Were the 3 Stooges racist?

Everyone was racist back then

Aw bullshit. My grandfather traded always traded with anyone with money, regardless of their race back in the day.
Did your grandfather fight for civil rights?
A merchant in the North selling to blacks was not uncommon.

"Fight" in what way? No, he didn't attend the riots scheduled in the honor of Martin Luther King getting whacked. Never voted, he was born in Poland you know, not a natural born citizen.
Everyone was racist back then

um. . . weren't Biden and Trump born and raised back then? :poke:
A little after the heyday of the Stooges
Biden would have been four years old when this skit was released to TEE VEE. You think the nation would have changed substantially in a few years as he neared say six, seven, eight years of age, and it went into syndication, is that it? :45:

I'll admit, when I grew up, decades later and the stooges were still on TEE VEE, I don't recall this one, yet they were still on TEE VEE, with their old fashioned tropes and mindset.

So no, you are most definitely wrong on this.
I was disputing the assertion that "everyone was racist" back in the day, which of course was total bullshit.

Jim Crow was alive and well when the Three Stooges were filming ... and fully endorsed by the SCOTUS ... many a story from Californians shocked at the treatment of African-Americans in the military during WWII, folks who grew up in mixed race communities ... rightwinger exaggerates a little, but only a little ...
Everyone was racist back then

um. . . weren't Biden and Trump born and raised back then? :poke:
A little after the heyday of the Stooges
Biden would have been four years old when this skit was released to TEE VEE. You think the nation would have changed substantially in a few years as he neared say six, seven, eight years of age, and it went into syndication, is that it? :45:

I'll admit, when I grew up, decades later and the stooges were still on TEE VEE, I don't recall this one, yet they were still on TEE VEE, with their old fashioned tropes and mindset.

So no, you are most definitely wrong on this.
I was thinking of when it was produced, not reruns.
But you are correct, a lot of that racist shit was on TV well into the 60s
Lots of things that we consider racists now were not considered racist then. People decided the things were racist later on.

Of course back in the day, most people didn't even concern themselves with what is or is not racist. Lots of people were racist and didn't have a clue that they were.
Trivia (from Wikipedia):

After Shemp's death, Moe and Larry were again in need of a third Stooge. Several comedians were considered, including noted African-American actor Mantan Moreland[20], but Columbia insisted on a comedian already under contract.[4] They decided on Joe Besser, who appeared in the final 16 Stooge shorts at Columbia. Besser had been starring in his own short-subject comedies for the studio since 1949 and appeared in supporting roles in a variety of movies, making his persona sufficiently well known.

4 Maurer, Joan Howard; Jeff Lenburg; Greg Lenburg (1982). The Three Stooges Scrapbook. Citadel Press. pp. 73, 87, 179–193. ISBN 0-8065-0946-5.
Price, Michael (2007). Mantan the Funnyman: The Life and Times of Mantan Moreland. Midnight Marquee Press. pp. 207–208. ISBN 978-1-88766-470-7.

Would have been interesting to see how Mantan would have worked out, especially in that era.
Would have been interesting to see how Mantan would have worked out, especially in that era.

Social Justice warriors would have a field day. Moe would be condemned as a racist for sure, for the nerve of poking an African American in the eye.

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