We are mexico welfare system


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
The Mexican Invasion and Occupation: Who Pays?[

OBAMA AND HIS SELLOUT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE FOR WALL ST. AND THE ILLEGALS' ILLEGAL VOTES. In California alone WELFARE to illegals cost $20 billion! Keeping criminal illegals in state prisons cost ONE BILLION! Los Angeles County pays out $600 million per year in welfare to illegals even as 47% of those with a job are illegals with stolen social securty numbers. TODAY OBAMA WILL PROMISE LA RAZA BIT BY BIT AMNESTY or CONTINUED NON-ENFORCEMENT!

The Mexican Invasion and Occupation: Who Pays? ANOTHER FORM OF CORP WELFARE?: WE ARE MEXICO'S WELFARE SYSTEM.... A Glimpse...
Sorry bout that,

1. And its the smartest people we got sending up to Washington DC. college grads,etc., it says a lot about just how much this Nation is run by people who are stupidier than a brick.:eusa_hand:

The Mexican Invasion and Occupation: Who Pays?[
Do you even know what corporate welfare is? For one thing, it only goes to CORPORATIONS.

In California alone WELFARE to illegals cost $20 billion! Keeping criminal illegals in state prisons cost ONE BILLION! Los Angeles County pays out $600 million per year in welfare to illegals even as 47% of those with a job are illegals with stolen social securty numbers. TODAY OBAMA WILL PROMISE LA RAZA BIT BY BIT AMNESTY or CONTINUED NON-ENFORCEMENT!
Do they get a sales tax exemption? What about property tax? When you have a job with a stolen SS number, does the IRS say "hey, since you stole your SS number, we aren't going to withhold taxes" ?

There's thousands of American citizens illegally residing in Mexico not paying any taxes - I don't hear you bitching about that. My mother's landlady is an illegal resident of Mexico. Like many snobby dickheaded Americans, they think its OK to move to Mexico and not have a legal visa or pay taxes - because - fuck em, they're Mexicans!
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The Mexican Invasion and Occupation: Who Pays?[
Do you even know what corporate welfare is? For one thing, it only goes to CORPORATIONS.

In California alone WELFARE to illegals cost $20 billion! Keeping criminal illegals in state prisons cost ONE BILLION! Los Angeles County pays out $600 million per year in welfare to illegals even as 47% of those with a job are illegals with stolen social securty numbers. TODAY OBAMA WILL PROMISE LA RAZA BIT BY BIT AMNESTY or CONTINUED NON-ENFORCEMENT!
Do they get a sales tax exemption? What about property tax? When you have a job with a stolen SS number, does the IRS say "hey, since you stole your SS number, we aren't going to withhold taxes" ?

There's thousands of American citizens illegally residing in Mexico not paying any taxes - I don't hear you bitching about that. My mother's landlady is an illegal resident of Mexico. Like many snobby dickheaded Americans, they think its OK to move to Mexico and not have a legal visa or pay taxes - because - fuck em, they're Mexicans!

U.S. citizens living in Mexico and elsewhere must pay taxes on their income. According to the Internal Revenue Service, any income earned by U.S. citizens and resident aliens is taxable regardless of where they are living. Citizens living abroad are automatically granted a two-month filing extension, with their taxes due by June 15 each year.

IRS: U.S. Citizens and Resident Aliens Abroad

Read more: Do Americans living in Mexico pay income taxes? | Answerbag Do Americans living in Mexico pay income taxes? | Answerbag
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the mexican invasion and occupation: Who pays?[
b] another form of corp welfare[/b]?
do you even know what corporate welfare is? For one thing, it only goes to corporations.

Do they get a sales tax exemption? What about property tax? When you have a job with a stolen ss number, does the irs say "hey, since you stole your ss number, we aren't going to withhold taxes" ?

there's thousands of american citizens illegally residing in mexico not paying any taxes - i don't hear you bitching about that. My mother's landlady is an illegal resident of mexico. Like many snobby dickheaded americans, they think its ok to move to mexico and not have a legal visa or pay taxes - because - fuck em, they're mexicans!

u.s. Citizens living in mexico and elsewhere must pay taxes on their income. according to the internal revenue service, any income earned by u.s. Citizens and resident aliens is taxable regardless of where they are living. Citizens living abroad are automatically granted a two-month filing extension, with their taxes due by june 15 each year.

Irs: U.s. Citizens and resident aliens abroad
U.S. Citizens and Resident Aliens Abroad

read more: Do americans living in mexico pay income taxes? | answerbag do americans living in mexico pay income taxes? | answerbag

i'm talking about the taxes they are cheating the mexican government out of you dumb twat.
The Mexican Invasion and Occupation: Who Pays?[
Do you even know what corporate welfare is? For one thing, it only goes to CORPORATIONS.

In California alone WELFARE to illegals cost $20 billion! Keeping criminal illegals in state prisons cost ONE BILLION! Los Angeles County pays out $600 million per year in welfare to illegals even as 47% of those with a job are illegals with stolen social securty numbers. TODAY OBAMA WILL PROMISE LA RAZA BIT BY BIT AMNESTY or CONTINUED NON-ENFORCEMENT!
Do they get a sales tax exemption? What about property tax? When you have a job with a stolen SS number, does the IRS say "hey, since you stole your SS number, we aren't going to withhold taxes" ?

There's thousands of American citizens illegally residing in Mexico not paying any taxes - I don't hear you bitching about that. My mother's landlady is an illegal resident of Mexico. Like many snobby dickheaded Americans, they think its OK to move to Mexico and not have a legal visa or pay taxes - because - fuck em, they're Mexicans!
need those votes bad now don't you libb.....will even sell out your own country!! if your dear communist leader Obama tries to pull amnesty for illegals just to get re elected all hell is going to break loose in the US !!
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Who the hell cares what Mexico does in their country? I for one don't give a damn! It's where MY taxes go HERE that I care about. Geez!!!!!
Who the hell cares what Mexico does in their country

I'm not talking about what Mexico does in Mexico's country. I'm talking about what AMERICAN CITIZENS do in Mexico. They move down there, fail to obtain the proper work visa, and live illegally without paying income tax, mooching off the Mexican government.
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Sorry bout that,

1. Why should Americans have to pay taxes in Mexico?
2. Mexicans here don't!
3. Its hard as hell to get a permit to work in Mexico, stop claiming jobs are there, they are not, thats why Mexicans come here, use your head for something other than a hat rack.
4. People are starving in the streets for lack of jobs, so stop the bullshit.:eusa_hand:

Sorry bout that,

1. Why should Americans have to pay taxes in Mexico?

You mean why should Americans living and making income in Mexico have to pay for Mexico's infrastructure? Maybe because they live there and use it? Just a thought. You're not very smart.

2. Mexicans here don't!

I don't think the IRS allows you to not pay taxes just because you are using a stolen social security number. Maybe you can show me the form someone would have to fill out for that exemption!

3. Its hard as hell to get a permit to work in Mexico, stop claiming jobs are there, they are not, thats why Mexicans come here, use your head for something other than a hat rack.

So folks like my mother's landlord should just get to live and make profit in Mexico without paying for the street cleaning and the roads? Just because - they're Americans - and its HARD?

4. People are starving in the streets for lack of jobs, so stop the bullshit.:eusa_hand:

The Mexican Invasion and Occupation: Who Pays?[

OBAMA AND HIS SELLOUT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE FOR WALL ST. AND THE ILLEGALS' ILLEGAL VOTES. In California alone WELFARE to illegals cost $20 billion! Keeping criminal illegals in state prisons cost ONE BILLION! Los Angeles County pays out $600 million per year in welfare to illegals even as 47% of those with a job are illegals with stolen social securty numbers. TODAY OBAMA WILL PROMISE LA RAZA BIT BY BIT AMNESTY or CONTINUED NON-ENFORCEMENT!

The Mexican Invasion and Occupation: Who Pays? ANOTHER FORM OF CORP WELFARE?: WE ARE MEXICO'S WELFARE SYSTEM.... A Glimpse...

California by it's own admission is a sanctuary state so cryusafuckingriver whydoncha?
do you even know what corporate welfare is? For one thing, it only goes to corporations.

Do they get a sales tax exemption? What about property tax? When you have a job with a stolen ss number, does the irs say "hey, since you stole your ss number, we aren't going to withhold taxes" ?

there's thousands of american citizens illegally residing in mexico not paying any taxes - i don't hear you bitching about that. My mother's landlady is an illegal resident of mexico. Like many snobby dickheaded americans, they think its ok to move to mexico and not have a legal visa or pay taxes - because - fuck em, they're mexicans!

u.s. Citizens living in mexico and elsewhere must pay taxes on their income. according to the internal revenue service, any income earned by u.s. Citizens and resident aliens is taxable regardless of where they are living. Citizens living abroad are automatically granted a two-month filing extension, with their taxes due by june 15 each year.

Irs: U.s. Citizens and resident aliens abroad
U.S. Citizens and Resident Aliens Abroad

read more: Do americans living in mexico pay income taxes? | answerbag do americans living in mexico pay income taxes? | answerbag

i'm talking about the taxes they are cheating the mexican government out of you dumb twat.

shut your nasty mouth. She showed you you are wrong...I don't CARE if they are not paying taxes in Mexico, that is Mexico's business. I DO CARE that they are invading OUR COUNTRY, breaking our laws, being GIVEN benefits that should belong to LEGAL American CITIZENS and this administration is NOW giving them a PASS OVER US American citizens..Should make you people who voted for Obama feel all warm and fuzzy.
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shut your nasty mouth. She showed you you are wrong...I don't CARE if they are not paying taxes in Mexico, that is Mexico's business. I DO CARE that they are invading OUR COUNTRY, breaking our laws, being GIVEN benefits that should belong to LEGAL American CITIZENS and this administration is NOW giving them a PASS OVER US American citizens..Should make you people who voted for Obama feel all warm and fuzzy.

Right. So its OK for Americans to invade Mexico, but not the other way around. Thanks for admitting your a big fat sloppy hypocritical whore, but we already knew that.
The Mexican Invasion and Occupation: Who Pays?[
Do you even know what corporate welfare is? For one thing, it only goes to CORPORATIONS.

Do they get a sales tax exemption? What about property tax? When you have a job with a stolen SS number, does the IRS say "hey, since you stole your SS number, we aren't going to withhold taxes" ?

There's thousands of American citizens illegally residing in Mexico not paying any taxes - I don't hear you bitching about that. My mother's landlady is an illegal resident of Mexico. Like many snobby dickheaded Americans, they think its OK to move to Mexico and not have a legal visa or pay taxes - because - fuck em, they're Mexicans!

U.S. citizens living in Mexico and elsewhere must pay taxes on their income. According to the Internal Revenue Service, any income earned by U.S. citizens and resident aliens is taxable regardless of where they are living. Citizens living abroad are automatically granted a two-month filing extension, with their taxes due by June 15 each year.

IRS: U.S. Citizens and Resident Aliens Abroad
U.S. Citizens and Resident Aliens Abroad

Read more: Do Americans living in Mexico pay income taxes? | Answerbag Do Americans living in Mexico pay income taxes? | Answerbag

Ever heard of the FOREIGN TAX CREDIT or the FOREIGN EARNED INCOME EXCLUSION you pedestrian moron? Go ahead. Run to your google.
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