We must deal with Putin’s Russia as the rogue state it is


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
International order for 4 centuries has been based on non-interference in the internal affairs of others and respect for sovereignty. Russia has violated this norm by seizing Crimea and by interfering in 2016
The taking of liberties with another country when a large portion of its population is ethnically your own, is not unprecedented. In fact, had a popular election been held in the Crimea, a majority might well have voluntarily joined Russia. So this is not really a matter of foreign oppression.

Do you not suppose that Mexico has the intention of one day annexing California? And I would wager that if Americans in the other 49 states got a vote, they could have it.
Don't know about a rouge state, Russia wants land money and more power in the world,
Kind of like Everyone else.
they are just big enough to get away with killing & massive cheating to help them get there.

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