We've had GOP Tax Holidays for overseas businesses before. How'd that work out?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Companies like Apple will bring back billions if there's a 'tax holiday,' but last time it was a 'disaster'

Repatriation Tax Holiday Would Lose Revenue And Is a Proven Policy Failure

Why A Repatriation Tax Holiday is Still a Bad Idea

Republicans push this terrible idea AGAIN because they know the GOP base is ignorant to the point if being morons. The other times the GOP did this there was no benefit. Even though they sold the country a bill of goods, it was a failure except for the very rich. Did they create new jobs? No. They gave out dividends to shareholders who just got richer while the government got stiffed.
Companies like Apple will bring back billions if there's a 'tax holiday,' but last time it was a 'disaster'

Repatriation Tax Holiday Would Lose Revenue And Is a Proven Policy Failure

Why A Repatriation Tax Holiday is Still a Bad Idea

Republicans push this terrible idea AGAIN because they know the GOP base is ignorant to the point if being morons. The other times the GOP did this there was no benefit. Even though they sold the country a bill of goods, it was a failure except for the very rich. Did they create new jobs? No. They gave out dividends to shareholders who just got richer while the government got stiffed.

Companies like Apple will bring back billions if there's a 'tax holiday,' but last time it was a 'disaster'

Congress hoped that the tax holiday would bring in lots of revenue that could be used to create jobs, repair roads, and generally improve the US economy.

Instead, despite Congress' efforts to prohibit it, the companies spent a lot of their savings on dividends and stock buybacks.

We tax dividends in the US. That gives the government revenue, and more importantly gives more money to the shareholders. Stock buybacks raise the price of the stock and give money to the selling shareholders who pay capital gains taxes which give the government more revenue.

Sounds like a win-win-win.
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The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Republi-clans played this card before. How'd that work out?

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