WHAT A RACIST!! Muslim immigrant explains why she voted for Trump


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Ah, the tolerant and inclusive left...

Obviously, she is a Xenophobe.

Muslim immigrant explains why she voted for Trump

A Muslim woman said Sunday that her viral article explaining why she voted for Donald Trump has angered her liberal pals as well as other Muslims.

Asra Nomani declared herself one of President-elect Donald Trump’s silent supporters in an opinion piece she wrote in the Washington Post Thursday called "I'm a Muslim, a woman and an immigrant. I voted for Trump."

“As you can tell I don’t have horns on my head, right, but nonetheless I am now being [characterized] as a traitor, to my own liberals as an idiot, names that I can’t even repeat on air,” she told "Fox & Friends."

The former Wall Street Journal reporter also said fellow Muslims have told her they hope Allah sends her “to the gates of hell.”

“But you know none of that matters to me because I’m getting more responses than in my 30 years in journalism from people who are saying, ‘Thank you,’ because they too are fed up with the polarization,” she said.
I used to be a liberal, until I realized what a bunch of deluded anal retentive control freaks liberals have become, they scared me literally. Racism sexism xenophobia and homophobia are just empty buzz words meant to control people, there is little sincerity in any of that. Liberal have become so exclusive, hateful and intolerant it boggles the mind how they overlook their own hypocrisy. As a disillusioned ex-liberal, I have to say I am done with liberalism until the leadership (?) gets real and gets a grip on reality.
Better late than never....congrats on waking up. You are liberated from the HYPOCRISY! :banana:
I used to be a liberal, until I realized what a bunch of deluded anal retentive control freaks liberals have become, they scared me literally. Racism sexism xenophobia and homophobia are just empty buzz words meant to control people, there is little sincerity in any of that. Liberal have become so exclusive, hateful and intolerant it boggles the mind how they overlook their own hypocrisy. As a disillusioned ex-liberal, I have to say I am done with liberalism until the leadership (?) gets real and gets a grip on reality.
Good on you! So very few ever make it out...
I used to be a liberal, until I realized what a bunch of deluded anal retentive control freaks liberals have become, they scared me literally. Racism sexism xenophobia and homophobia are just empty buzz words meant to control people, there is little sincerity in any of that. Liberal have become so exclusive, hateful and intolerant it boggles the mind how they overlook their own hypocrisy. As a disillusioned ex-liberal, I have to say I am done with liberalism until the leadership (?) gets real and gets a grip on reality.

I don't think the problem is liberalism so much as it is the lack of any real liberal principles among the authoritarians calling themselves such.

Perhaps we are just seeing the same thing and calling it differently, but I don't give authoritarians the honor of calling them liberal.

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