We're Seeing the Death Rattle of the Revolution, Not Its Birth


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
We're Seeing the Death Rattle of the Revolution, Not Its Birth

29 Jul 2020 ~~ By Sarak Hoyt
I’m not surprised, though I am chagrined, that a lot of people, including people I know and respect, are buying into the idea that what we’re in the midst of is a Marxist revolution in the U.S.

Look, I understand, okay? Not as many people have had the experience I had of living under unbridled, unmasked Marxist power, so you don’t understand their myths and how they actually connect with reality. Oh, you’re starting to see it, as the left drops its masks, but it’s not the same as seeing them running around, showing their behinds and expounding the craziest theories during your formative years, when your eye is unsparing. There is a reason it was a little boy who cried “the king goes naked.”
Let’s start with what the left thinks they are doing:
They think they’re bringing about their utopia, their heaven on Earth.
They have been programmed – indoctrinated, really – from birth via the media, education, entertainment, and – heaven have mercy – even churches and synagogues into believing what amounts to a heretical Christian sect.
There are many variations of the Communist mythos, mostly Marx, but with its roots firmly in Rosseau. They range from racial ones (one to each race) to feminist ones. There are probably others I haven’t even heard about.
The myth goes like this: in the beginning, there was no capitalism (the cult’s quaint name for any free buying and selling or trade. (This is why they call monarchies capitalism or private property.) This was the dawn of man, the perfect state of humanity. Because there was no property there was no envy and no crime. Man (and particularly woman) lived in a time of innocence. In this perfect utopia – feminist version – women ruled, sex was free, babies were brought up communally, and every woman could do as she pleased. In the racial version, the poor now-oppressed race were the rulers, and therefore there was no property, etc., etc. No crime.
The liniments of the story should sound familiar if you come from a Judeo-Christian background. It’s the story of creation, fall, and eventual world-redemption, only stripped of a creator, any power superior to the Kommissars and the idea of personal redemption. In fact, in this heresy the individual doesn’t matter at all, only the group he belongs to.
I doubt any Marxist has been told this story as such, but I promise you it is in the background of a lot of their books, from “non-fiction” to novels. The idea, bonkers as it is and as easy to dismantle as it is, is in the background of their thoughts.
These ideas have been in circulation for a long time, and I guarantee if you read your kids’ school books and look for hints of this you will find it. Particularly in history. I was fortunate (?) to have relatives from many professional backgrounds and to be a compulsive reader.
There are only two things standing in the way of their sparking their revolution. They’re blind to them, but we should not be.
The first is that there isn’t a vast mass of the “dispossessed” who are natural communists and will “ignite” into violent revolution and take over, given the slightest encouragement.
No, I’m serious, Obama believed in this with all his heart (that poor man is an echo-boomer and a red-diaper baby and so his head is full of excrement to an extent no sane person can believe). Hence his telling bankers he was standing between them and the mob (that Obama was sure was just ready to ignite). Hence, the crazy stupidity of Fast And Furious, which posited that if American guns were found at the site of Mexican cartel crimes, the (oppressed, natch) people of America would rise up and demand gun control in solidarity with their oppressed brethren. And if you look closely, you’ll see the links between Obama and Occupy Wall Street, which they believed was the spark that would send the 99% up in revolution. Only… it failed because the 99% are not “natural communists” wishing to throw off the yoke of capitalism. You need to be exquisitely indoctrinated to believe they are.
The ramping-up insanity you see is partly their desperate need to keep control and partly the fact that their prophecy has failed twice in two different flavors right before their eyes.
Obama was supposed to usher in a non-white utopia. Well… that didn’t happen. And then when the feminists were about to usher in their feminist utopia, it was snatched from their aching hands.
Their art works and entertainment filled with their gospel truth bring less and less money/acclaim/etc.
Their only chance, as they see it, is to bring about utopia now.
But they’re looking at it backwards. And if they keep on destroying and burning and looting in the hopes the vast “oppressed” hordes who want communism will rise up, this will all end in “Aristo, aristo a la lanterne.”
Stay aware. Stay calm. Don’t get caught up in their play. This is their last push.
And if history is any guide, it will fail. The only question now is how high a butcher’s bill will we have to pay.

Excellent article. I was saying something like this to some friends yesterday using the French Revolution as an example.
This all began with the birth of the Fabian Society in the latter part of the late 19th Century, creating the modern DNC. With the election of Barack Hussein Obama, they knew they were just one more election away from tyranny but Trump won. Now they're going all out relying finally on violence in their maniacal attempt to finally takeover this country.
Mild responses is not what the “Revolutionaries” want. They want a full on conflict that they, with the backing, propaganda of their "Fifth Column" MSM, believing they will ‘win’.They will never win as long as American Patriots stay strong.
LOL Marxism is nothing more than a scary label you dummies put on stuff to scare the boomers.

Boomers ain't scared. We're armed to the teeth! As we can still pass background checks; unlike most Negoes and some beaner boyz. And white pajama boys can't buy guns, since supply can't keep up with demand!
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We're Seeing the Death Rattle of the Revolution, Not Its Birth

29 Jul 2020 ~~ By Sarak Hoyt
I’m not surprised, though I am chagrined, that a lot of people, including people I know and respect, are buying into the idea that what we’re in the midst of is a Marxist revolution in the U.S.

Look, I understand, okay? Not as many people have had the experience I had of living under unbridled, unmasked Marxist power, so you don’t understand their myths and how they actually connect with reality. Oh, you’re starting to see it, as the left drops its masks, but it’s not the same as seeing them running around, showing their behinds and expounding the craziest theories during your formative years, when your eye is unsparing. There is a reason it was a little boy who cried “the king goes naked.”
Let’s start with what the left thinks they are doing:
They think they’re bringing about their utopia, their heaven on Earth.
They have been programmed – indoctrinated, really – from birth via the media, education, entertainment, and – heaven have mercy – even churches and synagogues into believing what amounts to a heretical Christian sect.
There are many variations of the Communist mythos, mostly Marx, but with its roots firmly in Rosseau. They range from racial ones (one to each race) to feminist ones. There are probably others I haven’t even heard about.
The myth goes like this: in the beginning, there was no capitalism (the cult’s quaint name for any free buying and selling or trade. (This is why they call monarchies capitalism or private property.) This was the dawn of man, the perfect state of humanity. Because there was no property there was no envy and no crime. Man (and particularly woman) lived in a time of innocence. In this perfect utopia – feminist version – women ruled, sex was free, babies were brought up communally, and every woman could do as she pleased. In the racial version, the poor now-oppressed race were the rulers, and therefore there was no property, etc., etc. No crime.
The liniments of the story should sound familiar if you come from a Judeo-Christian background. It’s the story of creation, fall, and eventual world-redemption, only stripped of a creator, any power superior to the Kommissars and the idea of personal redemption. In fact, in this heresy the individual doesn’t matter at all, only the group he belongs to.
I doubt any Marxist has been told this story as such, but I promise you it is in the background of a lot of their books, from “non-fiction” to novels. The idea, bonkers as it is and as easy to dismantle as it is, is in the background of their thoughts.
These ideas have been in circulation for a long time, and I guarantee if you read your kids’ school books and look for hints of this you will find it. Particularly in history. I was fortunate (?) to have relatives from many professional backgrounds and to be a compulsive reader.
There are only two things standing in the way of their sparking their revolution. They’re blind to them, but we should not be.
The first is that there isn’t a vast mass of the “dispossessed” who are natural communists and will “ignite” into violent revolution and take over, given the slightest encouragement.
No, I’m serious, Obama believed in this with all his heart (that poor man is an echo-boomer and a red-diaper baby and so his head is full of excrement to an extent no sane person can believe). Hence his telling bankers he was standing between them and the mob (that Obama was sure was just ready to ignite). Hence, the crazy stupidity of Fast And Furious, which posited that if American guns were found at the site of Mexican cartel crimes, the (oppressed, natch) people of America would rise up and demand gun control in solidarity with their oppressed brethren. And if you look closely, you’ll see the links between Obama and Occupy Wall Street, which they believed was the spark that would send the 99% up in revolution. Only… it failed because the 99% are not “natural communists” wishing to throw off the yoke of capitalism. You need to be exquisitely indoctrinated to believe they are.
The ramping-up insanity you see is partly their desperate need to keep control and partly the fact that their prophecy has failed twice in two different flavors right before their eyes.
Obama was supposed to usher in a non-white utopia. Well… that didn’t happen. And then when the feminists were about to usher in their feminist utopia, it was snatched from their aching hands.
Their art works and entertainment filled with their gospel truth bring less and less money/acclaim/etc.
Their only chance, as they see it, is to bring about utopia now.
But they’re looking at it backwards. And if they keep on destroying and burning and looting in the hopes the vast “oppressed” hordes who want communism will rise up, this will all end in “Aristo, aristo a la lanterne.”
Stay aware. Stay calm. Don’t get caught up in their play. This is their last push.
And if history is any guide, it will fail. The only question now is how high a butcher’s bill will we have to pay.

Excellent article. I was saying something like this to some friends yesterday using the French Revolution as an example.
This all began with the birth of the Fabian Society in the latter part of the late 19th Century, creating the modern DNC. With the election of Barack Hussein Obama, they knew they were just one more election away from tyranny but Trump won. Now they're going all out relying finally on violence in their maniacal attempt to finally takeover this country.
Mild responses is not what the “Revolutionaries” want. They want a full on conflict that they, with the backing, propaganda of their "Fifth Column" MSM, believing they will ‘win’.They will never win as long as American Patriots stay strong.
A year or two ago I would've said that this article is all hyperbole, but as time goes on and I do more reading into the source materials of Intersectionalism/Social Justice/Critical Theory/whatever name you wanna slap on it, the claims of many of the anti-Communist types that I long viewed as conspiracy theorists have proven to be terrifyingly accurate.

People see things like that pamphlet that came out of the Smithsonian last week about all the "evils" of white culture (hard work, planning for the future, etc) and, if they're like I myself was not that long ago, they take comfort in the idea that such insanities are the fringe, and not representative of what the critical mass of progressives believe. This is a mistake. Look into the authors cited by the Critical Theorists, by the 3rd wave Feminists. . . The abolition of even the most basic and fundamental values of our society are anathema to these people. The rank and file lefties who don't do a lot of reading might not be actively on the same page, so to speak, as the thought leaders, but everything they espouse leads, in principle, to exactly the sorts of precepts you see in movements like #ScienceMustFall.

Anyway, the bit about this being a death rattle, I think that might be accurate. I think they're suddenly pushing so aggressively for the same reason that they moved the conversation away from class and onto race: The American working class doesn't seek to throw off the "shackles" of capitalism, likely because the material conditions under which the modern, western working class lives are as comfortable as they have been in the known history of humanity, and this is not a situation that creates revolutionary frustration. With the Covid19 crisis coupled with the economic shutdown, I'm willing to bet that the thought leaders decided this was the best moment to try to capitalize (no pun intended) on the best potential blip of class-based frustration in the last couple of decades and combine it with whatever Social Justice divisiveness they've been able to stir up in the 2010's and push everything over the edge. I think they've overestimated the situation, though: I don't think there's all that many people who blame our economic system for not being able to shrug off a full fiscal quarter's worth of shutdown, and the fact that most regular people still recognize that Smithsonian cultural nonsense as the insanity that it is.

Unfortunately, the Supreme Court is currently looking like a 5-4 stamp in favor of extra-constitutional authoritarianism when it's justified by the goal of making us safer, so this election is still a doorway through which these people can do some serious, perhaps fatal damage to the system we currently have. With the left pushing some INSANE apologetics to justify a completely unsecured voting scheme and only really being able to guess as to what the "silent majority" is thinking about all of this or whether they still exist at all, I think there's still a fairly good opportunity for them to engineer the conditions necessary to drive us to that threshold where the necessary tinder exists to facilitate that revolutionary spark.
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A long time friend of ours from Venezuela originally, back in 2010 predicted the current lane change towards Marxism.
Even I thought that was far fetched 10 years ago.
Not anymore.
20 years ago, I was screaming and bitching about Marxism.

Here we are.

And we still have people like Mac58 denying it.

I lacked foresight that Marxism could make a comeback. I lost touch with American Academia's degree of indoctrination.
But, not anymore!
We're Seeing the Death Rattle of the Revolution, Not Its Birth

29 Jul 2020 ~~ By Sarak Hoyt
I’m not surprised, though I am chagrined, that a lot of people, including people I know and respect, are buying into the idea that what we’re in the midst of is a Marxist revolution in the U.S.

Look, I understand, okay? Not as many people have had the experience I had of living under unbridled, unmasked Marxist power, so you don’t understand their myths and how they actually connect with reality. Oh, you’re starting to see it, as the left drops its masks, but it’s not the same as seeing them running around, showing their behinds and expounding the craziest theories during your formative years, when your eye is unsparing. There is a reason it was a little boy who cried “the king goes naked.”
Let’s start with what the left thinks they are doing:
They think they’re bringing about their utopia, their heaven on Earth.
They have been programmed – indoctrinated, really – from birth via the media, education, entertainment, and – heaven have mercy – even churches and synagogues into believing what amounts to a heretical Christian sect.
There are many variations of the Communist mythos, mostly Marx, but with its roots firmly in Rosseau. They range from racial ones (one to each race) to feminist ones. There are probably others I haven’t even heard about.
The myth goes like this: in the beginning, there was no capitalism (the cult’s quaint name for any free buying and selling or trade. (This is why they call monarchies capitalism or private property.) This was the dawn of man, the perfect state of humanity. Because there was no property there was no envy and no crime. Man (and particularly woman) lived in a time of innocence. In this perfect utopia – feminist version – women ruled, sex was free, babies were brought up communally, and every woman could do as she pleased. In the racial version, the poor now-oppressed race were the rulers, and therefore there was no property, etc., etc. No crime.
The liniments of the story should sound familiar if you come from a Judeo-Christian background. It’s the story of creation, fall, and eventual world-redemption, only stripped of a creator, any power superior to the Kommissars and the idea of personal redemption. In fact, in this heresy the individual doesn’t matter at all, only the group he belongs to.
I doubt any Marxist has been told this story as such, but I promise you it is in the background of a lot of their books, from “non-fiction” to novels. The idea, bonkers as it is and as easy to dismantle as it is, is in the background of their thoughts.
These ideas have been in circulation for a long time, and I guarantee if you read your kids’ school books and look for hints of this you will find it. Particularly in history. I was fortunate (?) to have relatives from many professional backgrounds and to be a compulsive reader.
There are only two things standing in the way of their sparking their revolution. They’re blind to them, but we should not be.
The first is that there isn’t a vast mass of the “dispossessed” who are natural communists and will “ignite” into violent revolution and take over, given the slightest encouragement.
No, I’m serious, Obama believed in this with all his heart (that poor man is an echo-boomer and a red-diaper baby and so his head is full of excrement to an extent no sane person can believe). Hence his telling bankers he was standing between them and the mob (that Obama was sure was just ready to ignite). Hence, the crazy stupidity of Fast And Furious, which posited that if American guns were found at the site of Mexican cartel crimes, the (oppressed, natch) people of America would rise up and demand gun control in solidarity with their oppressed brethren. And if you look closely, you’ll see the links between Obama and Occupy Wall Street, which they believed was the spark that would send the 99% up in revolution. Only… it failed because the 99% are not “natural communists” wishing to throw off the yoke of capitalism. You need to be exquisitely indoctrinated to believe they are.
The ramping-up insanity you see is partly their desperate need to keep control and partly the fact that their prophecy has failed twice in two different flavors right before their eyes.
Obama was supposed to usher in a non-white utopia. Well… that didn’t happen. And then when the feminists were about to usher in their feminist utopia, it was snatched from their aching hands.
Their art works and entertainment filled with their gospel truth bring less and less money/acclaim/etc.
Their only chance, as they see it, is to bring about utopia now.
But they’re looking at it backwards. And if they keep on destroying and burning and looting in the hopes the vast “oppressed” hordes who want communism will rise up, this will all end in “Aristo, aristo a la lanterne.”
Stay aware. Stay calm. Don’t get caught up in their play. This is their last push.
And if history is any guide, it will fail. The only question now is how high a butcher’s bill will we have to pay.

Excellent article. I was saying something like this to some friends yesterday using the French Revolution as an example.
This all began with the birth of the Fabian Society in the latter part of the late 19th Century, creating the modern DNC. With the election of Barack Hussein Obama, they knew they were just one more election away from tyranny but Trump won. Now they're going all out relying finally on violence in their maniacal attempt to finally takeover this country.
Mild responses is not what the “Revolutionaries” want. They want a full on conflict that they, with the backing, propaganda of their "Fifth Column" MSM, believing they will ‘win’.They will never win as long as American Patriots stay strong.
A year or two ago I would've said that this article is all hyperbole, but as time goes on and I do more reading into the source materials of Intersectionalism/Social Justice/Critical Theory/whatever name you wanna slap on it, the claims of many of the anti-Communist types that I long viewed as conspiracy theorists have proven to be terrifyingly accurate.

People see things like that pamphlet that came out of the Smithsonian last week about all the "evils" of white culture (hard work, planning for the future, etc) and, if they're like I myself was not that long ago, they take comfort in the idea that such insanities are the fringe, and not representative of what the critical mass of progressives believe. This is a mistake. Look into the authors cited by the Critical Theorists, by the 3rd wave Feminists. . . The abolition of even the most basic and fundamental values of our society are anathema to these people. The rank and file lefties who don't do a lot of reading might not be actively on the same page, so to speak, as the thought leaders, but everything they espouse leads, in principle, to exactly the sorts of precepts you see in movements like #ScienceMustFall.

Anyway, the bit about this being a death rattle, I think that might be accurate. I think they're suddenly pushing so aggressively for the same reason that they moved the conversation away from class and onto race: The American working class doesn't seek to throw off the "shackles" of capitalism, likely because the material conditions under which the modern, western working class lives are as comfortable as they have been in the known history of humanity, and this is not a situation that creates revolutionary frustration. With the Covid19 crisis coupled with the economic shutdown, I'm willing to bet that the thought leaders decided this was the best moment to try to capitalize (no pun intended) on the best potential blip of class-based frustration in the last couple of decades and combine it with whatever Social Justice divisiveness they've been able to stir up in the 2010's and push everything over the edge. I think they've overestimated the situation, though: I don't think there's all that many people who blame our economic system for not being able to shrug off a full fiscal quarter's worth of shutdown, and the fact that most regular people still recognize that Smithsonian cultural nonsense as the insanity that it is.

Unfortunately, the Supreme Court is currently looking like a 5-4 stamp in favor of extra-constitutional authoritarianism when it's justified by the goal of making us safer, so this election is still a doorway through which these people can do some serious, perhaps fatal damage to the system we currently have. With the left pushing some INSANE apologetics to justify a completely unsecured voting scheme and only really being able to guess as to what the "silent majority" is thinking about all of this or whether they still exist at all, I think there's still a fairly good opportunity for them to engineer the conditions necessary to drive us to that threshold where the necessary tinder exists to facilitate that revolutionary spark.

Meanwhile, you have to wonder why the United States of America is the only country that Democrats continue call for total shut down of the country.
LOL Marxism is nothing more than a scary label you dummies put on stuff to scare the boomers.

Angry does not mean scared.
Either one makes the rational part of the brain shut down and makes one highly suggestible.
That's very true. Which is why you should always be wary of the wisdom of a movement backing their demands with violence. A movement who's members are becoming infamous for throwing shrieking tantrums when the police arrest them for their violent acts. A movement who's primary symbol is a fucking CLENCHED FIST! A movement who proclaims that, despite not being able to point to a single fascist policy that's been implemented, that the Trump presidency is likely to result in genocide. A movement who proclaims that police are gunning down unarmed blacks in the streets every day.

Jesus Christ, is there anything going on with the progressives that ISN'T capitalizing specifically on fear or anger?
LOL Marxism is nothing more than a scary label you dummies put on stuff to scare the boomers.

Angry does not mean scared.
Either one makes the rational part of the brain shut down and makes one highly suggestible.


What do you expect from a psycho, like you and your ilk?
Without fear and loathing there would be no modern conservative movement.
LOL Marxism is nothing more than a scary label you dummies put on stuff to scare the boomers.

Angry does not mean scared.
Either one makes the rational part of the brain shut down and makes one highly suggestible.
That's very true. Which is why you should always be wary of the wisdom of a movement backing their demands with violence. A movement who's members are becoming infamous for throwing shrieking tantrums when the police arrest them for their violent acts. A movement who's primary symbol is a fucking CLENCHED FIST! A movement who proclaims that, despite not being able to point to a single fascist policy that's been implemented, that the Trump presidency is likely to result in genocide. A movement who proclaims that police are gunning down unarmed blacks in the streets every day.

Jesus Christ, is there anything going on with the progressives that ISN'T capitalizing specifically on fear or anger?

Once again, vote Biden as he'll make it all go away; even the Wuhanvirus! (/sarc.)
LOL Marxism is nothing more than a scary label you dummies put on stuff to scare the boomers.

Angry does not mean scared.
Either one makes the rational part of the brain shut down and makes one highly suggestible.


What do you expect from a psycho, like you and your ilk?
Without fear and loathing there would be no modern conservative movement.

Dimms have the corner on both of those markets!
We're Seeing the Death Rattle of the Revolution, Not Its Birth

29 Jul 2020 ~~ By Sarak Hoyt
I’m not surprised, though I am chagrined, that a lot of people, including people I know and respect, are buying into the idea that what we’re in the midst of is a Marxist revolution in the U.S.

Look, I understand, okay? Not as many people have had the experience I had of living under unbridled, unmasked Marxist power, so you don’t understand their myths and how they actually connect with reality. Oh, you’re starting to see it, as the left drops its masks, but it’s not the same as seeing them running around, showing their behinds and expounding the craziest theories during your formative years, when your eye is unsparing. There is a reason it was a little boy who cried “the king goes naked.”
Let’s start with what the left thinks they are doing:
They think they’re bringing about their utopia, their heaven on Earth.
They have been programmed – indoctrinated, really – from birth via the media, education, entertainment, and – heaven have mercy – even churches and synagogues into believing what amounts to a heretical Christian sect.
There are many variations of the Communist mythos, mostly Marx, but with its roots firmly in Rosseau. They range from racial ones (one to each race) to feminist ones. There are probably others I haven’t even heard about.
The myth goes like this: in the beginning, there was no capitalism (the cult’s quaint name for any free buying and selling or trade. (This is why they call monarchies capitalism or private property.) This was the dawn of man, the perfect state of humanity. Because there was no property there was no envy and no crime. Man (and particularly woman) lived in a time of innocence. In this perfect utopia – feminist version – women ruled, sex was free, babies were brought up communally, and every woman could do as she pleased. In the racial version, the poor now-oppressed race were the rulers, and therefore there was no property, etc., etc. No crime.
The liniments of the story should sound familiar if you come from a Judeo-Christian background. It’s the story of creation, fall, and eventual world-redemption, only stripped of a creator, any power superior to the Kommissars and the idea of personal redemption. In fact, in this heresy the individual doesn’t matter at all, only the group he belongs to.
I doubt any Marxist has been told this story as such, but I promise you it is in the background of a lot of their books, from “non-fiction” to novels. The idea, bonkers as it is and as easy to dismantle as it is, is in the background of their thoughts.
These ideas have been in circulation for a long time, and I guarantee if you read your kids’ school books and look for hints of this you will find it. Particularly in history. I was fortunate (?) to have relatives from many professional backgrounds and to be a compulsive reader.
There are only two things standing in the way of their sparking their revolution. They’re blind to them, but we should not be.
The first is that there isn’t a vast mass of the “dispossessed” who are natural communists and will “ignite” into violent revolution and take over, given the slightest encouragement.
No, I’m serious, Obama believed in this with all his heart (that poor man is an echo-boomer and a red-diaper baby and so his head is full of excrement to an extent no sane person can believe). Hence his telling bankers he was standing between them and the mob (that Obama was sure was just ready to ignite). Hence, the crazy stupidity of Fast And Furious, which posited that if American guns were found at the site of Mexican cartel crimes, the (oppressed, natch) people of America would rise up and demand gun control in solidarity with their oppressed brethren. And if you look closely, you’ll see the links between Obama and Occupy Wall Street, which they believed was the spark that would send the 99% up in revolution. Only… it failed because the 99% are not “natural communists” wishing to throw off the yoke of capitalism. You need to be exquisitely indoctrinated to believe they are.
The ramping-up insanity you see is partly their desperate need to keep control and partly the fact that their prophecy has failed twice in two different flavors right before their eyes.
Obama was supposed to usher in a non-white utopia. Well… that didn’t happen. And then when the feminists were about to usher in their feminist utopia, it was snatched from their aching hands.
Their art works and entertainment filled with their gospel truth bring less and less money/acclaim/etc.
Their only chance, as they see it, is to bring about utopia now.
But they’re looking at it backwards. And if they keep on destroying and burning and looting in the hopes the vast “oppressed” hordes who want communism will rise up, this will all end in “Aristo, aristo a la lanterne.”
Stay aware. Stay calm. Don’t get caught up in their play. This is their last push.
And if history is any guide, it will fail. The only question now is how high a butcher’s bill will we have to pay.

Excellent article. I was saying something like this to some friends yesterday using the French Revolution as an example.
This all began with the birth of the Fabian Society in the latter part of the late 19th Century, creating the modern DNC. With the election of Barack Hussein Obama, they knew they were just one more election away from tyranny but Trump won. Now they're going all out relying finally on violence in their maniacal attempt to finally takeover this country.
Mild responses is not what the “Revolutionaries” want. They want a full on conflict that they, with the backing, propaganda of their "Fifth Column" MSM, believing they will ‘win’.They will never win as long as American Patriots stay strong.
most revolutions/uprisings do not succeed
LOL Marxism is nothing more than a scary label you dummies put on stuff to scare the boomers.

Angry does not mean scared.
Either one makes the rational part of the brain shut down and makes one highly suggestible.


What do you expect from a psycho, like you and your ilk?
Without fear and loathing there would be no modern conservative movement.
Biden is only in this race BECAUSE of fear and loathing.

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