What Birthers Believe

Not interested in reading the OP, because I blocked the bed wetter who posted it.

What's far more stupid than anything a dumbass "birther" might believe is the idea that the moonbat messiah has done a single positive thing for this country. He's been a complete disaster, and I think it's a goddamned shame Roe V. Wade wasn't ruled on in time to prevent the whore who birthed him from having him sucked down a drain into a sewer where all commies belong.
Well, Pete, ol' boy, the nation was in a hurting situation when President Obama was first elected five about five years ago. We were losing over 500,000 jobs a month, the stock market was in free fall, and it looked like the Second Great Republican Depression was a certainty. We had two wars going with no end in sight, and were not even including the costs of those wars in our budget.

Now the market is in good shape, recently posted some all time highs, in spite of all the efforts of the GOP to destroy the economy. The jobs are coming back, and the small businesses are seeing good times again. The Iraq war is done, and the one in Afghanistan is being left to the Afghans to conduct.

And Bin Laden is dead, GM is alive, both facts which cause you major heartburn.
Yup, now Obama has extended the war into Pakistan, Syria, Libya while he watches Egypt fall under a military coup. Obviously, the man is a military genius.

In the mean time, he's been caught lying to the American public about the events in Benghazi, been embarrassed by a government contractor who revealed his spy tactics on the American people and been one-upped by Dennis Rodman, who actually has sense enough to open a dialog with North Korea. He's a diplomatic genius, too, isn't he?

The stock market has rebounded due to investors having faith in private sector management in spite of anything the ineffectual Obama has done or didn't do. Perhaps he'll take credit for the sun rising tomorrow. After all, it happens on his watch, doesn't it?
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Not interested in reading the OP, because I blocked the bed wetter who posted it.

What's far more stupid than anything a dumbass "birther" might believe is the idea that the moonbat messiah has done a single positive thing for this country. He's been a complete disaster, and I think it's a goddamned shame Roe V. Wade wasn't ruled on in time to prevent the whore who birthed him from having him sucked down a drain into a sewer where all commies belong.

Petey I've missed you! :cheers2:
TOS and other liberfools.., what do you libtards find most attractive about your messiah ? i do not mean physical appearance, i am speaking policy and leadership.

do you agree with your health care insurance premiums tripling ?

do you agree with this country being flooded with illegal aliens ?

old shool, (sic) this hanging fast ball is waiting for you smack out of the stadium !!
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TOS and other liberfools.., what do you libtards find most attractive about your messiah ? i do not mean physical appearance, i am speaking policy and leadership.

do you agree with your health care insurance premiums tripling ?

do you agree with this country being flooded with illegal aliens ?

old shool, (sic) this hanging fast ball is waiting for you smack out of the stadium !!

Hanging fast ball? :confused:

This thread's not about Obama. It's about how ridiculous birther's are. I don't know why people keep talking about Obama on this thread.
TOS and other liberfools.., what do you libtards find most attractive about your messiah ? i do not mean physical appearance, i am speaking policy and leadership.

do you agree with your health care insurance premiums tripling ?

do you agree with this country being flooded with illegal aliens ?

old shool, (sic) this hanging fast ball is waiting for you smack out of the stadium !!

He's a mindless drone, consumed by a cult of personality like the poor bastards who can't escape North Korea.

They're not worthy of pity, only the contempt they offer the people who sustain their pathetic lives.
TOS and other liberfools.., what do you libtards find most attractive about your messiah ? i do not mean physical appearance, i am speaking policy and leadership.

do you agree with your health care insurance premiums tripling ?

do you agree with this country being flooded with illegal aliens ?

old shool, (sic) this hanging fast ball is waiting for you smack out of the stadium !!

He's a mindless drone, consumed by a cult of personality like the poor bastards who can't escape North Korea.

They're not worthy of pity, only the contempt they offer the people who sustain their pathetic lives.

Peteeeeeeeeeeeey!!!!! P--p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-peeeeeeeeeeeteeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyy!


This also goes to the partisan inconsistency of most conservatives.

In the wake of the Windsor (DOMA) and Perry (Proposition 8) rulings, we heard excessive whining from the right about the ‘will of the people’ being ignored.

Yet there is no greater example of contempt for the will of the people than exhibited by birthers, where twice the American people have expressed their desire to have Obama as president, and where birthers willfully ignore the voters’ decision.
Obama was born in Kenya
McCain can't become president because he was born in Panama.
George Bush Jr. went AWOL during his time in the National Guard.
Mitt Romney belongs to a cult
John F. Kennedy was a pawn of the pope.
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Obama was born in Kenya
McCain can't become president because he was born in Panama.
George Bush Jr. went AWOL during his time in the National Guard.
Mitt Romney belongs to a cult
John F. Kennedy was a pawn of the pope.
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

You forgot that Bush did coke. That was an impeachable history until the moonbat messiah came along with "his book" that detailed his love of using all sorts of dope.

Regarding the "birther" bullshit....

Anyone who still believes oblahblah was born outside Hawaii and that it could be used to get him out of office is a fool. I'm sure the scumbag is a legal citizen. It ends there because he has no loyalty to this country. And even if someone found a film showing his birth in Kenya, with Khrushchev himself certifying the birth it would be tied up in court past his natural life.

So fuck the birther bullshit already.

Besides it's far more plausible his real father is Frank Marshal Davis. It's too bad the video takes such liberties and embellishes the story, or it might have longer legs. The picture is worth 1000 words though.


Frank Marshall Davis

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