Watching Van Jones on SE Cup, Right wingers are really kind people. Huh????


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
So I'm watching SE Cup Unfiltered and Van Jones was the guest.

Jones was saying right wingers are such better people and more kind than those you see on social media. WTF?

Cup was saying that the environmental thing would cause Democrats to lose and only Joe Biden guarantee's a win.

Jones pointed out that Kerry couldn't lose and Gore couldn't lose and Hillary couldn't lose.

And Obama couldn't win.

Everyone thought George Bush Sr. would win, incumbent president and all, then Bill Clinton.

I feel the same way.

When Mayor Pete is Biden's age, the year will be 2058. We need someone with an interest in the future.

I still can't get over the fact Van Jones, a black guy who Republicans literally hate, was saying most Republicans are "kind". Where does that come from? Babies in cages? Parents stripped of their children? Wanting to end healthcare for millions of Americans? Tax cuts for billionaires? People who cheer dirty air and dirty water? They are kind? Maybe he meant they were kind of awful, but left out "of awful"?
Would Republicans even want anyone to consider them kind?

Anyway, I think we need to go with "new".

We will know from the debates.

Will any Republican challenge Trump?
So I'm watching SE Cup Unfiltered and Van Jones was the guest.

Jones was saying right wingers are such better people and more kind than those you see on social media. WTF?

Cup was saying that the environmental thing would cause Democrats to lose and only Joe Biden guarantee's a win.

Jones pointed out that Kerry couldn't lose and Gore couldn't lose and Hillary couldn't lose.

And Obama couldn't win.

Everyone thought George Bush Sr. would win, incumbent president and all, then Bill Clinton.

I feel the same way.

When Mayor Pete is Biden's age, the year will be 2058. We need someone with an interest in the future.

I still can't get over the fact Van Jones, a black guy who Republicans literally hate, was saying most Republicans are "kind". Where does that come from? Babies in cages? Parents stripped of their children? Wanting to end healthcare for millions of Americans? Tax cuts for billionaires? People who cheer dirty air and dirty water? They are kind? Maybe he meant they were kind of awful, but left out "of awful"?
Would Republicans even want anyone to consider them kind?

Anyway, I think we need to go with "new".

We will know from the debates.

Will any Republican challenge Trump?

Doubtful if anyone will challenge Trump. Most know he is bad for the country, but are afraid to say it.
So I'm watching SE Cup Unfiltered and Van Jones was the guest.

Jones was saying right wingers are such better people and more kind than those you see on social media. WTF?

Cup was saying that the environmental thing would cause Democrats to lose and only Joe Biden guarantee's a win.

Jones pointed out that Kerry couldn't lose and Gore couldn't lose and Hillary couldn't lose.

And Obama couldn't win.

Everyone thought George Bush Sr. would win, incumbent president and all, then Bill Clinton.

I feel the same way.

When Mayor Pete is Biden's age, the year will be 2058. We need someone with an interest in the future.

I still can't get over the fact Van Jones, a black guy who Republicans literally hate, was saying most Republicans are "kind". Where does that come from? Babies in cages? Parents stripped of their children? Wanting to end healthcare for millions of Americans? Tax cuts for billionaires? People who cheer dirty air and dirty water? They are kind? Maybe he meant they were kind of awful, but left out "of awful"?
Would Republicans even want anyone to consider them kind?

Anyway, I think we need to go with "new".

We will know from the debates.

Will any Republican challenge Trump?
Right wingers are kinda like you; clueless, rhetoric spewing, hateful losers. You should feel just at home......... :thup:
Doubtful if anyone will challenge Trump. Most know he is bad for the country, but are afraid to say it.
Bad for the country ? How ?????


The US economy is booming. Overall unemployment is down to 3.2%. GDP growth is UP to 3.2% Black unemployment is the lowest it's EVER been. Same with Hispanic unemployment. Same with disabled unemployment. US median income is the highest its EVER been. More Americans working than EVER before. China brought under control, and no longest running roughshod over our economy. Illegal immigration being vigorously fought. Affirmative Action racism being challenged. Religous liberty being upheld. Muslim immigration being limited.

All GOOD for the country.
Last edited:
So I'm watching SE Cup Unfiltered and Van Jones was the guest.

Jones was saying right wingers are such better people and more kind than those you see on social media. WTF?

Cup was saying that the environmental thing would cause Democrats to lose and only Joe Biden guarantee's a win.

Jones pointed out that Kerry couldn't lose and Gore couldn't lose and Hillary couldn't lose.

And Obama couldn't win.

Everyone thought George Bush Sr. would win, incumbent president and all, then Bill Clinton.

I feel the same way.

When Mayor Pete is Biden's age, the year will be 2058. We need someone with an interest in the future.

I still can't get over the fact Van Jones, a black guy who Republicans literally hate, was saying most Republicans are "kind". Where does that come from? Babies in cages? Parents stripped of their children? Wanting to end healthcare for millions of Americans? Tax cuts for billionaires? People who cheer dirty air and dirty water? They are kind? Maybe he meant they were kind of awful, but left out "of awful"?
Would Republicans even want anyone to consider them kind?

Anyway, I think we need to go with "new".

We will know from the debates.

Will any Republican challenge Trump?

Right wingers are really kind people. Huh????

Well yes actually we ARE:

Baby Bird Rescue Situation
How do you measure "kindness"?
  • Diminishing the infant Holocaust of abortion,
  • Protecting America's most vulnerable workers from the downward pressures of millions of illegals,
  • Reducing taxes for everyone who actually pays taxes (unlike most Democrats),
  • Stimulating the stock market to plump up 401k plans and pensions,
  • Giving dramatically more to charity than Lefties,
  • Doing dramatically more volunteer work than Lefties,
  • Funding private homeless shelters, hospitals, schools, etc.,
So I'm watching SE Cup Unfiltered and Van Jones was the guest.

Jones was saying right wingers are such better people and more kind than those you see on social media. WTF?

Cup was saying that the environmental thing would cause Democrats to lose and only Joe Biden guarantee's a win.

Jones pointed out that Kerry couldn't lose and Gore couldn't lose and Hillary couldn't lose.

And Obama couldn't win.

Everyone thought George Bush Sr. would win, incumbent president and all, then Bill Clinton.

I feel the same way.

When Mayor Pete is Biden's age, the year will be 2058. We need someone with an interest in the future.

I still can't get over the fact Van Jones, a black guy who Republicans literally hate, was saying most Republicans are "kind". Where does that come from? Babies in cages? Parents stripped of their children? Wanting to end healthcare for millions of Americans? Tax cuts for billionaires? People who cheer dirty air and dirty water? They are kind? Maybe he meant they were kind of awful, but left out "of awful"?
Would Republicans even want anyone to consider them kind?

Anyway, I think we need to go with "new".

We will know from the debates.

Will any Republican challenge Trump?

LMAO! Leftards are only "kind and generous" with the resources of others and feel justified in picking the pockets of Paul to give to Peter because leftards will ALWAYS have the support of ol Pete.
So I'm watching SE Cup Unfiltered and Van Jones was the guest.

Jones was saying right wingers are such better people and more kind than those you see on social media. WTF?

Cup was saying that the environmental thing would cause Democrats to lose and only Joe Biden guarantee's a win.

Jones pointed out that Kerry couldn't lose and Gore couldn't lose and Hillary couldn't lose.

And Obama couldn't win.

Everyone thought George Bush Sr. would win, incumbent president and all, then Bill Clinton.

I feel the same way.

When Mayor Pete is Biden's age, the year will be 2058. We need someone with an interest in the future.

I still can't get over the fact Van Jones, a black guy who Republicans literally hate, was saying most Republicans are "kind". Where does that come from? Babies in cages? Parents stripped of their children? Wanting to end healthcare for millions of Americans? Tax cuts for billionaires? People who cheer dirty air and dirty water? They are kind? Maybe he meant they were kind of awful, but left out "of awful"?
Would Republicans even want anyone to consider them kind?

Anyway, I think we need to go with "new".

We will know from the debates.

Will any Republican challenge Trump?
All cries of oppresion only comes from towns run by democrats
So I'm watching SE Cup Unfiltered and Van Jones was the guest.

Jones was saying right wingers are such better people and more kind than those you see on social media. WTF?

Cup was saying that the environmental thing would cause Democrats to lose and only Joe Biden guarantee's a win.

Jones pointed out that Kerry couldn't lose and Gore couldn't lose and Hillary couldn't lose.

And Obama couldn't win.

Everyone thought George Bush Sr. would win, incumbent president and all, then Bill Clinton.

I feel the same way.

When Mayor Pete is Biden's age, the year will be 2058. We need someone with an interest in the future.

I still can't get over the fact Van Jones, a black guy who Republicans literally hate, was saying most Republicans are "kind". Where does that come from? Babies in cages? Parents stripped of their children? Wanting to end healthcare for millions of Americans? Tax cuts for billionaires? People who cheer dirty air and dirty water? They are kind? Maybe he meant they were kind of awful, but left out "of awful"?
Would Republicans even want anyone to consider them kind?

Anyway, I think we need to go with "new".

We will know from the debates.

Will any Republican challenge Trump?

Obama was stripping children away from parents and you sat silently when families were torn apart because of Immigration enforcement...

Also the EPA failure that polluted a river that went through Navajo Territory happened on Obama watch...

So as you make false claims maybe you should be more honest about Obama time as President and then maybe you can whine about the GOP...
Maybe Van Jones doesn't hide in his house and actually gets out and finds out what Conservatives are really like. You know, like in person, real life.
We know what they are “really like” from their policies and how they try to run the country.
We know who Republicans are “really like “from their hatred of gay people and their lack of wanting to help children and their terrible policies at the border.
We know who Republicans “really are“ from their tax cuts for billionaires.
I’m sick of finding out who Republicans “really are“. I’m pretty sure I found out enough.

So I'm watching SE Cup Unfiltered and Van Jones was the guest.

Jones was saying right wingers are such better people and more kind than those you see on social media. WTF?

Cup was saying that the environmental thing would cause Democrats to lose and only Joe Biden guarantee's a win.

Jones pointed out that Kerry couldn't lose and Gore couldn't lose and Hillary couldn't lose.

And Obama couldn't win.

Everyone thought George Bush Sr. would win, incumbent president and all, then Bill Clinton.

I feel the same way.

When Mayor Pete is Biden's age, the year will be 2058. We need someone with an interest in the future.

I still can't get over the fact Van Jones, a black guy who Republicans literally hate, was saying most Republicans are "kind". Where does that come from? Babies in cages? Parents stripped of their children? Wanting to end healthcare for millions of Americans? Tax cuts for billionaires? People who cheer dirty air and dirty water? They are kind? Maybe he meant they were kind of awful, but left out "of awful"?
Would Republicans even want anyone to consider them kind?

Anyway, I think we need to go with "new".

We will know from the debates.

Will any Republican challenge Trump?

Obama was stripping children away from parents and you sat silently when families were torn apart because of Immigration enforcement...

Also the EPA failure that polluted a river that went through Navajo Territory happened on Obama watch...

So as you make false claims maybe you should be more honest about Obama time as President and then maybe you can whine about the GOP...
You don’t have to lie about Obama. Obama is not president anymore. He hasn’t been president for years. And Hillary hasn’t even been in public office for nearly 7 years.

If you weren’t a hypocrite and you thought Trump wasn’t a scumbag, then you would be saying good things about Trump and not trying to tear down Obama.
How do you measure "kindness"?
  • Diminishing the infant Holocaust of abortion,
  • Protecting America's most vulnerable workers from the downward pressures of millions of illegals,
  • Reducing taxes for everyone who actually pays taxes (unlike most Democrats),
  • Stimulating the stock market to plump up 401k plans and pensions,
  • Giving dramatically more to charity than Lefties,
  • Doing dramatically more volunteer work than Lefties,
  • Funding private homeless shelters, hospitals, schools, etc.,
You don’t help people by giving them crap. You help them by helping them get an education and teaching them to help them selves.

Republicans, under Reagan, threw mentally ill people out on the street.

And infant holocaust? Republicans don’t even like babies. Not only did they put them in cages but they cut funding for unwed mothers which I posted here before. This whole Republicans like babies thing is a fantasy. Because the fetus doesn’t cost anything but a baby does. So Republicans love the fetus because if they pretend it makes them look moral, but they hate babies.

Protecting America from immigrants? Your fuking president hires almost all illegal immigrants to work in his clubs because they’re cheaper. And he can threaten them.

A pipeline of undocumented workers for Donald Trump ran from Costa Rica to N.J.: 'My whole town practically lived there'
Doubtful if anyone will challenge Trump. Most know he is bad for the country, but are afraid to say it.
Bad for the country ? How ?????

View attachment 259425

The US economy is booming. Overall unemployment is down to 3.2%. GDP growth is UP to 3.2% Black unemployment is the lowest it's EVER been. Same with Hispanic unemployment. Same with disabled unemployment. US median income is the highest its EVER been. More Americans working than EVER before. China brought under control, and no longest running roughshod over our economy. Illegal immigration being vigorously fought. Affirmative Action racism being challenged. Religous liberty being upheld. Muslim immigration being limited.

All GOOD for the country.

We know exactly why unemployment is low and when that started.

We know exactly why unemployment is low and when that started.
That was normal recoil after a recession (2008). In Obama's last year unemployment was at 5%. Trump lowered it to 3.2.

If Democrats were smart, they'd keep quiet about the economy. :biggrin:

We know exactly why unemployment is low and when that started.
That was normal recoil after a recession (2008). In Obama's last year unemployment was at 5%. Trump lowered it to 3.2.

If Democrats were smart, they'd keep quiet about the economy. :biggrin:
Why? Because Obama saved it after Bush and the GOP nearly ruined it?

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