Weekly Jobless Claims Plunge to 209,000...DemonRATS SPEECHLESS!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
The number of Americans filing initial applications for unemployment benefits unexpectedly fell last week, suggesting the labor market has continued to strengthen following a brief stumble in May.

Initial claims dropped by 13,000 to a seasonally adjusted 209,000 for the week ended July 6, the Labor Department said on Thursday. Economists had expected claims to rise to 223,000.

The prior week’s claims were revised up to 221,000

Jobless claims have been very low, suggesting a low level of layoffs. That has defied predictions that tariffs and trade disputes would cost American jobs. What’s more, job creation has been strong despite extremely low unemployment.

Last month, however, the government reported that the economy created less than 75,000 jobs in May, the second time this year that job creation had come in weaker than expected. But job creation bounced by in June, rising to a much stronger than expected 224,000 for the month.

Jobless claims can be volatile week to week so economists look to the four-week moving average of claims for a better indicator of the health of the labor market. This figure fell 3,250 to 219,250 last week.

(Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com ...

And the DJIA is over 27k at this moment. The Leftists must be shiting bricks right about now!... ROTFLMFAO
And I read where the working low wage workers wages are rising faster than the other workers

This will prove to the minorities that they were used by democrat crooks to enrich themselves and this can turn blacks and Hispanics

The deep state is in a TOTAL PANTIC of being found out just how crooked they have been
The number of Americans filing initial applications for unemployment benefits unexpectedly fell last week, suggesting the labor market has continued to strengthen following a brief stumble in May.

Initial claims dropped by 13,000 to a seasonally adjusted 209,000 for the week ended July 6, the Labor Department said on Thursday. Economists had expected claims to rise to 223,000.

The prior week’s claims were revised up to 221,000

Jobless claims have been very low, suggesting a low level of layoffs. That has defied predictions that tariffs and trade disputes would cost American jobs. What’s more, job creation has been strong despite extremely low unemployment.

Last month, however, the government reported that the economy created less than 75,000 jobs in May, the second time this year that job creation had come in weaker than expected. But job creation bounced by in June, rising to a much stronger than expected 224,000 for the month.

Jobless claims can be volatile week to week so economists look to the four-week moving average of claims for a better indicator of the health of the labor market. This figure fell 3,250 to 219,250 last week.

(Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com ...

And the DJIA is over 27k at this moment. The Leftists must be shiting bricks right about now!... ROTFLMFAO

Trump has not ruined the Obama recovery!

That is a fair accomplishment.

Now if we wanna talk about deficit spending that's another thing but I guess it doesn't matter. You'll join me in talking down any threads which complain about Obama's deficit or the stimulus plans and what not I assume?
The number of Americans filing initial applications for unemployment benefits unexpectedly fell last week, suggesting the labor market has continued to strengthen following a brief stumble in May.

Initial claims dropped by 13,000 to a seasonally adjusted 209,000 for the week ended July 6, the Labor Department said on Thursday. Economists had expected claims to rise to 223,000.

The prior week’s claims were revised up to 221,000

Jobless claims have been very low, suggesting a low level of layoffs. That has defied predictions that tariffs and trade disputes would cost American jobs. What’s more, job creation has been strong despite extremely low unemployment.

Last month, however, the government reported that the economy created less than 75,000 jobs in May, the second time this year that job creation had come in weaker than expected. But job creation bounced by in June, rising to a much stronger than expected 224,000 for the month.

Jobless claims can be volatile week to week so economists look to the four-week moving average of claims for a better indicator of the health of the labor market. This figure fell 3,250 to 219,250 last week.

(Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com ...

And the DJIA is over 27k at this moment. The Leftists must be shiting bricks right about now!... ROTFLMFAO

If you could only start ejecting illegals and and limiting h1 visas to white Europeans and oriental Asians the job market for Americans along with their pay would only improve

i hope trump carries out his bluster to start rounding a million mofos up
Trump has not ruined the Obama recovery!
There never was an "Obama recovery".

Could you post the unemployment rate for the last ten years please?
94% of private sector jobs under Obama were part time or temporary. Almost ALL of the full time jobs were government jobs. Those jobs are not created by a growing economy, they're created by expanding the government. Trump is creating REAL jobs, the kind that sound economic policies produce, not smoke and mirrors.
The number of Americans filing initial applications for unemployment benefits unexpectedly fell last week, suggesting the labor market has continued to strengthen following a brief stumble in May.

Initial claims dropped by 13,000 to a seasonally adjusted 209,000 for the week ended July 6, the Labor Department said on Thursday. Economists had expected claims to rise to 223,000.

The prior week’s claims were revised up to 221,000

Jobless claims have been very low, suggesting a low level of layoffs. That has defied predictions that tariffs and trade disputes would cost American jobs. What’s more, job creation has been strong despite extremely low unemployment.

Last month, however, the government reported that the economy created less than 75,000 jobs in May, the second time this year that job creation had come in weaker than expected. But job creation bounced by in June, rising to a much stronger than expected 224,000 for the month.

Jobless claims can be volatile week to week so economists look to the four-week moving average of claims for a better indicator of the health of the labor market. This figure fell 3,250 to 219,250 last week.

(Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com ...

And the DJIA is over 27k at this moment. The Leftists must be shiting bricks right about now!... ROTFLMFAO

What about the people who fell off and you aren't counting because they aren't collecting unemployment anymore? Those numbers aren't real remember.

Why is the Fed, in a booming economy, considering lowering interest rates? It's because this economy isn't as great as you think it is.

I just heard from a customer that her company went down to 2 shifts. The economy is slowing. Auto sales are slowing. This is the backbone of our economy.

I don't think the economy will be BOOMING in 2020 when Trump is trying to get re elected. He's a one termer fosho.
Trump has not ruined the Obama recovery!
There never was an "Obama recovery".

Could you post the unemployment rate for the last ten years please?
94% of private sector jobs under Obama were part time or temporary. Almost ALL of the full time jobs were government jobs. Those jobs are not created by a growing economy, they're created by expanding the government. Trump is creating REAL jobs, the kind that sound economic policies produce, not smoke and mirrors.

Can you show us a graph/chart/link/website that shows exactly when the Obama part time jobs turned into full time Trump jobs? Of course you can't.
While other sectors are important to the overall economy, a weak industrial sector is more important. Slowing industrial production growth creates weaknesses elsewhere, up and down the line – think suppliers and shippers as examples.

When it comes to the ripple effects that spread to the rest of the labor market, one lost dollar of economic output or one lost job is not the same as another.

One “durable manufacturing “ job is linked to 7.4 other jobs, and one “nondurable manufacturing “ job is linked to 5.1 other jobs. Therefore, slackening industrial production growth can produce a broader weakening elsewhere.

The US just got its latest sign that the manufacturing sector is slowing down | Markets Insider

When Is the Next Recession? These 4 Warning Signals Have Already Gone Off
The number of Americans filing initial applications for unemployment benefits unexpectedly fell last week, suggesting the labor market has continued to strengthen following a brief stumble in May.

Initial claims dropped by 13,000 to a seasonally adjusted 209,000 for the week ended July 6, the Labor Department said on Thursday. Economists had expected claims to rise to 223,000.

The prior week’s claims were revised up to 221,000

Jobless claims have been very low, suggesting a low level of layoffs. That has defied predictions that tariffs and trade disputes would cost American jobs. What’s more, job creation has been strong despite extremely low unemployment.

Last month, however, the government reported that the economy created less than 75,000 jobs in May, the second time this year that job creation had come in weaker than expected. But job creation bounced by in June, rising to a much stronger than expected 224,000 for the month.

Jobless claims can be volatile week to week so economists look to the four-week moving average of claims for a better indicator of the health of the labor market. This figure fell 3,250 to 219,250 last week.

(Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com ...

And the DJIA is over 27k at this moment. The Leftists must be shiting bricks right about now!... ROTFLMFAO

What about the people who fell off and you aren't counting because they aren't collecting unemployment anymore? Those numbers aren't real remember.

Why is the Fed, in a booming economy, considering lowering interest rates? It's because this economy isn't as great as you think it is.

I just heard from a customer that her company went down to 2 shifts. The economy is slowing. Auto sales are slowing. This is the backbone of our economy.

I don't think the economy will be BOOMING in 2020 when Trump is trying to get re elected. He's a one termer fosho.
Has the counting system CHANGED since the Surrender Monkeys reports?.....
The number of Americans filing initial applications for unemployment benefits unexpectedly fell last week, suggesting the labor market has continued to strengthen following a brief stumble in May.

Initial claims dropped by 13,000 to a seasonally adjusted 209,000 for the week ended July 6, the Labor Department said on Thursday. Economists had expected claims to rise to 223,000.

The prior week’s claims were revised up to 221,000

Jobless claims have been very low, suggesting a low level of layoffs. That has defied predictions that tariffs and trade disputes would cost American jobs. What’s more, job creation has been strong despite extremely low unemployment.

Last month, however, the government reported that the economy created less than 75,000 jobs in May, the second time this year that job creation had come in weaker than expected. But job creation bounced by in June, rising to a much stronger than expected 224,000 for the month.

Jobless claims can be volatile week to week so economists look to the four-week moving average of claims for a better indicator of the health of the labor market. This figure fell 3,250 to 219,250 last week.

(Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com ...

And the DJIA is over 27k at this moment. The Leftists must be shiting bricks right about now!... ROTFLMFAO

What about the people who fell off and you aren't counting because they aren't collecting unemployment anymore? Those numbers aren't real remember.

Why is the Fed, in a booming economy, considering lowering interest rates? It's because this economy isn't as great as you think it is.

I just heard from a customer that her company went down to 2 shifts. The economy is slowing. Auto sales are slowing. This is the backbone of our economy.

I don't think the economy will be BOOMING in 2020 when Trump is trying to get re elected. He's a one termer fosho.
Has the counting system CHANGED since the Surrender Monkeys reports?.....


President Donald Trump during the State of the Union address on Tuesday boasted of an “unprecedented economic boom” and the addition of millions of jobs to the United States economy. Jobs growth trends aren’t all that different from what they were under his predecessor, President Barack Obama, but the way he talks about it, you wouldn’t know it.

The way Trump talks about the jobs market has undergone a pretty dramatic shift in recent years, and not because of a major change in economic trends. It’s because Trump loves moving the goalposts on his measures of success.

The US economy has been steadily adding jobs since the Great Recession. Under President Barack Obama, the economy averaged an additional 109,000 jobs per month, and the administration oversaw 75 consecutive months of growth, the longest streak of total job growth on record.

Under Trump, the trend has continued: The economy has kept adding jobs, and the unemployment rate is now at 4 percent, nearing historically low levels.

But the way Trump talks about it, you wouldn’t know it. Aaron Sojourner, a professor at the University of Minnesota and a former labor economist for the Council of Economic Advisers under Obama and Trump, charted out the shift in Trump’s talking points — compared with how the US jobs market is actually doing — on Twitter recently.

“The talking points changed,” he wrote, “not the growth trend.”

Before Trump was president, he consistently lamented that the US economy was flailing and claimed that jobs numbers were made up. But now that he’s in the Oval Office, he’s decided that the jobs numbers are indeed very real and the economy is doing phenomenally.

“An economic miracle is taking place in the United States,” Trump said on Tuesday, “and the only thing that can stop it are foolish wars, politics, or ridiculous partisan investigations.”

Under Obama, the jobs numbers were fake. Now the news is.
When Obama was president, Trump often trashed the state of the US economy and jobs market.

He called the April 2012 jobs report “terrible” for adding just 72,000 jobs. (During his presidency, he’s seen a month of 73,000 jobs added, and another of 14,000.) Trump often derided the Affordable Care Act for cutting into the labor market and claimed the country was losing thousands of jobs to outsourcing. On the campaign trail, he pledged to bring jobs back to America and make the economy “sing” again.

And when there was good news about jobs and the economy, Trump often claimed it was fake.

In 2017, Christopher Ingraham at the Washington Post outlined at least 19 times Trump claimed US jobs numbers were made up — before, of course, he was at the helm of the US economy.
Trump has not ruined the Obama recovery!
There never was an "Obama recovery".

Could you post the unemployment rate for the last ten years please?
94% of private sector jobs under Obama were part time or temporary. Almost ALL of the full time jobs were government jobs. Those jobs are not created by a growing economy, they're created by expanding the government. Trump is creating REAL jobs, the kind that sound economic policies produce, not smoke and mirrors.

Can you show us a graph/chart/link/website that shows exactly when the Obama part time jobs turned into full time Trump jobs? Of course you can't.

Presumably, the Bureau of Labor Statistics hasn’t changed its methodology for calculating job growth. What’s different is what’s convenient for Trump, who has often demonstrated he has no problem bending the truth or lying in order to shape a certain narrative. When he wasn’t president, he wanted to paint the economy as disastrous. Now that he’s in the Oval Office, he wants voters to think everything’s just fine.

The hypocrisy of Trump’s State of the Union jobs claims, in one chart
The number of Americans filing initial applications for unemployment benefits unexpectedly fell last week, suggesting the labor market has continued to strengthen following a brief stumble in May.

Initial claims dropped by 13,000 to a seasonally adjusted 209,000 for the week ended July 6, the Labor Department said on Thursday. Economists had expected claims to rise to 223,000.

The prior week’s claims were revised up to 221,000

Jobless claims have been very low, suggesting a low level of layoffs. That has defied predictions that tariffs and trade disputes would cost American jobs. What’s more, job creation has been strong despite extremely low unemployment.

Last month, however, the government reported that the economy created less than 75,000 jobs in May, the second time this year that job creation had come in weaker than expected. But job creation bounced by in June, rising to a much stronger than expected 224,000 for the month.

Jobless claims can be volatile week to week so economists look to the four-week moving average of claims for a better indicator of the health of the labor market. This figure fell 3,250 to 219,250 last week.

(Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com ...

And the DJIA is over 27k at this moment. The Leftists must be shiting bricks right about now!... ROTFLMFAO

What about the people who fell off and you aren't counting because they aren't collecting unemployment anymore? Those numbers aren't real remember.

Why is the Fed, in a booming economy, considering lowering interest rates? It's because this economy isn't as great as you think it is.

I just heard from a customer that her company went down to 2 shifts. The economy is slowing. Auto sales are slowing. This is the backbone of our economy.

I don't think the economy will be BOOMING in 2020 when Trump is trying to get re elected. He's a one termer fosho.
Has the counting system CHANGED since the Surrender Monkeys reports?.....


President Donald Trump during the State of the Union address on Tuesday boasted of an “unprecedented economic boom” and the addition of millions of jobs to the United States economy. Jobs growth trends aren’t all that different from what they were under his predecessor, President Barack Obama, but the way he talks about it, you wouldn’t know it.

The way Trump talks about the jobs market has undergone a pretty dramatic shift in recent years, and not because of a major change in economic trends. It’s because Trump loves moving the goalposts on his measures of success.

The US economy has been steadily adding jobs since the Great Recession. Under President Barack Obama, the economy averaged an additional 109,000 jobs per month, and the administration oversaw 75 consecutive months of growth, the longest streak of total job growth on record.

Under Trump, the trend has continued: The economy has kept adding jobs, and the unemployment rate is now at 4 percent, nearing historically low levels.

But the way Trump talks about it, you wouldn’t know it. Aaron Sojourner, a professor at the University of Minnesota and a former labor economist for the Council of Economic Advisers under Obama and Trump, charted out the shift in Trump’s talking points — compared with how the US jobs market is actually doing — on Twitter recently.

“The talking points changed,” he wrote, “not the growth trend.”

Before Trump was president, he consistently lamented that the US economy was flailing and claimed that jobs numbers were made up. But now that he’s in the Oval Office, he’s decided that the jobs numbers are indeed very real and the economy is doing phenomenally.

“An economic miracle is taking place in the United States,” Trump said on Tuesday, “and the only thing that can stop it are foolish wars, politics, or ridiculous partisan investigations.”

Under Obama, the jobs numbers were fake. Now the news is.
When Obama was president, Trump often trashed the state of the US economy and jobs market.

He called the April 2012 jobs report “terrible” for adding just 72,000 jobs. (During his presidency, he’s seen a month of 73,000 jobs added, and another of 14,000.) Trump often derided the Affordable Care Act for cutting into the labor market and claimed the country was losing thousands of jobs to outsourcing. On the campaign trail, he pledged to bring jobs back to America and make the economy “sing” again.

And when there was good news about jobs and the economy, Trump often claimed it was fake.

In 2017, Christopher Ingraham at the Washington Post outlined at least 19 times Trump claimed US jobs numbers were made up — before, of course, he was at the helm of the US economy.
Gee coming out of one of the worst depressions the DemonRATS Had caused it is no wonder the economy has risen it was damn near a wipeout...

So dont try to sell your shit here boy, Andy admitted it!
Trump has not ruined the Obama recovery!
There never was an "Obama recovery".

Could you post the unemployment rate for the last ten years please?
94% of private sector jobs under Obama were part time or temporary. Almost ALL of the full time jobs were government jobs. Those jobs are not created by a growing economy, they're created by expanding the government. Trump is creating REAL jobs, the kind that sound economic policies produce, not smoke and mirrors.

Can you show us a graph/chart/link/website that shows exactly when the Obama part time jobs turned into full time Trump jobs? Of course you can't.
I've posted plenty of graphs/charts/websites that show it and I'm not gonna do it again just for you. You can find most of it at the Dept. Of Labor Statistics. Look it up yourself you lazy bum.
Trump has not ruined the Obama recovery!
There never was an "Obama recovery".

Could you post the unemployment rate for the last ten years please?
94% of private sector jobs under Obama were part time or temporary. Almost ALL of the full time jobs were government jobs. Those jobs are not created by a growing economy, they're created by expanding the government. Trump is creating REAL jobs, the kind that sound economic policies produce, not smoke and mirrors.

Can you show us a graph/chart/link/website that shows exactly when the Obama part time jobs turned into full time Trump jobs? Of course you can't.
I've posted plenty of graphs/charts/websites that show it and I'm not gonna do it again just for you. You can find most of it at the Dept. Of Labor Statistics. Look it up yourself you lazy bum.
Tell me how democrats are responsible for the next recession.
There never was an "Obama recovery".

Could you post the unemployment rate for the last ten years please?
94% of private sector jobs under Obama were part time or temporary. Almost ALL of the full time jobs were government jobs. Those jobs are not created by a growing economy, they're created by expanding the government. Trump is creating REAL jobs, the kind that sound economic policies produce, not smoke and mirrors.

Can you show us a graph/chart/link/website that shows exactly when the Obama part time jobs turned into full time Trump jobs? Of course you can't.
I've posted plenty of graphs/charts/websites that show it and I'm not gonna do it again just for you. You can find most of it at the Dept. Of Labor Statistics. Look it up yourself you lazy bum.
Tell me how democrats are responsible for the next recession.
Come back when you're sober and maybe you can post a comment that makes sense.

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