What country would you refuse to visit?

in a decade many Americans will be able to say that they visited another country or two - Texas, California, New Mexico, Arizona etc.

when they will be an independent state or a part of Mexico.. :)
Pakistan. No dune coons for me. Besides, I don't think there is anything there, except for rioting.
lol, all these ratings are fake and serve as an instrument of unfair suppression of competitors..

for example, US is an absolute bankrupt with Zimbabwe-like size of debt, budget deficite bigger than budget receipts and which faces accelerating inflation which will destroy its economy within several years.

How is it reflected in all these ratings? :)

But, we are talking about visiting a country.

The US, as I heard, is a country with destroyed roads, high street crime, blackouts, low mobile internet speed or poor coverage at all, BLM riots, police murdering innocent citizens, voting fraud, falsification of elections, inauguration uner the barrel of the gun, etc. etc... :)

I have been to about 35 countries, including Yemen and Sudan.
I don't want to go to the US..
/——/ Cuba needs good folks like you to harvest the sugar cane crop this year.
all over your village? :)

Americans are flat earthers, they don't believe foreign countries exist and don't want to expand their knowledge of the World..
Most of the world comes here to live so why go there?
Cuba is a good place for you, get in line for your food comrade!
Most of the world comes here to live so why go there?
Cuba is a good place for you, get in line for your food comrade!
most of the World doesn't know a thing on the US except a fake picture shown by Hollywood.

while, birth rate drops, longevity of life drops, opioid crises deepens - and all this is just some of symptoms of general decline of the US.

as well there is certain inertia.

soon Mexico will be accepting American refugees...

Americans are flat earthers, they don't believe foreign countries exist and don't want to expand their knowledge of the World..
You're a fucking idiot, you impotent, irrelevant nobody.
Most of the world, including YOU, is obsessed with everything of or about the US, you irrelevant loser.
you are partially correct, right now I am absolutely absorbed with an absolutely spectacular show of collapse of the American empire... :)

nothing seizes and pleases me as much.

To the rest of Americans -
before your allies Saudis using American weapons turned Yemen into a pile of rubble, Yemen was one of the best destinations in the World.

old town of Sanaa' is an absolute miracle, a UNESCO object, a big multiple storey city with 10 000 buildings 1000 years old....
Yemen was a great civilization when you were jumping from a tree to another...
and one of the most interesting places to visit...
one must be an ignorant American not to want to do it...

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