Watching Internet celebrities I feel so small and insignificant.

Man of Ethics

Gold Member
Feb 28, 2021
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From small people with just over 20,000 fans to Elon Musk who bought Twitter.

Only G-d knows what will be. Only time will tell us.
Most people are good -- as a Jew I believe very few people will suffer eternally.

But the vast majority of people are average and insignificant in the Grand Scheme of Things. People with over 10,000 fans are not average. They are significant and important.
Most people are good -- as a Jew I believe very few people will suffer eternally.

But the vast majority of people are average and insignificant in the Grand Scheme of Things. People with over 10,000 fans are not average. They are significant and important.

Frankly, you need to shed the covid fear and get out of the house.


Get out into the real world and meet people really. The world through a computer is far, far from a real world. Get out. See things. Do things. Meet people. You can do it!
Get out into the real world and meet people really. The world through a computer is far, far from a real world. Get out. See things. Do things. Meet people. You can do it!
Sadly this may not work given my Asperger's Syndrome and Moderate Depression. I can not really meet new people.

I have lost my old university friends long ago.
Most people are good -- as a Jew I believe very few people will suffer eternally.

But the vast majority of people are average and insignificant in the Grand Scheme of Things. People with over 10,000 fans are not average. They are significant and important.

Significant and important? Because they have followers?

I am sure some people consider them significant. I don't. You want to be significant and important? Volunteer at an animal shelter. Work at a soup kitchen. I guarantee you will be more significant in a more important way.

Little story I read years ago.

A man was out walking on a beach the morning after a storm. The storm had washed thousands of starfish up on the beach. Now they were dying as the sun got hotter and hotter. As he walked he came upon a boy who was carefully picking up individual starfish and walking to the waters edge and putting them back in the ocean. One by one he was doing this over and over. The man said "Son, that is a beautiful thing you are trying to do, but there are far too many. The rest will die before you get to them. All your work will not matter. The boy kept picking up starfish, walking to the water and putting it in. As he put one starfish back in the water he looked at the man and said "It made a difference to that one".

Screw how many followers you have or how popular you are online. Don't worry about what people think of you. In fact, what people think of you isn't even any of your business.
Be authentic. Find a way to serve. I promise you will be significant and important.
From small people with just over 20,000 fans to Elon Musk who bought Twitter.

Only G-d knows what will be. Only time will tell us.
I care about how people treat others, the real person, not some made up digital persona.
Most people are good -- as a Jew I believe very few people will suffer eternally.

But the vast majority of people are average and insignificant in the Grand Scheme of Things. People with over 10,000 fans are not average. They are significant and important.
according to my best information (I mostly refer to my experiences in this crazy world) most people are sinners and worse, they don't CARE about most of their sins, don't want to be reminded of them by anyone. And Jesus said that few make it to Heaven (Mt 7:21, Lk 13:24 and etc). In my life, I have seen virtually nothing but people who ignore Jesus, rationalize away His clear words and make excuses for their slothfulness in doing what He says. Am I guilty of any of that? Yes, at times; everyone is. But some people, again, just do not care. So everyone is not "good." Jesus said "Why do you cal Me good? There is none good but God" which in my translation means "You call Me good, so you realize that I am God, as only God is good."
From small people with just over 20,000 fans to Elon Musk who bought Twitter.

Only G-d knows what will be. Only time will tell us.
Those people are insecure attention whores.

That's why rock stars keep performing into their late 70s. They miss the adoration of the crowd.

Their self-worth revolves around what other people think.

That's kind of sad.

I'm glad Paul McCartney is still out there, though. :lol:

I saw him a couple months ago. I saw Ringo a couple weeks ago. It might have been his last performance.

I could not tell you the name of a single social media star, though. I've watched TikTok and whatnot, and it all strike me as stupid. Funny, sometimes, but mostly stupid.

But then again, so is this forum and I spend way too much time here...

There's a Frontline episode you might like to watch.

There is a program called "autopsy" that dissects the circumstances of the untimely deaths of celebrities mostly due to reckless lifestyles. Sometimes it makes you glad that you are just an ordinary person and not subject to the same excesses that kill the rich and famous or drives them to suicide.
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