What are Crop Circles....Who makes them...What do they mean...Why almost all in the U.k.????

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
8 newest UK. Crop circles from July 2019....There are some videos capturing one or more balls of light from 1-3 feet in diameter circling new fields and you can watch the crop fall into position with the stems of the crops bent at 90degree angles that is impossible for a human to bend at that angle without breaking them.....are these related to UFO's and other phenomena such as Big Foot and chupacabra's, ghosts and apparitions?....A field that really does need to be investigated and fully understood

With as many as there are, I find it strange that no one has seen them being created.
When Lord Xenu returns GBR will be his new Shangri-la. Crop circles are his way of letting us know this.

The British have to do something to pass the time while waiting in line to see the doctor for free 3 months after they heal on their own or die from whatever was ailing them.
Someone invented a giant Spirograph.

Just to draw this on paper would require a protractor, straight-edge and math calculations and a lot of patience ( or a Spirograph set), but on this scale it's phenomenal - even if they're 'pranks'.
The only thing paranormal about crop circles is that there are still human beings dumb enough to think they are of extraterrestrial origin.
They have been debunked many years ago, as well as the crop circle guys themselves have video taped how they do it.
All "20 UK Crop Circles 2018 Compilation"

I find these crop circles go from quite simple to the most intricate of patterns.....Proven to most being NOT MAN MADE as the crop is bent into 90-140degree bends without BREAKING the stalks and are acknowledged to be caused by some sort of microwave activity. Since the days 30+ years ago of 2 Englishmen. Doug and Dav who claimed they made them all, Now long passed, these designs have gotten more intricate. Several video's have captured one or more 2-3 foot wide BALLS OF LIGHT OR PLASMA passing over an untouched field and as they pass over ., the crop falls neatly into place. Several small planes have flown over these fields taking tourists on a sight seeing trip to see Stone Henge, one of the biggest tourist attractions in the U.K. and report that flying into Stone Henge. The fields were untouched, and while flying back 30-40 minutes later have found these designs up to 800 feet in length...impossible for any TEAM OF MEN to make in that short period of time.

Much like the military releasing in Dec. 2017 video of UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS, that for over 70 years have been debunked as seeing Venus, balloons, swamp gas., birds and insect swarms to finally stating those LIGHTS AND OBJECTS in the sky TRACKED BY OURCMOST SOPHISTICATED RADAR SYSTEMS are actual REAL OBJECTS that can travel IN OUR ATMOSPHERR AT A RECORDED speed of 24 000 MILES PER HOUR without a sonic boom and can BLINK OFF, and reappear 10's of miles away almost instantly.

Crop circkes don't seem to be as mysterious but wonder when the U.K. government will recognize that this is also another unknown, and unsolved mystery of real importance.
Proven to most being NOT MAN MADE as the crop is bent into 90-140degree bends without BREAKING the stalks and are acknowledged to be caused by some sort of microwave activity.

Total. Horseshit.

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