We only have 2 to 4 years


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
An amazing 10% of Democrats walk away from the Democrat party every year. They desperately need a fresh batch of suckers, constantly.

Our biggest obstacle is the Democrat/RINO alliance.

If people don't see positive change from this President, they might be turned off to politics forever.

We only have 2 to 4 years to show the Democrats...

* Why it's important to stop jobs from leaving the nation. Why it's important that your neighbor has extra money to spend.

* Why it's important to stop people from rotting in inner cities, and a reduction in crime by controlling illegal immigration.

* The benefits of productive lives instead of sitting around on welfare

* The benefits of a nation that has Constitutional protections for all instead of special "civil rights" for some.

* We need to show why it's not good to bankrupt the country with National Debt

* We need to show why it's better to choose liberty and small government over intrusive Socialism.

* We need to show why it's wrong to encourage people to support anarchy

Republicans need to learn a new word , RECALL. Every time a RINO starts with "I don't really agree with Trump's policy" we need request recall papers. Every time a politician takes an action against Trump's reforms, we need to start the recall process. Waiting until the next election isn't good enough.
Just wonder what they're going to do now that the Clinton Machine is broken down, and quickly heading for the junk yard?

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