What A Relief!


Sep 23, 2010
They located this one that nobody cares about:

Domestic disasters were media fixtures long before television took over. There never were enough domestic disasters to fill news programming every day. Ergo, subscription television was specifically created for more advertising platforms. Disasters in foreign countries opened up a completely new domestic market for tragedies.

NOTE: A tiny portion of the world’s ever sets a foot on an airplane. The other 99.999 percent are like me. They only care if one of their loved ones or friends is killed.

The media makes a ton of money filling television news programs with every disaster taking place in foreign countries; plane crashes, train wrecks, natural disasters, hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, mine collapses, murder, and every other bloody tragedy they can show on slow news days. Frankly, I do not follow tragedies because I do not give a rat’s ass about anything that is reported on the other side of the world. Third World citizens mean nothing.

I do keep an eye on wars and revolutions, but only so far as they are a realistic threat to this country.

Advertising-money is not the primary reason that I ignore every media piece of garbage. Television’s plan is simple, and it has been in effect since television became the dominant opinion-maker in America —— brainwash the American people until they convince a majority of Americans that global government is the only way to make it a better world. Every tragedy is built around television’s golden rule “Global government.” To hear media mouths tell their subliminal horror stories, a one government world is the only known way to eliminate the cruelty sovereign nations have been inflicting on the world for thousands of years.

Once Americans fall for television’s mind-numbing garbage it is only a matter of time before the rest of the garbage falls in place. It matters not that the overwhelming number of people in the world do not own a television set. The propaganda is designed for First World television-viewers. It is First World counties that must sign onto a global government. Third World citizens mean nothing.

NOTE: No major religion ever promoted its religion as effectively, or as quickly, as did television.

Indeed, the media’s propaganda method’s for creating a global government was made to order for Taqiyya the Liar. He saw an opportunity and jumped on it like a dung beetle. He saw himself as so brilliant he could fool the entire world into accepting him as a spiritual leader. In fact, he was doing fine as a spiritual leader when he was a street hustling community organizing. His troubles began after he climbed out of the sewer he came from. In no time at all he went the way of every other spiritual leader who never get past their own fools.

Parenthetically, he continues to play the part of universal pope, while he is either blind or too stupid to realize that the world is laughing at him. Hell, he no longer qualifies as a so-called world leader by America’s allies, or by the standards he set in his own media.

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