s impeach Trump and then we can call it even

Clinton was impeached for lying about his tryst with Monica in the Oval Office. What Trump did before he was in office is not grounds for impeachment. TDSers' hatred is affecting their ability to reason.
Everything Clinton was being sued for happened before he was president. He was ordered to give a deposition on his relationship to these women

Let’s hold Trump to the same standard

Trump is not being sued for rape, moron.
Neither was Bill
From what little I heard about it on the radio this morning I'm glad I ignored it.
What a joke. anyone take a look at her eyes, she looked like she was "high" on some type of drug. Pupils were dilated and anyone else s looked normal. I understand she has got a lot of bookings now from strip clubs.
She seemed quite lucid and her responses were well thought out
Rehearsed with her Atty.
More lucid than Fat Donnie
If Clinton were held accountable he’d be in jail for multiple rapes. Let’s not forget he lied about his Oval Office tryst with Monica too.
Clinton was impeached

Let’s impeach Trump and then we can call it even

Clinton was impeached for lying about his tryst with Monica in the Oval Office. What Trump did before he was in office is not grounds for impeachment. TDSers' hatred is affecting their ability to reason.
Everything Clinton was being sued for happened before he was president. He was ordered to give a deposition on his relationship to these women

Let’s hold Trump to the same standard

Trump is not being sued for rape, moron.
Neither was Bill

My bad I should have said 'accused'......Stormy is not accusing Trump of rape. Clinton has multiple accusers. All of whom Mrs. 'women's rights' Hillary Clinton went on a jihad to ruin their reputations. There is no comparison whatsoever. But, dream on....hope springs eternal for TDSers.
From what little I heard about it on the radio this morning I'm glad I ignored it.
What a joke. anyone take a look at her eyes, she looked like she was "high" on some type of drug. Pupils were dilated and anyone else s looked normal. I understand she has got a lot of bookings now from strip clubs.
She seemed quite lucid and her responses were well thought out
Rehearsed with her Atty.
More lucid than Fat Donnie

Hatred seethes from all your you know that?
If Trump were a Democrat, he could just admit it and he would be a hero. Like Clinton.
Democrats have been held accountable

Republucans just deny

If Clinton were held accountable he’d be in jail for multiple rapes. Let’s not forget he lied about his Oval Office tryst with Monica too.
Clinton was impeached

Let’s impeach Trump and then we can call it even

Okay. We'll do just like we did with Bubba. Impeach him, don't convict him, and leave him in office. Well, he'd have to lie under oath first to find something worthy of impeachment.
From what little I heard about it on the radio this morning I'm glad I ignored it.
What a joke. anyone take a look at her eyes, she looked like she was "high" on some type of drug. Pupils were dilated and anyone else s looked normal. I understand she has got a lot of bookings now from strip clubs.
She seemed quite lucid and her responses were well thought out
Rehearsed with her Atty.

The coke helped.
From what little I heard about it on the radio this morning I'm glad I ignored it.
What a joke. anyone take a look at her eyes, she looked like she was "high" on some type of drug. Pupils were dilated and anyone else s looked normal. I understand she has got a lot of bookings now from strip clubs.
She seemed quite lucid and her responses were well thought out
Rehearsed with her Atty.
More lucid than Fat Donnie

She's a whore dude. She gets paid for sex. Maybe she thought that Trump didn't pay her enough? She's lucid all right, trying to gouge Trump for millions. I think her attorney is not so lucid though.
She's a whore dude. She gets paid for sex. Maybe she thought that Trump didn't pay her enough? She's lucid all right, trying to gouge Trump for millions. I think her attorney is not so lucid though.

Is she even paid for that anymore?

She looks like any other ragged out washed up coke whore to me. Seems pretty obvious she's desperate for attention.

She's a whore dude. She gets paid for sex. Maybe she thought that Trump didn't pay her enough? She's lucid all right, trying to gouge Trump for millions. I think her attorney is not so lucid though.

Is she even paid for that anymore?

She looks like any other ragged out washed up coke whore to me. Seems pretty obvious she's desperate for attention.

So we can't pick on Hillary anymore for putting down the accusers can we?
From what little I heard about it on the radio this morning I'm glad I ignored it.
What a joke. anyone take a look at her eyes, she looked like she was "high" on some type of drug. Pupils were dilated and anyone else s looked normal. I understand she has got a lot of bookings now from strip clubs.
She seemed quite lucid and her responses were well thought out
Rehearsed with her Atty.
More lucid than Fat Donnie

She's a whore dude. She gets paid for sex. Maybe she thought that Trump didn't pay her enough? She's lucid all right, trying to gouge Trump for millions. I think her attorney is not so lucid though.

How did she try to gouge Trump for millions?
She's a whore dude. She gets paid for sex. Maybe she thought that Trump didn't pay her enough? She's lucid all right, trying to gouge Trump for millions. I think her attorney is not so lucid though.

Is she even paid for that anymore?

She looks like any other ragged out washed up coke whore to me. Seems pretty obvious she's desperate for attention.

So we can't pick on Hillary anymore for putting down the accusers can we?

I can do whatever the fuck I want.

I don't care who or what Trump fucked on his own time.

I don't see Trump's wife out there trying to destroy the whore either.

She's a whore dude. She gets paid for sex. Maybe she thought that Trump didn't pay her enough? She's lucid all right, trying to gouge Trump for millions. I think her attorney is not so lucid though.

Is she even paid for that anymore?

She looks like any other ragged out washed up coke whore to me. Seems pretty obvious she's desperate for attention.

So we can't pick on Hillary anymore for putting down the accusers can we?

I can do whatever the fuck I want.

I don't care who or what Trump fucked on his own time.

I don't see Trump's wife out there trying to destroy the whore either.

Got it. You can belittle a gal who claims to sleep with rich powerful men and its not a character flaw but Hillary can't.


Really I say this not just to you but to everyone who is ridiculing Stormy who used Hillary's treatment of women who CLAIMED they slept with HER husband as a talking point last election.

Fair and balanced is the rule of the day.

BTW, JFK had a beautiful wife and slept around. Not sure if it really put the country at serious risk, but it did not help for sure. (just to be fair and balanced myself)
I recently created a thread in the Flame Zone about how much the interview sucked, because the most salacious detail we heard was that he wanted spanked with a magazine with his face on it. So all we found out is that Trump is an adulterous narcissist. Shocking revelation.

But now we know that he's a liar too. Not only that, he won't lie himself, he gets his press secretaries to do it for him, oh, and his lawyer.

You know, the lawyer who's pissed off because the gave $130,000 in hush money so she wouldn't talk about Trump fucking her, and then we're expected to believe that it also didn't happen.
as well as not contacting law enforcement when your child has been threatened

While you're at this game of not being able to explain your premises, you might want to go back to this one and tell the class on what basis you believe the whole world buys into this "report it to the police" crapola.

We never got the reasoning for that either.

You got the report!

Please show it!

What the fuck would there be to "report" about a person who had already left the scene?

What would be the point?

For the police to keep an eye out for a man fitting that description hanging around. You know, due diligence, that sort of thing. To have them check recordings from security cameras if any were active in the address. Also, to get it on the record with the police that you were threatened. I can't believe you don't think of these things.

Number one, why would a guy on that mission, having delivered that message, "hang around"? "Hang around" for --- what?

Number two, there may have been no security cameras (the incident having been years ago) and/or the message may have been calculated to be delivered where there indeed were no working cameras. We don't know. And even if there were security cameras they would have shown a person --- they don't record conversations.

And number three, what the fuck is the point of having a police report "on the record"? Where does that get you? Had you ever filed one you'd have an inkling what this question means. Police can't do shit if they don't see it happening and there's no evidence left behind.

Or didn't you know that? You think police have magic wands?
That's five in a row now.

So you're actually gonna plant your flag on "I say so, therefore everybody knows" as your basis of reasoning, are you.

Why did you even sign up on this site?

I might actually ask you the same, but having a conversation with someone that thinks there is no point to reporting a threat against a child is pointless once the creep has left, ABOUT CREDIBILITY, is in and of itself POINTLESS!

So you can't answer this one either. Now who saw that coming.

Suppose she did a police report --- what the fuck are the police supposed to do with it? Put up signs in the parking lot warning "Do Not Make Threats Against Mothers Getting Out of Their Car"?

Or don't you think that far ahead?

Good God you are a pathetic fool. Go ahead and try to justify the Porn Star not reporting a threat against her child all you want, it puts you in moron of the month club.

So --------------- you can't answer this one either.

Again, quelle surprise.

By the way speaking of reading comprehension -- the threat described was against the mother, not the child.

She said she thought her child was in danger. Was she lying, trying to increase sympathy by using her child?

Are y'all wilfully illiterate, or do you just not bother to read quotes?

Once AGAIN ---- "that's a beautiful little girl -- it would be a shame if something happened TO HER MOM" is a threat on the MOTHER, NOT ON THE CHILD.

And that is delivering an incentive to that mother to keep quiet about it --- the same incentive a check for $130,000 with an attached NDA delivers, for the same purpose, via a more aggressive approach. To the same end.

And that also means it's advising the threatee --- that's once again the mother if you remember two sentences ago --- to forget the whole thing and walk away.... which absolutely includes not doing an interview, not going public, and not "going to the police".

Holy SHIT y'all can suspend yourselves a shitload of reality.
as well as not contacting law enforcement when your child has been threatened

While you're at this game of not being able to explain your premises, you might want to go back to this one and tell the class on what basis you believe the whole world buys into this "report it to the police" crapola.

We never got the reasoning for that either.

You got the report!

Please show it!

What the fuck would there be to "report" about a person who had already left the scene?

What would be the point?

For the police to keep an eye out for a man fitting that description hanging around. You know, due diligence, that sort of thing. To have them check recordings from security cameras if any were active in the address. Also, to get it on the record with the police that you were threatened. I can't believe you don't think of these things.

Number one, why would a guy on that mission, having delivered that message, "hang around"? "Hang around" for --- what?

Number two, there may have been no security cameras (the incident having been years ago) and/or the message may have been calculated to be delivered where there indeed were no working cameras. We don't know. And even if there were security cameras they would have shown a person --- they don't record conversations.

And number three, what the fuck is the point of having a police report "on the record"? Where does that get you? Had you ever filed one you'd have an inkling what this question means. Police can't do shit if they don't see it happening and there's no evidence left behind.

Or didn't you know that? You think police have magic wands?

1. You don't know what goes through a person's mind. Someone who is capable of threatening a stranger is not necessarily thinking rationally. You do know that, right?
2. The incident supposedly occurred in 2011. That's not exactly the dark ages when security cameras are concerned. I don't know, and you don't know if the area was covered or not, but it's irrelevant to the larger point, which is why you might call the police if you think your child is threatened.
3. Why would you want to file a police report if a total stranger walked up to you and threatened your child? Oh, brother. Might as well not file a report if your house is broken into while you're gone. They can't do anything after all.
I recently created a thread in the Flame Zone about how much the interview sucked, because the most salacious detail we heard was that he wanted spanked with a magazine with his face on it. So all we found out is that Trump is an adulterous narcissist. Shocking revelation.

But now we know that he's a liar too. Not only that, he won't lie himself, he gets his press secretaries to do it for him, oh, and his lawyer.

You know, the lawyer who's pissed off because the gave $130,000 in hush money so she wouldn't talk about Trump fucking her, and then we're expected to believe that it also didn't happen.

---- which automatically removes any reason for having an NDA.

On the other hand if there is an NDA it must refer to something to non-disclose.

Both cannot exist simultaneously. There's either an event AND an NDA about it, or there's no event and by definition, NO NDA. You can't simultaneously declare 'nothing happened' AND 'don't talk about it'. Either it happened or it didn't-- if the latter, then no "it" exists. If the former, you can't say 'it didn't happen'.

That's why there's no way out of this. Rump has completely painted himself into a corner.
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