What are constructs?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
This idea of questioning gender came from a linguist. Everything in language is abstract, everything from left-handedness to dark matter. A thousand+ year old sociological lingual/ construct like masculine/feminine is swept away by a few modern intellectuals playing political mind games? There is more to this, but I won't open that can of worms.
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There are exactly two genders. Everything else is sickness, restricted to mind.
If I identify as an unicorn, people will laugh at me and even might put me in a mental house. But if I identify as "androgyne", the same people would celebrate that. But where´s a difference?
You are either male or female, period. If not, I, by now, identify as a rich person and my health insurance has to make me a rich person now - at your cost. Thanks for listening.
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Lingually, everything is a construct. Words like Homophobia or Racism. Lets pars those concepts down to nothing as if the mean nothing, too.
Lingually, everything is a construct. Words like Homophobia or Racism. Lets pars those concepts down to nothing as if the mean nothing, too.
They indeed mean nothing. If you identify as androgyne, unicorn, member of a superior race or opponent of sexual preferences, that is all the same and null and void. Let them be - as long as they don´t try to impose something on you, of course. Very serious precondition, that is.
There are exactly two genders. Everything else is sickness, restricted to mind.
If I identify as an unicorn, people will laugh at me and even might put me in a mental house. But if I identify as "androgyne", the same people would celebrate that. But where´s a difference?
You are either male or female, period. If not, I, by now, identify as a rich person and my health insurance has to make me a rich person now - at your cost. Thanks for listening.

You identify as a unicorn.

I'm willing to accept that.
You identify as a unicorn.

I'm willing to accept that.
For real? What about the cost of turning me into an unicorn? What if all chicks want to ride on me? What if I am an evil unicorn that likes to impale people? That´s a lot of stuff you need to consider first before you make premature decisions.
This idea of questioning gender came from a linguist. Everything in language is abstract, everything from left-handedness to dark matter. A thousand+ year old sociological lingual/ construct like masculine/feminine is swept away by a few modern intellectuals playing political mind games? There is more to this, but I won't open that can of worms.
Did you know our federal Constitution was intelligently designed to be both gender and race neutral, from Inception?
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What IS an construct, anyway? Gender has been around thousands of years, we have to reject it for a construct liberals created just a week ago...oh, ok.
What IS an construct, anyway? Gender has been around thousands of years, we have to reject it for a construct liberals created just a week ago...oh, ok.
According to the dictionary: an idea or theory containing various conceptual elements, typically one considered to be subjective and not based on empirical evidence.

female and male are contructs.
A thousand+ year old sociological lingual/ construct like masculine/feminine is swept away by a few modern intellectuals playing political mind games?

Nothing is swept away, Mary, no amount of mental illness and environmentally-induced gender confusion can change the fact that no matter which of the 38 or 40 pseudo-bender genders people claim to identify with now, if you get out each of their birth certificates, you will always find either one of two genders determined at your birth, and it can only be based on your XY chromosomes.
According to the dictionary: an idea or theory containing various conceptual elements, typically one considered to be subjective and not based on empirical evidence.

female and male are contructs.
Well, in other words: ones that represents reality. Mathematics. Gravitational physics and electronics and constructs like that, the ones we use to construct message boards on. Seems real enough to me. Seems real enough to YOU.

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