Watch today's huge Mother of All Rallies LIVE

I think the crowd were all just the speakers that showed up to speak.

You can tell a 'grassroots' movement is not a movement when they hold a rally and you can see the grass everywhere.
Juggalos Draw Bigger Crowd On The National Mall Than Pro-Trump Rally



Hi. You should all watch this wonderful rally live, via Russia Today : WATCH LIVE: Pro-Trump ‘Mother of All Rallies’ kicks off in Washington
Trump’s ‘deal-making’ mechanisms are ripped right out of the alpha male chimpanzee playbook


As the psychologist Dan P. McAdams writes in the Guardian, chimpanzees bestow power on the “biggest, strongest, most outgoing male” in their colony, who in turn dominates his subordinates through “threat, intimidation, bluffing” and “pragmatic coalitions.”

McAdams relates the “charging display” to the president’s Twitter feed. It could also apply to his free-wheeling rallies and press conferences. During each of these events, Trump—either virtually or physically—will “scream, hoot and gesticulate” to get his point across as his crowd—or Twitter feed—goes wild. After a period of chaos, Trump’s submissive base (including GOP leaders) will bow to the president’s will.
Imagine if someone said that about Obama:lol:
False equivalency and invalid analogy logical fallacy. Obama is black . Trump is orange

And in case your head is really that far up your ass tat you don't know, The Obamas have been depicted as a monkey many times

Evidently you're too damn ignorant to know Obama is part black and part white.

Evidently your too damn ignorant to know that a person is the race that they identify as.
Hi. You should all watch this wonderful rally live, via Russia Today : WATCH LIVE: Pro-Trump ‘Mother of All Rallies’ kicks off in Washington
Trump’s ‘deal-making’ mechanisms are ripped right out of the alpha male chimpanzee playbook


As the psychologist Dan P. McAdams writes in the Guardian, chimpanzees bestow power on the “biggest, strongest, most outgoing male” in their colony, who in turn dominates his subordinates through “threat, intimidation, bluffing” and “pragmatic coalitions.”

McAdams relates the “charging display” to the president’s Twitter feed. It could also apply to his free-wheeling rallies and press conferences. During each of these events, Trump—either virtually or physically—will “scream, hoot and gesticulate” to get his point across as his crowd—or Twitter feed—goes wild. After a period of chaos, Trump’s submissive base (including GOP leaders) will bow to the president’s will.
Imagine if someone said that about Obama:lol:
False equivalency and invalid analogy logical fallacy. Obama is black . Trump is orange

And in case your head is really that far up your ass tat you don't know, The Obamas have been depicted as a monkey many times

Evidently you're too damn ignorant to know Obama is part black and part white.

Evidently your too damn ignorant to know that a person is the race that they identify as.
I identify as a whale :)
Trump’s ‘deal-making’ mechanisms are ripped right out of the alpha male chimpanzee playbook


As the psychologist Dan P. McAdams writes in the Guardian, chimpanzees bestow power on the “biggest, strongest, most outgoing male” in their colony, who in turn dominates his subordinates through “threat, intimidation, bluffing” and “pragmatic coalitions.”

McAdams relates the “charging display” to the president’s Twitter feed. It could also apply to his free-wheeling rallies and press conferences. During each of these events, Trump—either virtually or physically—will “scream, hoot and gesticulate” to get his point across as his crowd—or Twitter feed—goes wild. After a period of chaos, Trump’s submissive base (including GOP leaders) will bow to the president’s will.
Imagine if someone said that about Obama:lol:
False equivalency and invalid analogy logical fallacy. Obama is black . Trump is orange

And in case your head is really that far up your ass tat you don't know, The Obamas have been depicted as a monkey many times

Evidently you're too damn ignorant to know Obama is part black and part white.

Evidently your too damn ignorant to know that a person is the race that they identify as.
I identify as a whale :)
Get help big guy. :mm::mm::mm:
Hi. You should all watch this wonderful rally live, via Russia Today : WATCH LIVE: Pro-Trump ‘Mother of All Rallies’ kicks off in Washington
WASHINGTON, DC – It was dubbed the "Mother Of All Rallies," but considering the turnout, perhaps a better name would have been "The 5th Cousin Twice Removed Of All Rallies."

Just a few hundred people showed up for what had been envisioned as a massive rally in support of President Trump. And as a result, left-leaning users on Twitter had a field day, comparing pictures of the rally unfavorably with those of the massive 500,000-strong Women's March on Washington on Jan. 21, and even the climate science rally in April that drew 200,000.
Pro-Trump Rally Ridiculed After Bad Turnout

Names will never hurt him, but when President Trump hears about the crowd size, he's gonna be hurt. That's a hit below the belt, people. How could conservatives allow their man to be so shamed? You KNOW how he feels about crowd size.
Stephanie's American Spring Part II
I read it would be a million marching, then maybe 500 showed; if it got to 2,000 that was good. The latest pollls have him at 36% approval, only 25% strong approval.
Dozens of Trump fans....Believe me
Largest crowd in DC history
You think this might actually MEAN anything? That maybe he's not quite so popular as he used to be?
When conservatives finally get fed up with your bullshit. You will step down. Anifta is the last draw.

Trump is the last straw Sparky.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes, he is. Against pussies like yourself, and your kind. Get a job, piece of shit.
Dozens of Trump fans....Believe me
Largest crowd in DC history
You think this might actually MEAN anything? That maybe he's not quite so popular as he used to be?
When conservatives finally get fed up with your bullshit. You will step down. Anifta is the last draw.

Trump is the last straw Sparky.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes, he is. Against pussies like yourself, and your kind. Get a job, piece of shit.
It takes a special kind of stupid to make assumptions about someone who they know nothing about. I worked all of my life in public service. I am now retired. Have some respect and go to OZ and get a brain- and a heart.
Dozens of Trump fans....Believe me
Largest crowd in DC history
You think this might actually MEAN anything? That maybe he's not quite so popular as he used to be?
When conservatives finally get fed up with your bullshit. You will step down. Anifta is the last draw.

Trump is the last straw Sparky.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes, he is. Against pussies like yourself, and your kind. Get a job, piece of shit.
It takes a special kind of stupid to make assumptions about someone who they know nothing about. I worked all of my life in public service. I am now retired. Have some respect and go to OZ and get a brain- and a heart.
Take obama with you.

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