Weinstein is scum, but

There are a lot of things Trump said that have been recorded, actual rape or sexual abuse has not been proven. that said the only facts I used in determining his behavior pre election was the Fact that he cheated on and divorced two wife's to marry younger better looking wife's, a habit shared by many men with wealth & power. that I think is just wrong.
you dont recall the media for weeks talking about people accusing out of nowhere an now they dont exist because it was bullshit
What do you mean they don't exist? Are you daft? They pursued no money and only came forward when they heard the orange asshole lie at the debate that he never sexually assaulted any women.
Of course the anus threatened to sue but of course he never did.
You dopes voted for a life long sexual predator just like Weinstein.

Oh not one of them was in it for the money or 15 minutes of fame.


Porn star Jessica Drake 'launched official online sex store' a day before accusing Donald Trump of offering her $10,000 to spend the night with him

Read more: Porn star Jessica Drake 'launched online store' before accusing Trump of offering her $10k | Daily Mail Online
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You're an idiot. Trump jumped the People Magazine reporter right in Maralago with Melania two rooms away.
Physically Attacked by Donald Trump – a PEOPLE Writer’s Own Harrowing Story
11 other credible stories too.
These women knew the weight of the Trump organization would come down on them if they spoke up but they revealed the truth anyway.
Calling 12 regular women liars when you've seen the pathological liar in action the past two years shows you've made a pact with the devil.

You do realize that is bullshit don't you? Think of it this way....Bill Clinton is accused of rape.. The details from the victims...(including a description of his ;penis) were related to law enforcement. Your 'holier than thou' stance is pretty comical.
Right to bill Clinton because you don't have the integrity to admit or discuss Trump's predatory behavior.
What's comical is you believing and trusting a pathological liar.. a scumbag who has cheated and defrauded people all his life.
The criminal had to pay off $25 million to the people he defrauded with his bogus Trump U after he said he'd never settle.
He scammed smallbusinessmen in Atlantic City while walking away with millions. There are dozens of stores like this but you ignore them all.
Trusting this guy with anything when we've seen the past 9 months he is allergic to the truth shows you're an imbecile of the highest order.

:whip:Still whipping that old MSM meme huh?
Why are lefties so upset about the amount of media coverage related to Weinstein? Look what they did to poor old half blind Bill Cosby. Cosby wasn't half the power broker that Weinstein was but he was on the front page for months and they even brought him to trial. The point of the Weinstein outrage is that he was protected by high profile democrats because he was a big donor.

Cosby's career hit the dumper when he criticized black culture.
Weinstein is scum, but
Is it just me, or does it appear that the media is devoting 10× more coverage to a Hollywood producers serial abuse than the serial abusing pretzledent?

I guess we've gone through the looking glass.

We hold a Hollywood producer to a higher standard than politicians.

Hollywood fired a serial abuser. Retrumplicans put one in the White House.

I see from our liberal media that Democrats are responsible for Weinstein, but Retrumplicans aren't responsible for Donnie "Grab 'em By the Pussy" Short Fingers.

grab em by the pussy wasnt an admission of him doing it, he must talked aboit what harvey weinstein was able to get away with
Trump was simply talking about the perks of being a rich celebrity. Starstruck women let you grab them by the pussy.

exactally.....and weinstein proved him right.
you dont recall the media for weeks talking about people accusing out of nowhere an now they dont exist because it was bullshit
What do you mean they don't exist? Are you daft? They pursued no money and only came forward when they heard the orange asshole lie at the debate that he never sexually assaulted any women.
Of course the anus threatened to sue but of course he never did.
You dopes voted for a life long sexual predator just like Weinstein.

Oh not one of them was in it for the money or 15 minutes of fame.


Porn star Jessica Drake 'launched official online sex store' a day before accusing Donald Trump of offering her $10,000 to spend the night with him

Read more: Porn star Jessica Drake 'launched online store' before accusing Trump of offering her $10k | Daily Mail Online
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You're an idiot. Trump jumped the People Magazine reporter right in Maralago with Melania two rooms away.
Physically Attacked by Donald Trump – a PEOPLE Writer’s Own Harrowing Story
11 other credible stories too.
These women knew the weight of the Trump organization would come down on them if they spoke up but they revealed the truth anyway.
Calling 12 regular women liars when you've seen the pathological liar in action the past two years shows you've made a pact with the devil.

You do realize that is bullshit don't you? Think of it this way....Bill Clinton is accused of rape.. The details from the victims...(including a description of his ;penis) were related to law enforcement. Your 'holier than thou' stance is pretty comical.
Right to bill Clinton because you don't have the integrity to admit or discuss Trump's predatory behavior.
What's comical is you believing and trusting a pathological liar.. a scumbag who has cheated and defrauded people all his life.
The criminal had to pay off $25 million to the people he defrauded with his bogus Trump U after he said he'd never settle.
He scammed smallbusinessmen in Atlantic City while walking away with millions. There are dozens of stores like this but you ignore them all.
Trusting this guy with anything when we've seen the past 9 months he is allergic to the truth shows you're an imbecile of the highest order.

what does trump u have to do with this?

bill clinton is a piece of shit, why do you libtatds defend these guys that treat women like meat?
View attachment 153699
There's a difference between being a dirty dog in the locker room and being a person using a position of power to extort sexual favors from subordinates.

Trump is a dirty dog, no doubt (men are dogs. I don't make excuses for my gender). Has Trump engaged in sexual harassment? I don't know.
Trump has sexually harassed and molested women all his life. Funny you know nothing about him. Over 12 women spoke up to say he did exactly tothem what he said on the Access Hollywood tape. And if you think those are the only 12, you're one naive mfer.

And why didn't these "12 women" ever press charges before? Oh they were conveniently found right before an election. Fake News strikes again.
You obviously don't know shit. The reason these women didn't press charges onTrump is the same reason why 3 out of 4 rapes never get reported. For the same reason actresses didn't want their careers ruined by Weinstein.
They knew Trump was rich ( not a billionaire of course) and would try to destroy them. It's a very old story Trump took part in. Amazing you're too blind and stupid to know this.

wait so they waited until he ran for president? nah it was just bullshit after grab em by the pissy and fat pig non scamdals. those women were never harmed.

as for weinstein, why didnt yoir liberals jump.into action for the women within the past 30 years, why now?
Weinstein is scum, but
Is it just me, or does it appear that the media is devoting 10× more coverage to a Hollywood producers serial abuse than the serial abusing pretzledent?

I guess we've gone through the looking glass.

We hold a Hollywood producer to a higher standard than politicians.

Hollywood fired a serial abuser. Retrumplicans put one in the White House.

I see from our liberal media that Democrats are responsible for Weinstein, but Retrumplicans aren't responsible for Donnie "Grab 'em By the Pussy" Short Fingers.

Getting a blowjob in the Oval Office, a high standard
Weinstein is scum, but
Is it just me, or does it appear that the media is devoting 10× more coverage to a Hollywood producers serial abuse than the serial abusing pretzledent?

I guess we've gone through the looking glass.

We hold a Hollywood producer to a higher standard than politicians.

Hollywood fired a serial abuser. Retrumplicans put one in the White House.

I see from our liberal media that Democrats are responsible for Weinstein, but Retrumplicans aren't responsible for Donnie "Grab 'em By the Pussy" Short Fingers.

It's the Trump cult that has the outrageous double standard. But since the Trump cult is a product of modern American conservatism,

why should we be surprised?

yeah because were the ones who setup groups and say were the protectors of women, oh wait thats you guys.

when we try to desexualize the society you guys call us purtians and prudes......

funny you guys have the worst offenders against women and you still are on your high horse, careful you may break your kneck as often as you fall off
I believe voting for a candidate that has zero chance of winning to be wasted. An example of that would be Stein. You could have just s easily voted for Mickey Mouse.
Well, you got your wish. The people did elect Micky Mouse, in a manner of speaking.

At least we didn't elect the Wicked Witch of the East!
I'm glad that there a lot of people that didn't think Trump had a chance of winning voted for him anyway.

is that the leftwimg excuse now? hahah you guys are really delusional
Why are lefties so upset about the amount of media coverage related to Weinstein? Look what they did to poor old half blind Bill Cosby. Cosby wasn't half the power broker that Weinstein was but he was on the front page for months and they even brought him to trial. The point of the Weinstein outrage is that he was protected by high profile democrats because he was a big donor.

they werent upset when the news was wall to wall for 2 weeks because trump told a beauty contestant tonlose weight, apparently worse than raping people, but only if you have a R by your name.
Weinstein lends credence to the perpetual suspicion that Hollywood is actually run by degenerate non-religious Jews. Is anybody really surprised by these revelations?
Weinstein is scum, but
Is it just me, or does it appear that the media is devoting 10× more coverage to a Hollywood producers serial abuse than the serial abusing pretzledent?

I guess we've gone through the looking glass.

We hold a Hollywood producer to a higher standard than politicians.

Hollywood fired a serial abuser. Retrumplicans put one in the White House.

I see from our liberal media that Democrats are responsible for Weinstein, but Retrumplicans aren't responsible for Donnie "Grab 'em By the Pussy" Short Fingers.

Here's the difference. Trump said crude things about women. Weinstein did crude and potentially criminal things to women.

Actions speak louder than words. Ah, this shows where you priorities lie...
Weinstein is scum, but
Is it just me, or does it appear that the media is devoting 10× more coverage to a Hollywood producers serial abuse than the serial abusing pretzledent?

I guess we've gone through the looking glass.

We hold a Hollywood producer to a higher standard than politicians.

Hollywood fired a serial abuser. Retrumplicans put one in the White House.

I see from our liberal media that Democrats are responsible for Weinstein, but Retrumplicans aren't responsible for Donnie "Grab 'em By the Pussy" Short Fingers.

Here's the difference. Trump said crude things about women. Weinstein did crude and potentially criminal things to women.

Actions speak louder than words. Ah, this shows where you priorities lie...

So you won't be voting for Weinstein for president in 2020?
Weinstein is scum, but
Is it just me, or does it appear that the media is devoting 10× more coverage to a Hollywood producers serial abuse than the serial abusing pretzledent?

I guess we've gone through the looking glass.

We hold a Hollywood producer to a higher standard than politicians.

Hollywood fired a serial abuser. Retrumplicans put one in the White House.

I see from our liberal media that Democrats are responsible for Weinstein, but Retrumplicans aren't responsible for Donnie "Grab 'em By the Pussy" Short Fingers.

Here's the difference. Trump said crude things about women. Weinstein did crude and potentially criminal things to women.

Actions speak louder than words. Ah, this shows where you priorities lie...

So you won't be voting for Weinstein for president in 2020?
I would expect such a crass response from you. He's your boogeyman, not ours.
First of all, we don't know that the president is or was an abuser.

...Trump is ON TAPE telling you that he assaults women. Plus there are heaps of women to corroborate his story.

Weinstein is scum, but
Is it just me, or does it appear that the media is devoting 10× more coverage to a Hollywood producers serial abuse than the serial abusing pretzledent?

I guess we've gone through the looking glass.

We hold a Hollywood producer to a higher standard than politicians.

Hollywood fired a serial abuser. Retrumplicans put one in the White House.

I see from our liberal media that Democrats are responsible for Weinstein, but Retrumplicans aren't responsible for Donnie "Grab 'em By the Pussy" Short Fingers.

Here's the difference. Trump said crude things about women. Weinstein did crude and potentially criminal things to women.

Actions speak louder than words. Ah, this shows where you priorities lie...

So you won't be voting for Weinstein for president in 2020?
I would expect such a crass response from you. He's your boogeyman, not ours.

Let's carefully examine what you said.

YOU said the big difference here is between and Trump and Weinstein, based on your claim that Trump only used words (setting aside that that's bullshit)

and Weinstein is guilty of ACTIONS.

Okay, fine.

So why would you extend the condemnation to any Democrats - who CANNOT be shown to have engaged in ACTIONS of sexual impropriety?????
To me that while these type of allegations were made against the current xxxxxx in chief...I don't recall such detail and attention from the media. Am I wrong?

This is Politics, not the FZ. Please act accordingly. ScienceRocks

Your memory fails you. His accusers have been discredited from what I can gather. Evidently someone claimed he said they were fat.

Weinstein lends credence to the perpetual suspicion that Hollywood is actually run by degenerate non-religious Jews. Is anybody really surprised by these revelations?

That's a long way from credible. Degenerates maybe; if what is said is true.


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