Western Kentucky University rejects racist proposal for free tuition for black students


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie
University rejects proposal to give black students free tuition as reparations for slavery

Students at Western Kentucky University voted this week to give their black peers free tuition as a way to make amends for slavery, but administrators say it's not going to happen.

President Gary Ransdell issued a statement Thursday after the student government passed its "Resolution to Support Reparations" laying out the reasons black students should receive a free education at the Bowling Green school.

"We appreciate the Student Government Association’s interest in these issues, but it’s important to clarify that their resolution is not an official position taken by the university," Ransdell wrote. "I have read the SGA resolution, and I understand that their intent was to spark a conversation, but the university will not adopt any such policy."

The two-page resolution, which got the go-ahead from student leaders on Tuesday, lists its purpose as to acknowledge "that there is a debt that will never be paid." It references an achievement gap between minority and majority students, alluding not only to slavery but also the Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision and the fact that "standardized tests perpetuate and uphold white supremacy."

To that end, it asks for the university to create a task force to explore implementing test-optional and geographically weighted admissions policies.

"We demand reparations for the systemic denial of access to high-quality educational opportunities in the form of full and free access for all black people (including undocumented, currently and formerly incarcerated people) to Western Kentucky University," it adds.

Though Jay Todd Richey, the president of the student government, told the Bowling Green Daily News he knew the free tuition proposal wasn't likely to come to fruition, he said he wanted the resolution to promote more equitable higher education. Nineteen students voted in favor, 10 voted in opposition and one didn't vote at all...

Sorry, liberals, but black privilege only goes so far. It's bad enough that black students can get into Harvard (usually at the expense of Asian students) if they can spell their names correctly. Go fuck yourselves.
Giving Negroes more free sh!t is not going to bootstrap them.

They will just turn colleges into black ghettos as before, like with the last free sh!t they were given.

Imagine fat black chicks boinking and spitting out black babies all over campus.

And skinny black guys raping white chicks as well as the black ones too.
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Sorry, liberals, but black privilege only goes so far. It's bad enough that black students can get into Harvard (usually at the expense of Asian students) if they can spell their names correctly. Go fuck yourselves.
Hey, spelling names like La Quisha is not that easy!
Teenagers are supposed to study in high school then go to college or into a trade.

Negro teens mostly just boink each other and smoke crack pipes.

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