Well, DUH!!!


Jul 13, 2009
Oklahoma City, OK
The stoopidity of some people is beyond comprehension! :lol:

Women march topless in Portland without incident | The Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday Telegram

About two dozen women marched topless from Longfellow Square to Tommy's Park this afternoon in an effort to erase what they see as a double standard on male and female nudity.........

Ty McDowell, who organized the march, said she was "enraged" by the turnout of men attracted to the demonstration. The purpose, she said, was for society to have the same reaction to a woman walking around topless as it does to men without shirts on.

You just can't make this shit up! :lol:
I just see their backs. I would need to see them from all angles to determine whether the organizer should be enraged or not.
One thing I liked about Orygun when I lived there is you could be on a beach and a few women might be topless but no one seemed to be running for a cop.
One thing I liked about Orygun when I lived there is you could be on a beach and a few women might be topless but no one seemed to be running for a cop.

This was Portland, Maine......which makes you wonder, are the headlights always on high beam? :eusa_whistle:
Just wondering... Do tits look the same in Oregon as they do anyplace else in the US? I've never been to Oregon so I just don't know about this.
Seriously, though - what could be running through the (alleged) minds of these women?

Let's see if we have it right - they want "equality in nudity" with men, which means, if men go topless, then they should be able to go topless also. They are aware of a couple of basic, anatonomical differences between men and women in and around the chest area?

Yes, there are geographical areas of the world where public nudity on the part of both sexes is the established social norm. But the US of A isn't it.

I love it when women defend breast feeding in public on the basis of its being a "normal, bodily function." Taking a dump is a "normal, bodily function," yet we don't see too much of that going on in public, now do we?

I'm sorry - I like to see a good rack in the raw as much as the next guy, but not walking down the bloody sidewalk at high noon.
Just wondering... Do tits look the same in Oregon as they do anyplace else in the US? I've never been to Oregon so I just don't know about this.

ever been to maine? they've got a portland, too.


No, never been to Maine but I'm heading that way in September. I'm expecting to eat every lobster there is in Maine and the wife wants to look at the leaves turning colors. At this point in time, I have never been north of New York City - except for pulling into Halifax, Nova Scotia back in the old Navy days.

Now, if Maine has a Portland too, I guess it's safe to say that they have girls with tits also. Is that a correct assumption?
Just wondering... Do tits look the same in Oregon as they do anyplace else in the US? I've never been to Oregon so I just don't know about this.

ever been to maine? they've got a portland, too.


No, never been to Maine but I'm heading that way in September. I'm expecting to eat every lobster there is in Maine and the wife wants to look at the leaves turning colors. At this point in time, I have never been north of New York City - except for pulling into Halifax, Nova Scotia back in the old Navy days.

Now, if Maine has a Portland too, I guess it's safe to say that they have girls with tits too. Is that a correct assumption?

that is correct. in fact, if you'd been there today, you could have judged them yourself while munching on the aforementioned lobster. :thup:


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