What aggressive welfare reform should really look like...


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Habitual able bodied beggars should be awarded a taxpayer funded fishing pole, a tent, some necessities for rugged survival and a bus ride to a resource rich wilderness. Early settlers had to start from scratch and live off the land...why shouldn't our pet humans have to do the same?
Habitual able bodied beggars should be awarded a taxpayer funded fishing pole, a tent, some necessities for rugged survival and a bus ride to a resource rich wilderness. Early settlers had to start from scratch and live off the land...why shouldn't our pet humans have to do the same?

They would just find the closest human settlement and steal what they needed and probably be killed trying!
Habitual able bodied beggars should be awarded a taxpayer funded fishing pole, a tent, some necessities for rugged survival and a bus ride to a resource rich wilderness. Early settlers had to start from scratch and live off the land...why shouldn't our pet humans have to do the same?

They would just find the closest human settlement and steal what they needed and probably be killed trying!

Habitual able bodied beggars should be awarded a taxpayer funded fishing pole, a tent, some necessities for rugged survival and a bus ride to a resource rich wilderness. Early settlers had to start from scratch and live off the land...why shouldn't our pet humans have to do the same?

They would just find the closest human settlement and steal what they needed and probably be killed trying!


I don't know about you, but I would need a tax cut to offset increased ammo costs and range time!
Habitual able bodied beggars should be awarded a taxpayer funded fishing pole, a tent, some necessities for rugged survival and a bus ride to a resource rich wilderness. Early settlers had to start from scratch and live off the land...why shouldn't our pet humans have to do the same?

They would just find the closest human settlement and steal what they needed and probably be killed trying!


I don't know about you, but I would need a tax cut to offset increased ammo costs and range time!

Haha...I agree...I would definitely need a bit more time at the range...but I've probably acquired enough ammo to supply a small Army.
We need to return to the survival of the fittest and let evolution sort all of this out.
Habitual able bodied beggars should be awarded a taxpayer funded fishing pole, a tent, some necessities for rugged survival and a bus ride to a resource rich wilderness. Early settlers had to start from scratch and live off the land...why shouldn't our pet humans have to do the same?

They would just find the closest human settlement and steal what they needed and probably be killed trying!

We need to return to the survival of the fittest and let evolution sort all of this out.

Just imagine DaShawn and ShaQuita hiking around the wilderness with fishing poles....I'm thinking they'd figure out how to pull their heads from their asses real quick if that was actually on the table...haha
Let them die....

That is your idea of welfare reform. You're an evil piece of subhuman trash for this immoral hatred of the poor. Why not attack the goddamn rich that take thousands of times more out of the economy?

They earned it.
Really? All of them earned it? Today´s power elite began with Rockefeller who sold oil as medicine.
Welfare exploded under Aunt Barry, esp corporate welfare. He bailed out the car industry and the insurance industry and esp the banks. He gave the banks trillions of dollars.
Let them die....

That is your idea of welfare reform. You're an evil piece of subhuman trash for this immoral hatred of the poor. Why not attack the goddamn rich that take thousands of times more out of the economy?

They earned it.
Really? All of them earned it? Today´s power elite began with Rockefeller who sold oil as medicine.

Not all, but most of them!

I guess you are suffering from numerous types of envy!
Let them die....

That is your idea of welfare reform. You're an evil piece of subhuman trash for this immoral hatred of the poor. Why not attack the goddamn rich that take thousands of times more out of the economy?

Let me tell you something Matt: if we could take all the so-called poor, put them on an island somewhere, not only would they not be missed, but it would benefit our society. If you took all the wealthy and did the same thing, our country would collapse.

Wealth is what made this a great nation--not poverty. Show me one great country that became that way because of poor people.

Why not attack the rich? Because it's the rich that pay most all of our income taxes for your precious social programs. It's the rich that provide us with jobs and structural growth.

When you go to a city downtown, and look at all those big tall buildings, the crowded streets, the economic activity, the poor didn't build that. The wealthy did.
Let them die....

That is your idea of welfare reform. You're an evil piece of subhuman trash for this immoral hatred of the poor. Why not attack the goddamn rich that take thousands of times more out of the economy?

They earned it.
Really? All of them earned it? Today´s power elite began with Rockefeller who sold oil as medicine.

Not all, but most of them!

I guess you are suffering from numerous types of envy!
This is the typical reaction of moneybags. It´s envy. Fucking moneybags that never lifted a finger - I should stuff their yaps with 1000 $ Bills. Every man is the architect of his own fortune is what moneybags claim while they outsource some more jobs. It is the favored saying of moneybags. Nobody else would ever say such stupid nonsense.
Let them die....

That is your idea of welfare reform. You're an evil piece of subhuman trash for this immoral hatred of the poor. Why not attack the goddamn rich that take thousands of times more out of the economy?

They earned it.
Really? All of them earned it? Today´s power elite began with Rockefeller who sold oil as medicine.

Not all, but most of them!

I guess you are suffering from numerous types of envy!
This is the typical reaction of moneybags. It´s envy. Fucking moneybags that never lifted a finger - I should stuff their yaps with 1000 $ Bills. Every man is the architect of his own fortune is what moneybags claim while they outsource some more jobs. It is the favored saying of moneybags. Nobody else would ever say such stupid nonsense.

So you suffer from wealth envy and penis envy too?

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