What China Could Tell Us About Resumption of Baseball


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2012
(April 3)
>> When baseball fans see professional unaffiliated leagues in three major Asian countries scheduled to begin play in April it’s understandable that those same fans get really excited for the eventual return of baseball throughout North America.​
At the same time, the Chinese government just announced restrictions on the resumption of any team sports throughout their country.​
... Even as baseball is set to resume in Taiwan, Korea, and Japan it is unclear if that is a smart choice. I say that knowing full well that at least two of those countries, Korea and Taiwan, have had commendable responses to COVID-19. If there’s reason to have pause about Taiwan starting up team sports activities then it’s absolutely terrifying to think of America starting up team sports any time soon. I’d go so far as to say that it may be for the best if team sports in America don’t return until 2022 at the earliest.​
Perhaps the above is an overreaction, I’m not opposed to such criticism. All the same, I’d rather look at the actions of a country that has handled the virus far better than America and maybe rethink the desire to get team sports up and running again. I don’t want baseball to stay away forever.​
... COVID-19 first affected China in November of 2019 and by January of this year, the Chinese government had enacted lockdown procedures in the areas directly in the contagions path. Presently, China seems to have a good handle on COVID-19. The measures they took to curb the spread of the virus have resulted in decreasing infection numbers and a move towards a resumption of life pre-COVID-19.​
The reason China’s timeline of handling the virus matters so much is that it is the polar opposite of how America chose to handle the spread of COVID-19. It took the American government much longer to respond and even as the number of infected began to rise America didn’t take swift action. This approach has resulted in the current lockdown that isn’t truly a lockdown. Individual states are doing as they please and even states that have shut down have made it more of a guideline rather than an order. Plenty of people are taking the lockdown seriously, but just as many, if not more, aren’t partaking in any lockdown. It’s life as usual for some states and the virus continues to spread through America like wildfire.​
When you combine America’s lack of an initial response with its current tepid response and its status as a worldwide hub you have the recipe for a virus that is incredibly hard to manage or contain. We know that America’s method of attacking the Coronavirus isn’t working, or at least it isn’t working at the same level as the more forceful responses of China and other countries. Yet, here’s China announcing that despite their efforts they still think it is too hard to find asymptomatic carriers of the virus. That is why they won’t resume team sports and it’s a damn valid reason. << -- Beyond the Boxscore

As a lifelong baseball fan I hope he's wrong about the timeline -- way wrong -- but responsibility dictates we proceed as if he's right until and unless the tide turns.
The hell with China.

I love it when the Cult of Ignorance comes charging in to scream from the rooftops that they didn't bother to read past the second word of the thread title.
I love it when the Cult of Ignorance comes charging in to scream from the rooftops that they didn't bother to read past the second word of the thread title, and then come charging back in to put their name on the same illiteracy turd-dump a SECOND time.
Bring back baseball, but greatly limit fan attendance so that social distancing is always observed in the stands. Then gradually relax the restrictions if the case numbers keep declining.
Are they going to have fans? Probably not a good idea.

ETA: I'm still holding out hope that the NBA can salvage the playoffs, but it depends on how much COVID-19 has been controlled. The fans who wanted it before seem resigned to having the season canceled now.

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