what can joe Biden do to win you over


Active Member
May 5, 2020
Many people are disappointed that joe Biden is going to represent the Democratic Party in the November election. For people that are going to vote for him just because he’s a Democrat and we want to beat trump, what can he do for you to make you feel like he earned your vote? Any specific plans or policies of his that you want him to change or reconsider?
Many people are disappointed that joe Biden is going to represent the Democratic Party in the November election. For people that are going to vote for him just because he’s a Democrat and we want to beat trump, what can he do for you to make you feel like he earned your vote? Any specific plans or policies of his that you want him to change or reconsider?
What are his plans and policies? I don't think he has a platform or the brains to build a platform.
may be he should sniff harder...go all over town....and sniff whatever comes along

what do I know

Many people are disappointed that joe Biden is going to represent the Democratic Party in the November election. For people that are going to vote for him just because he’s a Democrat and we want to beat trump, what can he do for you to make you feel like he earned your vote? Any specific plans or policies of his that you want him to change or reconsider?
Many people aren't disappointed. Many people voted for him to be the nominee. I really don't see why you guys think trump is unbeatable, because he's the worst president in modern history.
Many people are disappointed that joe Biden is going to represent the Democratic Party in the November election. For people that are going to vote for him just because he’s a Democrat and we want to beat trump, what can he do for you to make you feel like he earned your vote? Any specific plans or policies of his that you want him to change or reconsider?
Many people aren't disappointed. Many people voted for him to be the nominee. I really don't see why you guys think trump is unbeatable, because he's the worst president in modern history.

Of course we get no standard by which we can compare presidents from this bullshit artist.
Many people are disappointed that joe Biden is going to represent the Democratic Party in the November election. For people that are going to vote for him just because he’s a Democrat and we want to beat trump, what can he do for you to make you feel like he earned your vote? Any specific plans or policies of his that you want him to change or reconsider?

The ideology driving the modern democratic party is pure evil. Mass murder of the unborn celebrated as life sustaining manna. The mutilation of American youth in the name of trans psychosis celebrated as being "the true you" when of course the "true you" is the body God and eons of human biology awarded you at birth. The destruction of the nuclear family and ancient institution of marriage. The celebration and canonization of sadism. Corrupting the minds of our young with LGTBQ philosophy and propaganda, thus limiting the reproduction of the fucking human race. These purely evil ideological platforms I've mentioned barely scratch the surface of the entirety of what the modern day democratic party stands for, worships, embraces, preaches. Now, my foolish friend, how's about you reconsider your advertisement of Joe Biden, a man who also embraces and celebrates all the evil I have mentioned. Alas, you needn't even reply. The man's own senility will "convince" tens of millions of Americans to vote right. Otherwise, we all deserve this evident descent into hell.
The Dems are punting in 2020. Losing the battle to fight again another day. If they thought beating Trump was likely, Biden wouldn't even get anywhere near the nomination. The Dems have plenty of better options, especially if they really believe this is a must win election. In reality, Dem voters should be demanding a change right now. How can they accept running a guy in serious decline who is unlikely to even go for a 2nd term?
Many people are disappointed that joe Biden is going to represent the Democratic Party in the November election. For people that are going to vote for him just because he’s a Democrat and we want to beat trump, what can he do for you to make you feel like he earned your vote? Any specific plans or policies of his that you want him to change or reconsider?

The ideology driving the modern democratic party is pure evil. Mass murder of the unborn celebrated as life sustaining manna. The mutilation of American youth in the name of trans psychosis celebrated as being "the true you" when of course the "true you" is the body God and eons of human biology awarded you at birth. The destruction of the nuclear family and ancient institution of marriage. The celebration and canonization of sadism. Corrupting the minds of our young with LGTBQ philosophy and propaganda, thus limiting the reproduction of the fucking human race. These purely evil ideological platforms I've mentioned barely scratch the surface of the entirety of what the modern day democratic party stands for, worships, embraces, preaches. Now, my foolish friend, how's about you reconsider your advertisement of Joe Biden, a man who also embraces and celebrates all the evil I have mentioned. Alas, you needn't even reply. The man's own senility will "convince" tens of millions of Americans to vote right. Otherwise, we all deserve this evident descent into hell.
Wow, you did it AGAIN. Still ANOTHER fantastic post, thank you. You SHOULD write professionally, you certainly have the talent to do so.
Many people are disappointed that joe Biden is going to represent the Democratic Party in the November election. For people that are going to vote for him just because he’s a Democrat and we want to beat trump, what can he do for you to make you feel like he earned your vote? Any specific plans or policies of his that you want him to change or reconsider?

As a new poster, I will be nice to you and I sincerely welcome you to the board.

Joe Biden will be replaced by Election Day. Almost 90% sure. Not one liberal on this site will disagree with me,
Many people are disappointed that joe Biden is going to represent the Democratic Party in the November election. For people that are going to vote for him just because he’s a Democrat and we want to beat trump, what can he do for you to make you feel like he earned your vote? Any specific plans or policies of his that you want him to change or reconsider?

The ideology driving the modern democratic party is pure evil. Mass murder of the unborn celebrated as life sustaining manna. The mutilation of American youth in the name of trans psychosis celebrated as being "the true you" when of course the "true you" is the body God and eons of human biology awarded you at birth. The destruction of the nuclear family and ancient institution of marriage. The celebration and canonization of sadism. Corrupting the minds of our young with LGTBQ philosophy and propaganda, thus limiting the reproduction of the fucking human race. These purely evil ideological platforms I've mentioned barely scratch the surface of the entirety of what the modern day democratic party stands for, worships, embraces, preaches. Now, my foolish friend, how's about you reconsider your advertisement of Joe Biden, a man who also embraces and celebrates all the evil I have mentioned. Alas, you needn't even reply. The man's own senility will "convince" tens of millions of Americans to vote right. Otherwise, we all deserve this evident descent into hell.
I wonder how old you are, because the new generations DO NOT share your views in any way, shape, or form. They are OK with abortion, because it's a woman's body, and the woman's body is not government property (or church property, or her husband's property). They are OK with trans operations, because some people are born into the wrong body (and that's a scientific fact -- look it up if you don't believe me).
Isn’t it weird bluzy?

Libs want him replaced but can’t admit it in case he actually does run.

It’s like they nominated their retarded pedophile nephew.
Many people are disappointed that joe Biden is going to represent the Democratic Party in the November election. For people that are going to vote for him just because he’s a Democrat and we want to beat trump, what can he do for you to make you feel like he earned your vote? Any specific plans or policies of his that you want him to change or reconsider?
Welcome to the site, Mello711. I like your site name, it reminds of a low-key convenience store. Cool! To answer your question you posed in your thread title, Joe would certainly win me over if he gave me, let's say, $100,000, or even just $10,000. THAT would make me consider voting for him. Aside from the money, the man has NO real platforms he's running on other than he hates Trump, and "Orange Man Bad". The guy would be funny if he weren't so pitiful and senile.
The Dems are punting in 2020. Losing the battle to fight again another day. If they thought beating Trump was likely, Biden wouldn't even get anywhere near the nomination. The Dems have plenty of better options, especially if they really believe this is a must win election. In reality, Dem voters should be demanding a change right now. How can they accept running a guy in serious decline who is unlikely to even go for a 2nd term?
Yea I agree, you make some good points, I just wish they would have given yang a harder look
Many people are disappointed that joe Biden is going to represent the Democratic Party in the November election. For people that are going to vote for him just because he’s a Democrat and we want to beat trump, what can he do for you to make you feel like he earned your vote? Any specific plans or policies of his that you want him to change or reconsider?

Please understand, this board gets vicious.

Don’t take it seriously. Best of luck.

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