We Will Unify… by Force.


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
We Will Unify… by Force. | The Daily Bell
10 Feb 2021 ~~ By Joe Jarvis

Watch the video:

I want to see actual freedom. True free markets are how problems are solved, because there is profit in serving the needs of your fellow man.
I won’t pretend to know how to solve every problem in the world.
But I absolutely have faith that when free people are unshackled from the government and all their manipulations of currency, law, society, and information– those free people will create the most prosperous society ever, for everyone involved.
This isn’t about Red and Blue, Republican and Democrat, or even State versus Federal power.
This is about freedom versus control. Tyranny versus liberty. Authoritarianism versus self ownership.
These are scary times, but they also present tremendous opportunity to change the world for the better. The elites aren’t going to let any of these crises go to waste, and you shouldn’t either.

Ptogressive Marxist/DSA Democrats no longer enjoy the 'consent of the governed.' Don't they know what this means? They are now considered a criminal cabal by most.
They are vastly underestimating the power of the people when those people are right and they know it and have the Law of the Land to back their play. They are the parents, Fathers, Mothers, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters that are no doubt losing patience by now.
We have rights given to us by higher authority than Democrats or Party. Make a move.
PM/DSA Democrats will violate the our rights of all Americans just as they are attempting to railroad trump by calling him a traitor and seditionist.
I predict that within the year All Americans will be disarmed by this tyrannical regime in Washington. They cannot allow we Deplorables the means to resist them.
Those presently in office should be impeached and imprisoned for inciting the 251 incidents of violence last year and those that have occurred so far this year. Talk about hate speech, what do they think they are doing since 2017?
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The rational citizens of the United States would feel like traitors themselves even to consider any form of unity with trump's 74 million Nazis.

The trump Nazis swore their allegiance to their wannabe führer and fully support his and his insurrectionists' attempted coup. In doing so they prove their support of the traitors and their crime of treason. This advocacy of treason against the legitimate government of the United States must also be considered the trump Nazis renunciation of their United States' citizenship.

The trump Nazis have proven they don't want the United States, and the United States certainly doesn't want them.

The rational citizens of the United States would feel like traitors themselves even to consider any form of unity with trump's 74 million Nazis.

The trump Nazis swore their allegiance to their wannabe führer and fully support his and his insurrectionists' attempted coup. In doing so they prove their support of the traitors and their crime of treason. This advocacy of treason against the legitimate government of the United States must also be considered the trump Nazis renunciation of their United States' citizenship.

The trump Nazis have proven they don't want the United States, and the United States certainly doesn't want them.

After seeing the Xiden admin in action I'm sure that 3m or 4m voters would switch from socialist democrat to the GOP, giving the GOP the popular vote majority.

A few thousand voters switching would give the GOP the Electoral College majority and the presidency.

Calling half the population of the US "Nazis" proves that the democrats have no clue how to govern.
The democrats will lose the House and Senate in the 2022 mid-terms.

Agreed that the 1/6 DC protest got out of control by a few hundred goobers, but that "riot" was tame in comparison to the months long riots by antifa and the BLM, that the democrats encouraged.
We Will Unify… by Force. | The Daily Bell
10 Feb 2021 ~~ By Joe Jarvis

Watch the video:

I want to see actual freedom. True free markets are how problems are solved, because there is profit in serving the needs of your fellow man.
I won’t pretend to know how to solve every problem in the world.
But I absolutely have faith that when free people are unshackled from the government and all their manipulations of currency, law, society, and information– those free people will create the most prosperous society ever, for everyone involved.
This isn’t about Red and Blue, Republican and Democrat, or even State versus Federal power.
This is about freedom versus control. Tyranny versus liberty. Authoritarianism versus self ownership.
These are scary times, but they also present tremendous opportunity to change the world for the better. The elites aren’t going to let any of these crises go to waste, and you shouldn’t either.

Ptogressive Marxist/DSA Democrats no longer enjoy the 'consent of the governed.' Don't they know what this means? They are now considered a criminal cabal by most.
They are vastly underestimating the power of the people when those people are right and they know it and have the Law of the Land to back their play. They are the parents, Fathers, Mothers, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters that are no doubt losing patience by now.
We have rights given to us by higher authority than Democrats or Party. Make a move.
PM/DSA Democrats will violate the our rights of all Americans just as they are attempting to railroad trump by calling him a traitor and seditionist.
I predict that within the year All Americans will be disarmed by this tyrannical regime in Washington. They cannot allow we Deplorables the means to resist them.
Those presently in office should be impeached and imprisoned for inciting the 251 incidents of violence last year and those that have occurred so far this year. Talk about hate speech, what do they think they are doing since 2017?

Well, if they come to take away law abiding citizen's guns; this is the hill to die on!
We Will Unify… by Force. | The Daily Bell
10 Feb 2021 ~~ By Joe Jarvis

Watch the video:

I want to see actual freedom. True free markets are how problems are solved, because there is profit in serving the needs of your fellow man.
I won’t pretend to know how to solve every problem in the world.
But I absolutely have faith that when free people are unshackled from the government and all their manipulations of currency, law, society, and information– those free people will create the most prosperous society ever, for everyone involved.
This isn’t about Red and Blue, Republican and Democrat, or even State versus Federal power.
This is about freedom versus control. Tyranny versus liberty. Authoritarianism versus self ownership.
These are scary times, but they also present tremendous opportunity to change the world for the better. The elites aren’t going to let any of these crises go to waste, and you shouldn’t either.

Ptogressive Marxist/DSA Democrats no longer enjoy the 'consent of the governed.' Don't they know what this means? They are now considered a criminal cabal by most.
They are vastly underestimating the power of the people when those people are right and they know it and have the Law of the Land to back their play. They are the parents, Fathers, Mothers, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters that are no doubt losing patience by now.
We have rights given to us by higher authority than Democrats or Party. Make a move.
PM/DSA Democrats will violate the our rights of all Americans just as they are attempting to railroad trump by calling him a traitor and seditionist.
I predict that within the year All Americans will be disarmed by this tyrannical regime in Washington. They cannot allow we Deplorables the means to resist them.
Those presently in office should be impeached and imprisoned for inciting the 251 incidents of violence last year and those that have occurred so far this year. Talk about hate speech, what do they think they are doing since 2017?

Well, if they come to take away law abiding citizen's guns; this is the hill to die on!
Meh. Joe Manchin would never vote for any form of gun control. (I hope)
We Will Unify… by Force. | The Daily Bell
10 Feb 2021 ~~ By Joe Jarvis

Watch the video:

I want to see actual freedom. True free markets are how problems are solved, because there is profit in serving the needs of your fellow man.
I won’t pretend to know how to solve every problem in the world.
But I absolutely have faith that when free people are unshackled from the government and all their manipulations of currency, law, society, and information– those free people will create the most prosperous society ever, for everyone involved.
This isn’t about Red and Blue, Republican and Democrat, or even State versus Federal power.
This is about freedom versus control. Tyranny versus liberty. Authoritarianism versus self ownership.
These are scary times, but they also present tremendous opportunity to change the world for the better. The elites aren’t going to let any of these crises go to waste, and you shouldn’t either.

Ptogressive Marxist/DSA Democrats no longer enjoy the 'consent of the governed.' Don't they know what this means? They are now considered a criminal cabal by most.
They are vastly underestimating the power of the people when those people are right and they know it and have the Law of the Land to back their play. They are the parents, Fathers, Mothers, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters that are no doubt losing patience by now.
We have rights given to us by higher authority than Democrats or Party. Make a move.
PM/DSA Democrats will violate the our rights of all Americans just as they are attempting to railroad trump by calling him a traitor and seditionist.
I predict that within the year All Americans will be disarmed by this tyrannical regime in Washington. They cannot allow we Deplorables the means to resist them.
Those presently in office should be impeached and imprisoned for inciting the 251 incidents of violence last year and those that have occurred so far this year. Talk about hate speech, what do they think they are doing since 2017?
Despotic regimes are actually the most stable and historically can last for centuries.

Not trying to be a Debbie downer, but on what basis do you make your assertions?
Another pathological paranoiac thinking they speak for The People. Speak for yourself. No one appointed you spokesman. If the right didn't let so many crazy people near the microphones they would probably have a better time convincing others they are not a bunch of rage-filled loonies.
Another pathological paranoiac thinking they speak for The People. Speak for yourself. No one appointed you spokesman. If the right didn't let so many crazy people near the microphones they would probably have a better time convincing others they are not a bunch of rage-filled loonies.
The right are full of hate, eh? The right are a bunch of loons, eh? Oh put a sock in it already and go have someone decapitate a few more Trump dolls screaming they want to murder him.
Another pathological paranoiac thinking they speak for The People. Speak for yourself. No one appointed you spokesman. If the right didn't let so many crazy people near the microphones they would probably have a better time convincing others they are not a bunch of rage-filled loonies.
The right are full of hate, eh? The right are a bunch of loons, eh? Oh put a sock in it already and go have someone decapitate a few more Trump dolls screaming they want to murder him.
No one on the right can go so far over the edge that you will not jump to their defense. That's why I think you are all insane. Some of you just hide it better.
We Will Unify… by Force. | The Daily Bell
10 Feb 2021 ~~ By Joe Jarvis

Watch the video:

I want to see actual freedom. True free markets are how problems are solved, because there is profit in serving the needs of your fellow man.
I won’t pretend to know how to solve every problem in the world.
But I absolutely have faith that when free people are unshackled from the government and all their manipulations of currency, law, society, and information– those free people will create the most prosperous society ever, for everyone involved.
This isn’t about Red and Blue, Republican and Democrat, or even State versus Federal power.
This is about freedom versus control. Tyranny versus liberty. Authoritarianism versus self ownership.
These are scary times, but they also present tremendous opportunity to change the world for the better. The elites aren’t going to let any of these crises go to waste, and you shouldn’t either.

Ptogressive Marxist/DSA Democrats no longer enjoy the 'consent of the governed.' Don't they know what this means? They are now considered a criminal cabal by most.
They are vastly underestimating the power of the people when those people are right and they know it and have the Law of the Land to back their play. They are the parents, Fathers, Mothers, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters that are no doubt losing patience by now.
We have rights given to us by higher authority than Democrats or Party. Make a move.
PM/DSA Democrats will violate the our rights of all Americans just as they are attempting to railroad trump by calling him a traitor and seditionist.
I predict that within the year All Americans will be disarmed by this tyrannical regime in Washington. They cannot allow we Deplorables the means to resist them.
Those presently in office should be impeached and imprisoned for inciting the 251 incidents of violence last year and those that have occurred so far this year. Talk about hate speech, what do they think they are doing since 2017?
It all sounds good but these good people let a tyrant cheat his way to the White House No evidence?! Please
Another pathological paranoiac thinking they speak for The People. Speak for yourself. No one appointed you spokesman. If the right didn't let so many crazy people near the microphones they would probably have a better time convincing others they are not a bunch of rage-filled loonies.
The right are full of hate, eh? The right are a bunch of loons, eh? Oh put a sock in it already and go have someone decapitate a few more Trump dolls screaming they want to murder him.
No one on the right can go so far over the edge that you will not jump to their defense. That's why I think you are all insane. Some of you just hide it better.

When would you construct the gas chambers?
Another pathological paranoiac thinking they speak for The People. Speak for yourself. No one appointed you spokesman. If the right didn't let so many crazy people near the microphones they would probably have a better time convincing others they are not a bunch of rage-filled loonies.
The right are full of hate, eh? The right are a bunch of loons, eh? Oh put a sock in it already and go have someone decapitate a few more Trump dolls screaming they want to murder him.
No one on the right can go so far over the edge that you will not jump to their defense. That's why I think you are all insane. Some of you just hide it better.

When would you construct the gas chambers?
I'm not like you. I don't want to murder anyone for their politics.
Another pathological paranoiac thinking they speak for The People. Speak for yourself. No one appointed you spokesman. If the right didn't let so many crazy people near the microphones they would probably have a better time convincing others they are not a bunch of rage-filled loonies.
The right are full of hate, eh? The right are a bunch of loons, eh? Oh put a sock in it already and go have someone decapitate a few more Trump dolls screaming they want to murder him.
No one on the right can go so far over the edge that you will not jump to their defense. That's why I think you are all insane. Some of you just hide it better.

When would you construct the gas chambers?
I'm not like you. I don't want to murder anyone for their politics.

What makes you think I do?
Another pathological paranoiac thinking they speak for The People. Speak for yourself. No one appointed you spokesman. If the right didn't let so many crazy people near the microphones they would probably have a better time convincing others they are not a bunch of rage-filled loonies.
The right are full of hate, eh? The right are a bunch of loons, eh? Oh put a sock in it already and go have someone decapitate a few more Trump dolls screaming they want to murder him.
No one on the right can go so far over the edge that you will not jump to their defense. That's why I think you are all insane. Some of you just hide it better.

When would you construct the gas chambers?
I'm not like you. I don't want to murder anyone for their politics.

What makes you think I do?
You don't? Maybe all the threats and civil war talk that have been directed at the left over the years were just jokes? Until you are on the receiving end of right wing hate you will not understand. I laughed off the right's mass murder fantasies for years until 1/6. Now I take it seriously. You want to be taken seriously don't you?
Another pathological paranoiac thinking they speak for The People. Speak for yourself. No one appointed you spokesman. If the right didn't let so many crazy people near the microphones they would probably have a better time convincing others they are not a bunch of rage-filled loonies.
The right are full of hate, eh? The right are a bunch of loons, eh? Oh put a sock in it already and go have someone decapitate a few more Trump dolls screaming they want to murder him.
No one on the right can go so far over the edge that you will not jump to their defense. That's why I think you are all insane. Some of you just hide it better.

When would you construct the gas chambers?
I'm not like you. I don't want to murder anyone for their politics.

What makes you think I do?
You don't? Maybe all the threats and civil war talk that have been directed at the left over the years were just jokes? Until you are on the receiving end of right wing hate you will not understand. I laughed off the right's mass murder fantasies for years until 1/6. Now I take it seriously. You want to be taken seriously don't you?

Ok, show where I’ve called for that....I’ll wait.
The rational citizens of the United States would feel like traitors themselves even to consider any form of unity with trump's 74 million Nazis.

The trump Nazis swore their allegiance to their wannabe führer and fully support his and his insurrectionists' attempted coup. In doing so they prove their support of the traitors and their crime of treason. This advocacy of treason against the legitimate government of the United States must also be considered the trump Nazis renunciation of their United States' citizenship.

The trump Nazis have proven they don't want the United States, and the United States certainly doesn't want them.

I took no oath of loyalty to Trump, Republicans or Democrats. I am and American loyal to my country, Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats however take an oath of loyalty to their ideology, just as their grandparents and parents did to Nazism and Communism.
We Will Unify… by Force. | The Daily Bell
10 Feb 2021 ~~ By Joe Jarvis

Watch the video:

I want to see actual freedom. True free markets are how problems are solved, because there is profit in serving the needs of your fellow man.
I won’t pretend to know how to solve every problem in the world.
But I absolutely have faith that when free people are unshackled from the government and all their manipulations of currency, law, society, and information– those free people will create the most prosperous society ever, for everyone involved.
This isn’t about Red and Blue, Republican and Democrat, or even State versus Federal power.
This is about freedom versus control. Tyranny versus liberty. Authoritarianism versus self ownership.
These are scary times, but they also present tremendous opportunity to change the world for the better. The elites aren’t going to let any of these crises go to waste, and you shouldn’t either.

Ptogressive Marxist/DSA Democrats no longer enjoy the 'consent of the governed.' Don't they know what this means? They are now considered a criminal cabal by most.
They are vastly underestimating the power of the people when those people are right and they know it and have the Law of the Land to back their play. They are the parents, Fathers, Mothers, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters that are no doubt losing patience by now.
We have rights given to us by higher authority than Democrats or Party. Make a move.
PM/DSA Democrats will violate the our rights of all Americans just as they are attempting to railroad trump by calling him a traitor and seditionist.
I predict that within the year All Americans will be disarmed by this tyrannical regime in Washington. They cannot allow we Deplorables the means to resist them.
Those presently in office should be impeached and imprisoned for inciting the 251 incidents of violence last year and those that have occurred so far this year. Talk about hate speech, what do they think they are doing since 2017?

Well, if they come to take away law abiding citizen's guns; this is the hill to die on!

Unified we stand, individually we will perish.
We Will Unify… by Force. | The Daily Bell
10 Feb 2021 ~~ By Joe Jarvis

Watch the video:

I want to see actual freedom. True free markets are how problems are solved, because there is profit in serving the needs of your fellow man.
I won’t pretend to know how to solve every problem in the world.
But I absolutely have faith that when free people are unshackled from the government and all their manipulations of currency, law, society, and information– those free people will create the most prosperous society ever, for everyone involved.
This isn’t about Red and Blue, Republican and Democrat, or even State versus Federal power.
This is about freedom versus control. Tyranny versus liberty. Authoritarianism versus self ownership.
These are scary times, but they also present tremendous opportunity to change the world for the better. The elites aren’t going to let any of these crises go to waste, and you shouldn’t either.

Ptogressive Marxist/DSA Democrats no longer enjoy the 'consent of the governed.' Don't they know what this means? They are now considered a criminal cabal by most.
They are vastly underestimating the power of the people when those people are right and they know it and have the Law of the Land to back their play. They are the parents, Fathers, Mothers, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters that are no doubt losing patience by now.
We have rights given to us by higher authority than Democrats or Party. Make a move.
PM/DSA Democrats will violate the our rights of all Americans just as they are attempting to railroad trump by calling him a traitor and seditionist.
I predict that within the year All Americans will be disarmed by this tyrannical regime in Washington. They cannot allow we Deplorables the means to resist them.
Those presently in office should be impeached and imprisoned for inciting the 251 incidents of violence last year and those that have occurred so far this year. Talk about hate speech, what do they think they are doing since 2017?
Despotic regimes are actually the most stable and historically can last for centuries.

Not trying to be a Debbie downer, but on what basis do you make your assertions?

Only if you consider the deaths of 200 million plus souls destroyed in one hundred years based upon 19th Marxian ideology.

We Will Unify… by Force. | The Daily Bell
10 Feb 2021 ~~ By Joe Jarvis

Watch the video:

I want to see actual freedom. True free markets are how problems are solved, because there is profit in serving the needs of your fellow man.
I won’t pretend to know how to solve every problem in the world.
But I absolutely have faith that when free people are unshackled from the government and all their manipulations of currency, law, society, and information– those free people will create the most prosperous society ever, for everyone involved.
This isn’t about Red and Blue, Republican and Democrat, or even State versus Federal power.
This is about freedom versus control. Tyranny versus liberty. Authoritarianism versus self ownership.
These are scary times, but they also present tremendous opportunity to change the world for the better. The elites aren’t going to let any of these crises go to waste, and you shouldn’t either.

Ptogressive Marxist/DSA Democrats no longer enjoy the 'consent of the governed.' Don't they know what this means? They are now considered a criminal cabal by most.
They are vastly underestimating the power of the people when those people are right and they know it and have the Law of the Land to back their play. They are the parents, Fathers, Mothers, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters that are no doubt losing patience by now.
We have rights given to us by higher authority than Democrats or Party. Make a move.
PM/DSA Democrats will violate the our rights of all Americans just as they are attempting to railroad trump by calling him a traitor and seditionist.
I predict that within the year All Americans will be disarmed by this tyrannical regime in Washington. They cannot allow we Deplorables the means to resist them.
Those presently in office should be impeached and imprisoned for inciting the 251 incidents of violence last year and those that have occurred so far this year. Talk about hate speech, what do they think they are doing since 2017?
It all sounds good but these good people let a tyrant cheat his way to the White House No evidence?! Please

Obviously you are referring to China Joey Xi.
Trump was elected fair and square on November 2016, and the election was stolen by those like you.
If you believe Trump is the tyrant, then why is Joey Xi ruling by E.O and blatantly ordering proedures that are destroying America piece by piece.
As good example... Joey's E.O on immigration will now expose American citizens to more infection of China's Covid-19.

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