Zone1 Watchtower Governing Body Clown, Stephen Lett

The bible is clear to those who listen to Jesus' real teachers on earth.
sort of agree... the problem is that so many think they u/stand the Words of Scripture and when 2 or 3 disagree on its meaning... Who is correct?

that is one reason Jesus founded a CHURCH on Earth... The Catholic Church is that Church. Again, I don't speak of the Vatican which ceased being Catholic in 1958, was stolen by the crooked, worldly Jesus defying ones, some communists..

But wise, informed Catholics do not follow the sickos at the Vatican.. They follow the True Church, called Sedevacantist (meaning the Chair [of St Peter] is vacant)
No it isnt. Paul spoke for God as did many bible writers, yet they weren't prophets.

I know they did, then they corrected it. You seemed to have missed that.
You seem to have missed the Scripture that says we're not to listen to anyone who claims to be a prophet of God and is wrong.
sort of agree... the problem is that so many think they u/stand the Words of Scripture and when 2 or 3 disagree on its meaning... Who is correct?

that is one reason Jesus founded a CHURCH on Earth... The Catholic Church is that Church. Again, I don't speak of the Vatican which ceased being Catholic in 1958, was stolen by the crooked, worldly Jesus defying ones, some communists..

But wise, informed Catholics do not follow the sickos at the Vatican.. They follow the True Church, called Sedevacantist (meaning the Chair [of St Peter] is vacant)
Their bloodguilt has amassed to the heavens-They returned evil for evil at every step.
They repented of that. And those men have all died.
You're still not getting it. Once a false prophet, always a false prophet. The Watchtower is a false prophet. Period. No one is an apostate for leaving the organization. You're only an apostate if you stop believing in Jesus.
You're still not getting it. Once a false prophet, always a false prophet. The Watchtower is a false prophet. Period. No one is an apostate for leaving the organization. You're only an apostate if you stop believing in Jesus.
They werent prophets. Can you understand English? The last Prophecys made was the book of Revelation.
They erred they did not lie. They admitted it was error and corrected it.
why did they speak for God in the first place, when they obviously didn't hear from Him?

God does not lie

Why should people follow a religious group that does?
They werent prophets. Can you understand English? The last Prophecys made was the book of Revelation.
all the more reason for them to keep their mouths shut on things only the Father knows. Jesus said that HE doesn't even know when the End will come, only the FATHER.
all the more reason for them to keep their mouths shut on things only the Father knows. Jesus said that HE doesn't even know when the End will come, only the FATHER.
Mortal men are imperfect. All err. When David layed another mans wife and sent her husband to his death, it didnt make the religion wrong. When Peter denied Jesus 3 x( lie) it didnt make the religion wrong. Jesus built the religion on Peter. If one repents, God forgives them. As all should so they can get forgiven.
Mortal men are imperfect. All err. When David layed another mans wife and sent her husband to his death, it didnt make the religion wrong. When Peter denied Jesus 3 x( lie) it didnt make the religion wrong. Jesus built the religion on Peter. If one repents, God forgives them. As all should so they can get forgiven.
When a religion claims to be the prophet of God and make a mistake, they are a false prophet. That's Scripture. You can't repent. You can't apologize and keep saying you're the truth. I know, it takes courage to admit you've been deceived.
When a religion claims to be the prophet of God and make a mistake, they are a false prophet. That's Scripture. You can't repent. You can't apologize and keep saying you're the truth. I know, it takes courage to admit you've been deceived.
Its you who refuse to accept it was error even though they admitted it was error. Its your false reasoning and lack of forgiveness within misleading your thoughts. You are no ones judge, how quickly you forget that.
By the way what is wrong with MR Lett? Since you know 100% its fact you speak of to start a thread against another? How well do you know him? How much did you personally hear or see him do?
Its you who refuse to accept it was error even though they admitted it was error. Its your false reasoning and lack of forgiveness within misleading your thoughts. You are no ones judge, how quickly you forget that.
By the way what is wrong with MR Lett? Since you know 100% its fact you speak of to start a thread against another? How well do you know him? How much did you personally hear or see him do?
SCRIPTURE says the Watchtower is a false prophet, not me. You claim to be a Bible student, well? Numerous times now you've been told what Scripture says and you ignore it. That's what the Watchtower does. Liars.
Stephen Lett's nice was disfellowshipped. Here's her video.
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SCRIPTURE says the Watchtower is a false prophet, not me. You claim to be a Bible student, well? Numerous times now you've been told what Scripture says and you ignore it. That's what the Watchtower does. Liars.
Stephen Lett's nice was disfellowshipped. Here's her video.

Your partial reasonings do not make a truth. The whole truth on a matter constitutes a real truth. One sided views are rarely truth. What about Mr Lett?
Your partial reasonings do not make a truth. The whole truth on a matter constitutes a real truth. One sided views are rarely truth. What about Mr Lett?
Lett is a fraud just like all of the governing body.
And how do you know. Seeing it firsthand or listening to hearts of hate apostates?
Where did you ever get the idea that everyone who leaves the Watchtower cult is a hateful apostate? An apostate is someone who rejects Jesus, not the Watchtower. Read the Bible, a real one.
Where did you ever get the idea that everyone who leaves the Watchtower cult is a hateful apostate? An apostate is someone who rejects Jesus, not the Watchtower. Read the Bible, a real one.
Luke 10:16 says you are wrong. The writers of the articles in watchtowers are appointed by Jesus. Every week worldwide a JW gets the same spiritual feeding by using things like the watchtower along with the bible. It helps to accomplish this true mark-1Cor 1:10--Unity of thought ( all of Gods1 truth,) no division.
Luke 10:16 says you are wrong. The writers of the articles in watchtowers are appointed by Jesus. Every week worldwide a JW gets the same spiritual feeding by using things like the watchtower along with the bible. It helps to accomplish this true mark-1Cor 1:10--Unity of thought ( all of Gods1 truth,) no division.
1900 years between when that Scripture was written and the foundation of the Watchtower.
So you believe that the Watchtower teaching the exact same thing to everyone means it's true? That's the peak of mind control.

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