What are they protesting about?

Ray From Cleveland

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2015
So I'm watching videos about the election, and they have a second screen showing all these protests in schools and on the street. Maybe it's because I'm a conservative, but can any of you leftists tell me WTF they are protesting?

Our election system has been this way for centuries in this country. We have elections, people get to vote who they want as representatives, and those representatives take the office we elected them for.

I can understand people protesting against policies such as war, taxation, new intrusive government regulations, liberty, but what I can't understand is why you would protest the outcome of a fair election. Are they protesting we have elections in the first place? Are they protesting the electoral collage? When you protest something, you are protesting for change. What change would these jobless lowlifes like to see when it comes to elections?
they are butthurt...

Maybe they are protesting that Trump should have never been allowed to run for President in the first place. I just don't know. I would sure like to hear one of those creeps tell us what they are expecting to come of their protest.
Maybe they are protesting that Trump should have never been allowed to run for President in the first place. I just don't know. I would sure like to hear one of those creeps tell us what they are expecting to come of their protest.
Hope some liberal tells us. I have no idea. Perhaps they should move to a Communist country and see that elections are more tolerable than their systems.
Those are not protests.

They are just out looking for their Free Stuff.

They heard Trump won, so they went over to his place to collect.

He offered them Jobs instead...which hurt their feelings, so they went away....probably to "safe spaces"...or perhaps to a liquor store that accepts EBT Cards.
Hope some liberal tells us. I have no idea. Perhaps they should move to a Communist country and see that elections are more tolerable than their systems.

At least I would understand then. They don't like our election process period. And if not, what would they like in it's replacement?
Those are not protests.

They are just out looking for their Free Stuff.

They heard Trump won, so they went over to his place to collect.

He offered them Jobs instead...which hurt their feelings, so they went away....probably to "safe spaces"...or perhaps to a liquor store that accepts EBT Cards.
They want jobs under Obama?
Go to Mexico or any Islamic nation and sneak back into the US.
I am the least patriotic person I know and wear the moniker proudly. But I have never protested and never will.
Those are not protests.

They are just out looking for their Free Stuff.

They heard Trump won, so they went over to his place to collect.

He offered them Jobs instead...which hurt their feelings, so they went away....probably to "safe spaces"...or perhaps to a liquor store that accepts EBT Cards.
They want jobs under Obama?
Go to Mexico or any Islamic nation and sneak back into the US.
Excellent post, Indeependent!
They are rioting because CNN/MSNBC/HuffingClue/Leftwing Pundits/Obama/Clinton and a host of other propaganda outlets have brainwashed them into thinking Trump is a racist and dangerous.
Big money is always associated with corruption. The two go hand in hand. Get the money out of our system and it becomes somethinbg I am proud of rather than ridicule and rip apart.
I am the least patriotic person I know and wear the moniker proudly. But I have never protested and never will.

Me either, but if I were to protest, I would have something to protest about. "I'm against X" Okay, at least we know.
Big money is always associated with corruption. The two go hand in hand. Get the money out of our system and it becomes somethinbg I am proud of rather than ridicule and rip apart.

I don't know about that. Hillary spent ten times what Trump spent and she still lost.

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