Watching Jim Scuitto clip on CNN, the question needs to be asked again, "why so concerned with Trump rallies, but not the protests"?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
He presses Trumps campaign manager, one of his "guests" about the risk of Trump rallies. Why didn't they have protest organizers on TV and asking them the same? How about all the "Health Experts" who signed a letter saying the protests were cool because of how importat they are.

Aren't elections important? Isn't reaching out to the American citizens directly, getting their support and donations important?

Not if you fear the peoples voice being heard...
Because democrats believe that the virus is somehow sentient enough to bypass the righteous rioters and can descend on the evil rally goers.
Actually they are afraid that Trump will mange another term. Anything that can in some way, no matter how small, keep that from happening must be ruthlessly stamped out.
Because democrats believe that the virus is somehow sentient enough to bypass the righteous rioters and can descend on the evil rally goers.
Actually they are afraid that Trump will mange another term. Anything that can in some way, no matter how small, keep that from happening must be ruthlessly stamped out.

Their efforts are so transparent though that it's shocking and insulting. I'm listening to them over and over scream "his rallies are killing everyone!". They are repeating, shamelessly.

I want America to win. I don't want America to become like many places in Canada, where your Constitution (our Charter of Rights) has no value. Where it's all talk and optics, no action. Trump is necessary and I think Americans instinctively know this. He's the guy overturning the apple cart so that future politicians respond to what citizens want, not just deep pockets.

For the record,even as a libertarian myself, I don't dislike progressives in Canada. I actually dislike Neo-Cons worse, because they are fascist like the alt-left, but this fascism is from state power rather than corporate power (though they like that too). I believe many viewpoints are important, and Canadians should all find common ground in support of civil liberties, justice and the like, even if we agree with funding issues, taxation and debt.

It's hurting so many nations in the West. Instead of agreement "China is bad and big government abuse is bad", some accept it (on both sides) as long as they are the ones profiting. I don't subscribe to that. Thus, whether it's Trump or some other outsider leaders. A disrupter is important from time to time.
Because most people at the protests are wearing masks whereas just about everyone at a Trump rally is not.
What's so difficult to grasp about this?

"most people" are wearing masks? BLM protests - Yahoo Image Search Results

Umm...well, yes. Remove the pictures of single persons (some of whom are wearing masks) and look at the group photos.
Come up with some crowd photos that show people largely not wearing masks....meanwhile, in Tulsa last week....
Because most people at the protests are wearing masks whereas just about everyone at a Trump rally is not.
What's so difficult to grasp about this?

"most people" are wearing masks? BLM protests - Yahoo Image Search Results

Umm...well, yes. Remove the pictures of single persons (some of whom are wearing masks) and look at the group photos.
Come up with some crowd photos that show people largely not wearing masks....meanwhile, in Tulsa last week....
View attachment 355780
So exactly how many people at the riots and looting were handing out masks and hand sanitizer.
But I like how you play the same game of only seeing what you want to see.

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