Zone1 Watchtower Governing Body Clown, Stephen Lett

1900 years between when that Scripture was written and the foundation of the Watchtower.
So you believe that the Watchtower teaching the exact same thing to everyone means it's true? That's the peak of mind control.
I know it is true. The fact remains--The teachings of Jesus back them, and true God worship history backs them. No matter what the darkness says against them. Those 2 points are 100% fact.
I know it is true. The fact remains--The teachings of Jesus back them, and true God worship history backs them. No matter what the darkness says against them. Those 2 points are 100% fact.
Man, they've got you totally convinced.
I posted fact. I have studied religions, true God worship history, and the teachings of Jesus carefully. He is with the JW,s. This world will find it out.
The JWs are a false religion. There is only ONE true Christian religion. The JWs do not go back in time to the time of Christ, to say the least. Jesus established a Church and said that it would NOT fail... What Jesus establishes does not fail.. that seems obvious

So that alone.. that fact alone PROVES the JWs and a whole lot of other protestant sects are FALSE.
The JWs are a false religion. There is only ONE true Christian religion. The JWs do not go back in time to the time of Christ, to say the least. Jesus established a Church and said that it would NOT fail... What Jesus establishes does not fail.. that seems obvious

So that alone.. that fact alone PROVES the JWs and a whole lot of other protestant sects are FALSE.
You're both mistaken. The Church is not an organization. The Church is every believer who puts their faith in Jesus for their salvation.
You're both mistaken. The Church is not an organization. The Church is every believer who puts their faith in Jesus for their salvation.
you are never mistaken of course. You were born knowing everything about Jesus. And anyone who disagrees with you is a big liar or deceived or both.

What's all the fear and anxiety about concerning the word "organization"? If it is an organization set up by Christ, why do you have a problem with it?

Oh, you heard the Catholic Church was not set up by Christ. Study history instead of listening to just any bozo who comes along calling himself a pastor or making himself out to be your teacher. How ironic that Protestants scoff at Catholics who listen to their priests, yet they buy all that anti-Catholic stuff spewed by their pastors. In fact, they seem to buy whatever their pastors say.
The JWs are a false religion. There is only ONE true Christian religion. The JWs do not go back in time to the time of Christ, to say the least. Jesus established a Church and said that it would NOT fail... What Jesus establishes does not fail.. that seems obvious

So that alone.. that fact alone PROVES the JWs and a whole lot of other protestant sects are FALSE.
The catholics dont go back until Jesus day either--they are these-2Thess 2:3--their bloodguilt has amassed to the heavens.
you are never mistaken of course. You were born knowing everything about Jesus. And anyone who disagrees with you is a big liar or deceived or both.

Correct. I can't be wrong because I believe the Scriptures. Neither one of these two posters only believe the Scriptures. They believe what their organization tells them what the Scriptures say. I have the Holy Spirit and my faith is totally in Jesus. How can I go wrong?
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The catholics dont go back until Jesus day either--they are these-2Thess 2:3--their bloodguilt has amassed to the heavens.
Anyone who says their religion is the only true religion is a liar. Jesus said "I AM the Way, The Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except by Me". It's very simple. Jesus is the only way. Man's organizations are nothing but dead religion. Mormons claim they are the only true religion. The Watchtower claims they are "the truth". Catholics claim they are the only true church. Liars. Jesus is all I need.
you have been lied to. But there is none so blind as he who will not see.
I havent been lied to. They do not listen to Jesus. They created many false teachings at the councils they held, including God as a trinity. They took pagan false god worship practices and made holidays to Jesus from them. They are far removed.
Anyone who says their religion is the only true religion is a liar. Jesus said "I AM the Way, The Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except by Me". It's very simple. Jesus is the only way. Man's organizations are nothing but dead religion. Mormons claim they are the only true religion. The Watchtower claims they are "the truth". Catholics claim they are the only true church. Liars. Jesus is all I need.
And Luke 10:16 assures Jesus has his real teachers on earth and one must listen to them. You dont listen to Jesus. You could by listening to his teachers who teach-Every utterance from God to their flock.
And Luke 10:16 assures Jesus has his real teachers on earth and one must listen to them. You dont listen to Jesus. You could by listening to his teachers who teach-Every utterance from God to their flock.
The teacher is the Holy Spirit. That's Scripture. Luke 10:16 isn't talking about the governing body of the Watchtower any more than it's talking about the so called prophets or the Mormon church. Jesus was speaking to his disciples before He sent them out. Jesus said in John that He would send the Holy Spirit who will teach us. You're twisting Scripture. Good luck with that.
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I havent been lied to. They do not listen to Jesus. They created many false teachings at the councils they held, including God as a trinity. They took pagan false god worship practices and made holidays to Jesus from them. They are far removed.
God has revealed Himself in three persons, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Show me a scripture that says the Holy Spirit is "God's active force".
The teacher is the Holy Spirit. That's Scripture. Luke 10:16 isn't talking about the governing body of the Watchtower any more than it's talking about the so called prophets or the Mormon church. Jesus was speaking to his disciples before He sent them out. Jesus said in John that He would send the Holy Spirit who will teach us. You're twisting Scripture. Good luck with that.
Jesus said those words to the teachers he appointed about the holy spirit. But any true follower can ask for it. But truths are revealed to the ones he appoints in the lead positions. It comforts and gives reminders to the others.
Jesus said those words to the teachers he appointed about the holy spirit. But any true follower can ask for it. But truths are revealed to the ones he appoints in the lead positions. It comforts and gives reminders to the others.
They were his disciples. Are you a disciple of men or Jesus? If you don't have the Spirit of God/Christ, you don't belong to Him. That's Scripture.
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