“We’re black, white, Asian and we’re Jewish. F*ck off!”

Are you on the side of all child rapists, or do you only take their side when they're Muslims?
Please link to my support for any kind of rapists ?
Unlike yourself I condemn all racists. Racist fucks lke [sic] you only get worked up when a muslim is the rapist. You are a piece of shit.

This thread, for one, just the latest of many that you started to condemn Tommy Robinson. It is clear enough from this thread, and even more so in others of your threads, that your big problem with him was that he dared to speak out against, and expose the gangs of Muslim child rapists that were infesting your wretched nation, along with your corrupt government's criminal acts in complicity with these gangs. There is no spin that you can put on it to hide what your position is, and that is the position of openly, blatantly taking the side of these child-rape gangs.
Robinson and his mates, people like you victimise all muslims for the crimes of a few. Yoour projected fantasies on this issue expose the sub human make up of your character. I dont know if it is lack of education or the way you were brought up. You are a pretty sick individual.

oh-----muzzies are being VICTIMIZED? where?
how? I live near several muslim enclaves-----
I have never seen a muslim attacked in the streets for
being a muslim in my city.

Here's a few instances for you:

Anti Muslim abuse: 'She told me I was a terrorist'

NOTHING-------muzzie's being VICTIMIZED---means---more so than
baseline for the specific city cited--------you left out the vital ingredient.

furthermore ----lots of "muzzie attacks" have been proven to be
false flags. There were HUNDREDS of "someone pulled my Hijab"
complaints in the weeks after 9-11-01-----After CAIR issue a directive
to muzzie women-----'report even a nasty look to the cops'----the precincts
were besieged with FAKE COMPLAINTS
Condemning others for standing opposing, especially the rape of children, is wrong.

If only that were the case with Yaxley-Lennon, I'd be inclined to agree, however defending idiots like Yaxley-Lennon who jeopardise the trials of such people, so risking allowing them to go free to continue their depravities is also wrong, wouldn't you agree?

That's the excuse that the hopelessly-corrupt British Government tried to use, but any sane person can see that it is complete bullshit.

That sort of skullduggery is among the reasons why, more than two centuries ago, we Americans kicked the British savages out of our country; and why we explicitly listed freedom of the press among the freedoms protected under the First Amendment to our Constitution; to prevent exactly the sort of abuses that we saw, here, in this case, on the part of the British government.

Where is diversity in non-whites countries?
Must only whites open their countries for everybody?

There is plenty of diversity in Asian and Black countries, only white supremacist racists ignore that fact when they advocate their agendas.

Actually no there is not. Japan and China are extremely homogeneus.

That's another way of saying, "they all look alike to me", basically racist. In fact China is composed of 56 different ethnicities, although agreed, the overwhelming majority are considered "Han", Japan is home to 29 different ethnicities. We in the UK have 212 different ethnicities; from around 700,000 Indians to 3 people from Palau. The US is made up mainly of Germans and Mexicans but has 15 differnt enicities, not counting native Ameican tribes. Every country in the world has ethnic minorities, and by and large, they get along, at least until right wing racist supremacists gain power, like Orban and Trump who use fear of the "other" to keep themselves in power; who else did that I wonder?
Please link to my support for any kind of rapists ?
Unlike yourself I condemn all racists. Racist fucks lke [sic] you only get worked up when a muslim is the rapist. You are a piece of shit.

This thread, for one, just the latest of many that you started to condemn Tommy Robinson. It is clear enough from this thread, and even more so in others of your threads, that your big problem with him was that he dared to speak out against, and expose the gangs of Muslim child rapists that were infesting your wretched nation, along with your corrupt government's criminal acts in complicity with these gangs. There is no spin that you can put on it to hide what your position is, and that is the position of openly, blatantly taking the side of these child-rape gangs.
Robinson and his mates, people like you victimise all muslims for the crimes of a few. Yoour projected fantasies on this issue expose the sub human make up of your character. I dont know if it is lack of education or the way you were brought up. You are a pretty sick individual.

oh-----muzzies are being VICTIMIZED? where?
how? I live near several muslim enclaves-----
I have never seen a muslim attacked in the streets for
being a muslim in my city.

Here's a few instances for you:

Anti Muslim abuse: 'She told me I was a terrorist'

NOTHING-------muzzie's being VICTIMIZED---means---more so than
baseline for the specific city cited--------you left out the vital ingredient.

furthermore ----lots of "muzzie attacks" have been proven to be
false flags. There were HUNDREDS of "someone pulled my Hijab"
complaints in the weeks after 9-11-01-----After CAIR issue a directive
to muzzie women-----'report even a nasty look to the cops'----the precincts
were besieged with FAKE COMPLAINTS

Now replace the word "Muzzie/s" with "Jew/s" and see how you sound.

Where is diversity in non-whites countries?
Must only whites open their countries for everybody?

There is plenty of diversity in Asian and Black countries, only white supremacist racists ignore that fact when they advocate their agendas.

Actually no there is not. Japan and China are extremely homogeneus.

....The US is made up mainly of Germans and Mexicans but has 15 differnt enicities....?

:lol: Try again.

Where is diversity in non-whites countries?
Must only whites open their countries for everybody?

There is plenty of diversity in Asian and Black countries, only white supremacist racists ignore that fact when they advocate their agendas.

Actually no there is not. Japan and China are extremely homogeneus.

That's another way of saying, "they all look alike to me", basically racist. In fact China is composed of 56 different ethnicities, although agreed, the overwhelming majority are considered "Han", Japan is home to 29 different ethnicities. We in the UK have 212 different ethnicities; from around 700,000 Indians to 3 people from Palau. The US is made up mainly of Germans and Mexicans but has 15 differnt enicities, not counting native Ameican tribes. Every country in the world has ethnic minorities, and by and large, they get along, at least until right wing racist supremacists gain power, like Orban and Trump who use fear of the "other" to keep themselves in power; who else did that I wonder?

You’re now nitpicking. You know that was not what I meant. Chinese until very recently didn’t allow their kids to wed westerners same for Japanese and Hindu. No one said anything. Still there are many families like that in Asia. You in the UK have become a caliphate. You just don’t see it yet.
Our grandparents showed us how to deal with cockroaches.

Are you ever going to post a factual statement? You do realize that the girl from Guatemala died because her stupid father didn’t give her enough food or water and led her on a dangerous journey. You don’t blame the US for that. No wonder your country is becoming the next Iraq.

Where is diversity in non-whites countries?
Must only whites open their countries for everybody?

There is plenty of diversity in Asian and Black countries, only white supremacist racists ignore that fact when they advocate their agendas.

Actually no there is not. Japan and China are extremely homogeneus.

....The US is made up mainly of Germans and Mexicans but has 15 differnt enicities....?

:lol: Try again.

US has WASPs, Italians, Irish, Asian, Jewish, African American, Central American, Eastern European...true melting pot.

Where is diversity in non-whites countries?
Must only whites open their countries for everybody?

There is plenty of diversity in Asian and Black countries, only white supremacist racists ignore that fact when they advocate their agendas.

Actually no there is not. Japan and China are extremely homogeneus.

That's another way of saying, "they all look alike to me", basically racist. In fact China is composed of 56 different ethnicities, although agreed, the overwhelming majority are considered "Han", Japan is home to 29 different ethnicities. We in the UK have 212 different ethnicities; from around 700,000 Indians to 3 people from Palau. The US is made up mainly of Germans and Mexicans but has 15 differnt enicities, not counting native Ameican tribes. Every country in the world has ethnic minorities, and by and large, they get along, at least until right wing racist supremacists gain power, like Orban and Trump who use fear of the "other" to keep themselves in power; who else did that I wonder?

You’re now nitpicking. You know that was not what I meant. Chinese until very recently didn’t allow their kids to wed westerners same for Japanese and Hindu. ....

This thread, for one, just the latest of many that you started to condemn Tommy Robinson. It is clear enough from this thread, and even more so in others of your threads, that your big problem with him was that he dared to speak out against, and expose the gangs of Muslim child rapists that were infesting your wretched nation, along with your corrupt government's criminal acts in complicity with these gangs. There is no spin that you can put on it to hide what your position is, and that is the position of openly, blatantly taking the side of these child-rape gangs.
Robinson and his mates, people like you victimise all muslims for the crimes of a few. Yoour projected fantasies on this issue expose the sub human make up of your character. I dont know if it is lack of education or the way you were brought up. You are a pretty sick individual.

oh-----muzzies are being VICTIMIZED? where?
how? I live near several muslim enclaves-----
I have never seen a muslim attacked in the streets for
being a muslim in my city.

Here's a few instances for you:

Anti Muslim abuse: 'She told me I was a terrorist'

NOTHING-------muzzie's being VICTIMIZED---means---more so than
baseline for the specific city cited--------you left out the vital ingredient.

furthermore ----lots of "muzzie attacks" have been proven to be
false flags. There were HUNDREDS of "someone pulled my Hijab"
complaints in the weeks after 9-11-01-----After CAIR issue a directive
to muzzie women-----'report even a nasty look to the cops'----the precincts
were besieged with FAKE COMPLAINTS

Now replace the word "Muzzie/s" with "Jew/s" and see how you sound.

silly idea-----were I to replace the word "muzzies" with "jews" ---the statement would be silly. Jews were not reporting "someone pulled my
hijab" in the weeks following 9-11-01----Cair did not announce---"jews should report ANY level of ''''harassment" including a nasty glare" The whole statement would be false---_BUT I like the idea of replacing words.
There are lots of shit mouth utterances in the mosque that should be
WORD SHIFTED like that. One that I heard was "Christians are perverse liars" (a reference to the NT)--- throw in "muzzies"

Where is diversity in non-whites countries?
Must only whites open their countries for everybody?

There is plenty of diversity in Asian and Black countries, only white supremacist racists ignore that fact when they advocate their agendas.

Actually no there is not. Japan and China are extremely homogeneus.

That's another way of saying, "they all look alike to me", basically racist. In fact China is composed of 56 different ethnicities, although agreed, the overwhelming majority are considered "Han", Japan is home to 29 different ethnicities. We in the UK have 212 different ethnicities; from around 700,000 Indians to 3 people from Palau. The US is made up mainly of Germans and Mexicans but has 15 differnt enicities, not counting native Ameican tribes. Every country in the world has ethnic minorities, and by and large, they get along, at least until right wing racist supremacists gain power, like Orban and Trump who use fear of the "other" to keep themselves in power; who else did that I wonder?

hundreds of despots-------hatred of others is remarkable amongst Iranians------virtually tangible hatred when an Iranian encounters
an arab

Where is diversity in non-whites countries?
Must only whites open their countries for everybody?

There is plenty of diversity in Asian and Black countries, only white supremacist racists ignore that fact when they advocate their agendas.

Actually no there is not. Japan and China are extremely homogeneus.

That's another way of saying, "they all look alike to me", basically racist. In fact China is composed of 56 different ethnicities, although agreed, the overwhelming majority are considered "Han", Japan is home to 29 different ethnicities. We in the UK have 212 different ethnicities; from around 700,000 Indians to 3 people from Palau. The US is made up mainly of Germans and Mexicans but has 15 differnt enicities, not counting native Ameican tribes. Every country in the world has ethnic minorities, and by and large, they get along, at least until right wing racist supremacists gain power, like Orban and Trump who use fear of the "other" to keep themselves in power; who else did that I wonder?

You’re now nitpicking. You know that was not what I meant. Chinese until very recently didn’t allow their kids to wed westerners same for Japanese and Hindu. No one said anything. Still there are many families like that in Asia. You in the UK have become a caliphate. You just don’t see it yet.
Hindus have always been free to marry anyone. Why do you make these things up ?
Where is diversity in non-whites countries?
Must only whites open their countries for everybody?

There is plenty of diversity in Asian and Black countries, only white supremacist racists ignore that fact when they advocate their agendas.

Actually no there is not. Japan and China are extremely homogeneus.

That's another way of saying, "they all look alike to me", basically racist. In fact China is composed of 56 different ethnicities, although agreed, the overwhelming majority are considered "Han", Japan is home to 29 different ethnicities. We in the UK have 212 different ethnicities; from around 700,000 Indians to 3 people from Palau. The US is made up mainly of Germans and Mexicans but has 15 differnt enicities, not counting native Ameican tribes. Every country in the world has ethnic minorities, and by and large, they get along, at least until right wing racist supremacists gain power, like Orban and Trump who use fear of the "other" to keep themselves in power; who else did that I wonder?

You’re now nitpicking. You know that was not what I meant. Chinese until very recently didn’t allow their kids to wed westerners same for Japanese and Hindu. No one said anything. Still there are many families like that in Asia. You in the UK have become a caliphate. You just don’t see it yet.
Hindus have always been free to marry anyone. Why do you make these things up ?

Bullshit. Many have arranged marriages and require a family blessing. I have many Hindu friends. Why the F*CK do you make sh*t up with every single one of your posts?
Where is diversity in non-whites countries?
Must only whites open their countries for everybody?

There is plenty of diversity in Asian and Black countries, only white supremacist racists ignore that fact when they advocate their agendas.

Actually no there is not. Japan and China are extremely homogeneus.

That's another way of saying, "they all look alike to me", basically racist. In fact China is composed of 56 different ethnicities, although agreed, the overwhelming majority are considered "Han", Japan is home to 29 different ethnicities. We in the UK have 212 different ethnicities; from around 700,000 Indians to 3 people from Palau. The US is made up mainly of Germans and Mexicans but has 15 differnt enicities, not counting native Ameican tribes. Every country in the world has ethnic minorities, and by and large, they get along, at least until right wing racist supremacists gain power, like Orban and Trump who use fear of the "other" to keep themselves in power; who else did that I wonder?

You’re now nitpicking. You know that was not what I meant. Chinese until very recently didn’t allow their kids to wed westerners same for Japanese and Hindu. No one said anything. Still there are many families like that in Asia. You in the UK have become a caliphate. You just don’t see it yet.
Hindus have always been free to marry anyone. Why do you make these things up ?

tainted-----you say the DARNDEST things-------Hindus --ACTUALLY THE
VAST MAJORITY OF THEM----still marry IN CASTE. I have known
hindus in the USA who get married by arrangement-----to IMPORTS.
Out of caste marriages -------are discussed in hushed tones like
something TRAGIC is about to happen
There is plenty of diversity in Asian and Black countries, only white supremacist racists ignore that fact when they advocate their agendas.

Actually no there is not. Japan and China are extremely homogeneus.

That's another way of saying, "they all look alike to me", basically racist. In fact China is composed of 56 different ethnicities, although agreed, the overwhelming majority are considered "Han", Japan is home to 29 different ethnicities. We in the UK have 212 different ethnicities; from around 700,000 Indians to 3 people from Palau. The US is made up mainly of Germans and Mexicans but has 15 differnt enicities, not counting native Ameican tribes. Every country in the world has ethnic minorities, and by and large, they get along, at least until right wing racist supremacists gain power, like Orban and Trump who use fear of the "other" to keep themselves in power; who else did that I wonder?

You’re now nitpicking. You know that was not what I meant. Chinese until very recently didn’t allow their kids to wed westerners same for Japanese and Hindu. No one said anything. Still there are many families like that in Asia. You in the UK have become a caliphate. You just don’t see it yet.
Hindus have always been free to marry anyone. Why do you make these things up ?

tainted-----you say the DARNDEST things-------Hindus --ACTUALLY THE
VAST MAJORITY OF THEM----still marry IN CASTE. I have known
hindus in the USA who get married by arrangement-----to IMPORTS.
Out of caste marriages -------are discussed in hushed tones like
something TRAGIC is about to happen

Tommy has proven himself to be uninformed fool.
There is plenty of diversity in Asian and Black countries, only white supremacist racists ignore that fact when they advocate their agendas.

Actually no there is not. Japan and China are extremely homogeneus.

That's another way of saying, "they all look alike to me", basically racist. In fact China is composed of 56 different ethnicities, although agreed, the overwhelming majority are considered "Han", Japan is home to 29 different ethnicities. We in the UK have 212 different ethnicities; from around 700,000 Indians to 3 people from Palau. The US is made up mainly of Germans and Mexicans but has 15 differnt enicities, not counting native Ameican tribes. Every country in the world has ethnic minorities, and by and large, they get along, at least until right wing racist supremacists gain power, like Orban and Trump who use fear of the "other" to keep themselves in power; who else did that I wonder?

You’re now nitpicking. You know that was not what I meant. Chinese until very recently didn’t allow their kids to wed westerners same for Japanese and Hindu. No one said anything. Still there are many families like that in Asia. You in the UK have become a caliphate. You just don’t see it yet.
Hindus have always been free to marry anyone. Why do you make these things up ?

Bullshit. Many have arranged marriages and require a family blessing. I have many Hindu friends. Why the F*CK do you make sh*t up with every single one of your posts?
I doubt that you have any friends. You implied that it was some government policy. It plainly isnt. I have many Asian friends and the arranged marriages are on the whole agreeable to both partners. Your hypothetical friends would be able to explain that to you.
Actually no there is not. Japan and China are extremely homogeneus.

That's another way of saying, "they all look alike to me", basically racist. In fact China is composed of 56 different ethnicities, although agreed, the overwhelming majority are considered "Han", Japan is home to 29 different ethnicities. We in the UK have 212 different ethnicities; from around 700,000 Indians to 3 people from Palau. The US is made up mainly of Germans and Mexicans but has 15 differnt enicities, not counting native Ameican tribes. Every country in the world has ethnic minorities, and by and large, they get along, at least until right wing racist supremacists gain power, like Orban and Trump who use fear of the "other" to keep themselves in power; who else did that I wonder?

You’re now nitpicking. You know that was not what I meant. Chinese until very recently didn’t allow their kids to wed westerners same for Japanese and Hindu. No one said anything. Still there are many families like that in Asia. You in the UK have become a caliphate. You just don’t see it yet.
Hindus have always been free to marry anyone. Why do you make these things up ?

tainted-----you say the DARNDEST things-------Hindus --ACTUALLY THE
VAST MAJORITY OF THEM----still marry IN CASTE. I have known
hindus in the USA who get married by arrangement-----to IMPORTS.
Out of caste marriages -------are discussed in hushed tones like
something TRAGIC is about to happen

Tommy has proven himself to be uninformed fool.

does he live on planet earth?
Actually no there is not. Japan and China are extremely homogeneus.

That's another way of saying, "they all look alike to me", basically racist. In fact China is composed of 56 different ethnicities, although agreed, the overwhelming majority are considered "Han", Japan is home to 29 different ethnicities. We in the UK have 212 different ethnicities; from around 700,000 Indians to 3 people from Palau. The US is made up mainly of Germans and Mexicans but has 15 differnt enicities, not counting native Ameican tribes. Every country in the world has ethnic minorities, and by and large, they get along, at least until right wing racist supremacists gain power, like Orban and Trump who use fear of the "other" to keep themselves in power; who else did that I wonder?

You’re now nitpicking. You know that was not what I meant. Chinese until very recently didn’t allow their kids to wed westerners same for Japanese and Hindu. No one said anything. Still there are many families like that in Asia. You in the UK have become a caliphate. You just don’t see it yet.
Hindus have always been free to marry anyone. Why do you make these things up ?

Bullshit. Many have arranged marriages and require a family blessing. I have many Hindu friends. Why the F*CK do you make sh*t up with every single one of your posts?
I doubt that you have any friends. You implied that it was some government policy. It plainly isnt. I have many Asian friends and the arranged marriages are on the whole agreeable to both partners. Your hypothetical friends would be able to explain that to you.

what does "agreeable to both" mean in you mini-mind?? the practice of in-caste marriage is not LAW in india-------or the USA----or England----
it is just DONE THAT WAY-------so mama does not kill anyone
marriage between a non-muslim man and a muslim lady is
a capital crime in Iran ------and elsewhere. Omar Sharif was
not always "muslim" (yeah rite) He was born COPT---but
married a muslim girl and wanted to stay alive
Actually no there is not. Japan and China are extremely homogeneus.

That's another way of saying, "they all look alike to me", basically racist. In fact China is composed of 56 different ethnicities, although agreed, the overwhelming majority are considered "Han", Japan is home to 29 different ethnicities. We in the UK have 212 different ethnicities; from around 700,000 Indians to 3 people from Palau. The US is made up mainly of Germans and Mexicans but has 15 differnt enicities, not counting native Ameican tribes. Every country in the world has ethnic minorities, and by and large, they get along, at least until right wing racist supremacists gain power, like Orban and Trump who use fear of the "other" to keep themselves in power; who else did that I wonder?

You’re now nitpicking. You know that was not what I meant. Chinese until very recently didn’t allow their kids to wed westerners same for Japanese and Hindu. No one said anything. Still there are many families like that in Asia. You in the UK have become a caliphate. You just don’t see it yet.
Hindus have always been free to marry anyone. Why do you make these things up ?

Bullshit. Many have arranged marriages and require a family blessing. I have many Hindu friends. Why the F*CK do you make sh*t up with every single one of your posts?
I doubt that you have any friends. You implied that it was some government policy. It plainly isnt. I have many Asian friends and the arranged marriages are on the whole agreeable to both partners. Your hypothetical friends would be able to explain that to you.

Never said the word “govt” you are just making shit up and you definitely don’t have any friend sans the Taliban.