What Are Your Religious Beliefs?


Buddhism doesn't really address world creation. It's not an essential concern for enlightenment.

Instead, it teaches that the world, and all beings and things in it, exist, but it a dream-like way.

Why does it say that? Because everything is in a continual process of coming into being and going away. Even science backs us up with teachings on matter as mostly empty space with moving atoms and sub-atomic particles, which when examined, are also empty space.

..... I'm looking to go in the Bull Ring with someone regarding Christianity and their Religious beliefs.

So tell me, which of the following do you believe (and, if it's not listed, please specify)

1. Atheist
2. Agnostic
3. Believes in a Supreme Being, but not the God of the Bible
4. Believes in something, not necessarily a person, but a force
5. Believes there is no one thing or person that rules, but, more of a cosmic chain of events.

Again, there are many options, but, I'd like to hear what you believe, even if you aren't sure or don't care.


I'm a Baptist....believe in God and His Son Jesus. I don't understand how so many Christians have gotten the basic Christian beliefs all twisted up and invented some new rules of their own. I don't believe this world came about by "chance" and I respect those that don't believe in God....that is their choice.

You would not be a good "Bull Ring" opponent for me because I basically believe the same thing. (Baptist also, but, raised Lutheran). I do understand why people believe differently, I just wish people could or were able to be more open minded to all possibilities. Seems that many people cling to their beliefs and only research additional proof to substantiate their beliefs, rather than looking at all possibilities......

I agree that many people cling to their beliefs and only research additional proof to substantiate their beliefs....that is why there are so many Christians that have weird beliefs about certain things that they can only back up by their "own" interpretation of the Bible. They make up crap (that is not true) and pass it along as fact. I received an e-mail from a Christian friend claiming that "prayer" had been banned from public schools with a video showing some teenagers holding up signs that repeated that notion. I explained to her that it was not true and why it was wrong in so many levels to push that thought. She didn't respond, but I'm sure that didn't keep her from sending it to others! I know where this stems from.....and wonder why some have to use religion to further their political agenda and fool those that are not as politically minded into believing such crap.
I knew a Christian gal that swore on everything that was holy that Jesus turned her silver fillings into gold and had the dental records to prove it.
Well, Christianity is real but the problem is there are way more "fake" Christians than real ones.
Oh yeah!

If you don't go to church every Sunday and apologize to God for being human how can you ever be forgiven unless you give his humble servants some cash?

That's all you got from religion? That you need to apologize to God for being human?

What, there's more?

Note the poster didn't say "practice religion"; he said "go to church". YUUUGE difference.
Not sure that is "worse" - I mean, wouldn't it be preferential to just live/die then worry about what happens to you in the afterlife?

That being said, all the made up "drama" of society is just something we do to try to contrive a sense of importance or purpose. But why?

Where does ego come from? Just seems strange we would just happen to "pop" into existence with all these psychology issues etc.
Don't you think it would be human nature just to survive?

Although you seem to have similar beliefs, G.T. stated that his ego DOESN'T supercede his honesty.... meaning, so maybe you are saying the same thing, if you set aside your EGO, you can just accept things as they or (or as you PERCEIVE that they are).....

Yet ultimately, if left to our own devices aren't we driven bye 100% ego?

Where does compassion and love for others come into play?

"Just seems strange we would just happen to "pop" into existence ..."

I've read that before - the belief that life comes from nothing. Just suddenly, there we are. That's not the way it is at all.

"... with all these psychology issues etc."

I believe we are born as a clean slate upon which our surroundings write.


Note the poster didn't say "practice religion"; he said "go to church". YUUUGE difference.

We also know there is a huge difference between going to school and learning. Do you recommend students not go to school? If a student does go to school, but does not learn, who is at fault? The school? The teacher? Or, the student who chose not to learn?

So, no, there is not a huge difference. If people go to church and get nothing out of it, perhaps it is because they bring nothing with them, and they take nothing away. As we know, a body of water that brings nothing in and where nothing flows out becomes stagnant.
Note the poster didn't say "practice religion"; he said "go to church". YUUUGE difference.

We also know there is a huge difference between going to school and learning. Do you recommend students not go to school? If a student does go to school, but does not learn, who is at fault? The school? The teacher? Or, the student who chose not to learn?

So, no, there is not a huge difference. If people go to church and get nothing out of it, perhaps it is because they bring nothing with them, and they take nothing away. As we know, a body of water that brings nothing in and where nothing flows out becomes stagnant.
That's mighty arrogant of you but I notice that's your style. You pretend to be some lofty spiritual creature but in reality you're just another arrogant asshole that can't stand anyone that refuses to suspend rational thought to agree with you.

Many churches do teach good moral lessons, depends a lot on the pastor. The problem is that it's packaged in Kool-Aid, not water. To drink the water you have to drink the Kool-Aid and believe it's pure water. Once indoctrinated only your flavor of Kool-Aid is the correct one and pure water is devoid of guidance, therefore unacceptable.
That's mighty arrogant of you but I notice that's your style. You pretend to be some lofty spiritual creature but in reality you're just another arrogant asshole that can't stand anyone that refuses to suspend rational thought to agree with you.

Many churches do teach good moral lessons, depends a lot on the pastor. The problem is that it's packaged in Kool-Aid, not water. To drink the water you have to drink the Kool-Aid and believe it's pure water. Once indoctrinated only your flavor of Kool-Aid is the correct one and pure water is devoid of guidance, therefore unacceptable.

First of all, let me disabuse you of the notion I am some lofty spiritual creature. In fact the, "I'm spiritual...." is a concept I've come to despise. On the other hand, I am rather enjoying the idea of being thought arrogant, because in real life people describe me as the opposite.

Probably the first thing I am is practical. Mark Twain once said, "Don't let school get in the way of your education." In the same way, "Don't let Church get in the way of your coming to know God." This does not mean we toss out school or church--but we recognize their limitations--and our own boundlessness. We are not satisfied with only what school/church teaches and so we go beyond their limits.

I've usually gone to fairly large Catholic churches. Therefore, nothing depends on the Pastor. Today when I go to Church (as always) it will be a draw of one of three priests, or one of two deacons. In a month's time it is not one pastor, but one of five. Perhaps that makes a difference between our experiences. Second, as an adult, some of the readings, especially of the Old Testament, has me coming home and searching for rabbinical commentary.

I'm not sure I am getting the "Drink the Kool-Aid." Isn't truth what we are all after? Seeing Kool-Aid would indicate not seeing the truth.

Buddhism doesn't really address world creation. It's not an essential concern for enlightenment.

Instead, it teaches that the world, and all beings and things in it, exist, but it a dream-like way.

Why does it say that? Because everything is in a continual process of coming into being and going away. Even science backs us up with teachings on matter as mostly empty space with moving atoms and sub-atomic particles, which when examined, are also empty space.

There is no such thing as empty space.
..... I'm looking to go in the Bull Ring with someone regarding Christianity and their Religious beliefs.

So tell me, which of the following do you believe (and, if it's not listed, please specify)

1. Atheist
2. Agnostic
3. Believes in a Supreme Being, but not the God of the Bible
4. Believes in something, not necessarily a person, but a force
5. Believes there is no one thing or person that rules, but, more of a cosmic chain of events.

Again, there are many options, but, I'd like to hear what you believe, even if you aren't sure or don't care.


I'm a tolerant atheist.

I'm not a superstitious person.
I really dislike that word "tolerant".

Unless you just can't bear for someone to think or believe like you, you should have at a minimum, concern for your fellow man.
You don't even have to like them.

Why would you "not tolerate" anyone based on spiritual beliefs?
You many not agree, or, you may feel compelled to inform them of your beliefs and why you believe what you do (in love) or even in a calm, rational manner.

To brown beat or bully someone about your beliefs is only about YOU - not what you believe.
..... I'm looking to go in the Bull Ring with someone regarding Christianity and their Religious beliefs.

So tell me, which of the following do you believe (and, if it's not listed, please specify)

1. Atheist
2. Agnostic
3. Believes in a Supreme Being, but not the God of the Bible
4. Believes in something, not necessarily a person, but a force
5. Believes there is no one thing or person that rules, but, more of a cosmic chain of events.

Again, there are many options, but, I'd like to hear what you believe, even if you aren't sure or don't care.


I'm a Baptist....believe in God and His Son Jesus. I don't understand how so many Christians have gotten the basic Christian beliefs all twisted up and invented some new rules of their own. I don't believe this world came about by "chance" and I respect those that don't believe in God....that is their choice.

You would not be a good "Bull Ring" opponent for me because I basically believe the same thing. (Baptist also, but, raised Lutheran). I do understand why people believe differently, I just wish people could or were able to be more open minded to all possibilities. Seems that many people cling to their beliefs and only research additional proof to substantiate their beliefs, rather than looking at all possibilities......

I agree that many people cling to their beliefs and only research additional proof to substantiate their beliefs....that is why there are so many Christians that have weird beliefs about certain things that they can only back up by their "own" interpretation of the Bible. They make up crap (that is not true) and pass it along as fact. I received an e-mail from a Christian friend claiming that "prayer" had been banned from public schools with a video showing some teenagers holding up signs that repeated that notion. I explained to her that it was not true and why it was wrong in so many levels to push that thought. She didn't respond, but I'm sure that didn't keep her from sending it to others! I know where this stems from.....and wonder why some have to use religion to further their political agenda and fool those that are not as politically minded into believing such crap.
Are you talking about yourself again?

I'm not sure I am getting the "Drink the Kool-Aid." Isn't truth what we are all after? Seeing Kool-Aid would indicate not seeing the truth.

If you were even the least bit interested in the truth you would not be on your knees every Sunday seeking spiritual life from a lifeless matzo.

If you were even the least bit interested in the welfare of other people you would not be teaching them to do the same.
If you were even the least bit interested in the truth you would not be on your knees every Sunday seeking spiritual life from a lifeless matzo.

If you were even the least bit interested in the welfare of other people you would not be teaching them to do the same.

Where do you recommend faith in Jesus stop?
If you were even the least bit interested in the truth you would not be on your knees every Sunday seeking spiritual life from a lifeless matzo.

If you were even the least bit interested in the welfare of other people you would not be teaching them to do the same.

Where do you recommend faith in Jesus stop?

When you realize that what you been taught to believe about Jesus is a perversion based on Roman ignorance about Jewish thought, belief, and figurative literary expressions that conjures from the depths of hell a false image of an imaginary Jesus in the form of a substitute, counterfeit, sugar coated, supernatural, edible, triune, mangod that does not correspond to the teachings or life of any real living being ever in existence.

Only when you stop believing in and perpetuating a false image of Jesus with a false message of a false salvation will the clouds that have obscured the truth from your sight be removed so you can begin to see Christ face to face, as he actually was and is.
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When you realize that what you been taught to believe about Jesus is a perversion based on Roman ignorance about Jewish thought, belief, and figurative literary expressions that conjures from the depths of hell a false image of an imaginary Jesus in the form of a substitute, counterfeit, sugar coated, supernatural, edible, triune, mangod that does not correspond to the teachings or life of any real living being ever in existence.

Only when you stop believing in and perpetuating a false image of Jesus with a false message of a false salvation will the clouds that have obscured the truth from your sight be removed so you can begin to see Christ face to face, as he actually was and is.

What I believe about Jesus comes from the Gospels and Letters in the New Testament. Which books do you believe are based on Roman ignorance?
Note the poster didn't say "practice religion"; he said "go to church". YUUUGE difference.

We also know there is a huge difference between going to school and learning. Do you recommend students not go to school? If a student does go to school, but does not learn, who is at fault? The school? The teacher? Or, the student who chose not to learn?

So, no, there is not a huge difference. If people go to church and get nothing out of it, perhaps it is because they bring nothing with them, and they take nothing away. As we know, a body of water that brings nothing in and where nothing flows out becomes stagnant.

Uh, yes there is a YUUGE difference. Religion doesn't come from a church any more than education comes from a school. Those are institutions constructed to assembly-line a mental process. As such their results are basically superficial.

I learned stuff in school, much of which is forgotten and useless. I learned much more out of school none of which is useless. And the same goes for religion. An institution can be a resource, but ultimately the quest is personal.

As another post put it:
Mark Twain once said, "Don't let school get in the way of your education." In the same way, "Don't let Church get in the way of your coming to know God."

Go with that.
Note the poster didn't say "practice religion"; he said "go to church". YUUUGE difference.

We also know there is a huge difference between going to school and learning. Do you recommend students not go to school? If a student does go to school, but does not learn, who is at fault? The school? The teacher? Or, the student who chose not to learn?

So, no, there is not a huge difference. If people go to church and get nothing out of it, perhaps it is because they bring nothing with them, and they take nothing away. As we know, a body of water that brings nothing in and where nothing flows out becomes stagnant.

Uh, yes there is a YUUGE difference. Religion doesn't come from a church any more than education comes from a school. Those are institutions constructed to assembly-line a mental process. As such their results are basically superficial.

I learned stuff in school, much of which is forgotten and useless. I learned much more out of school none of which is useless. And the same goes for religion. An institution can be a resource, but ultimately the quest is personal.

As another post put it:
Mark Twain once said, "Don't let school get in the way of your education." In the same way, "Don't let Church get in the way of your coming to know God."

Go with that.

Q: Where did I get that quote?
A: I read it in a book.
Q: Where did I learn to read?
A: I learned in school.
Q: Was that quote in a book I read at school?
A: No.

The same is true with photography. I learned the basics of good photography at school. It didn't stop there. Same with church this morning. The lesson for the coming week was presented there. It's up to me whether it stops there or continues on.

So my question remains: If people are okay with throwing out Church, are they equally okay with throwing out school? Or, are both good beginnings?

Buddhism doesn't really address world creation. It's not an essential concern for enlightenment.

Instead, it teaches that the world, and all beings and things in it, exist, but it a dream-like way.

Why does it say that? Because everything is in a continual process of coming into being and going away. Even science backs us up with teachings on matter as mostly empty space with moving atoms and sub-atomic particles, which when examined, are also empty space.

There is no such thing as empty space.

Apparently you have never attempted a rational conversation with a Liberal?

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