Watch: MK Ahmed Tibi Goes Berserk at Knesset Podium

Should we believe those "kids" who were shot were just having a stone-tossing competition in a field somewhere - or were they participating in vandalizing local infrastructure and refused to leave when the military attempted to restore order?

No, I am virtually 100% certain they were NOT out in a field somewhere having a stone-tossing competition. They were probably participating in vandalizing some tanks or infrastructure or something and no doubt were not in a frame of reference to take orders from the Israeli military.

Jeesh, does anyone else have a problem with this? "Vandalism" of ANY type ... as a capital offense? Without even benefit of law?

Does anybody remember Kent State .... ? Everybody in America was utterly horrified. But that is exactly what the Z's are endorsing ... and justifying???

I've got a video I'll try to find for you. A dozen kids maybe 7 - 12 years of age throw stones at an armored vehicle, which comes to a screeching halt and discharges four soldiers with Uzis who blast the hillside and surrounding neighborhood with machine gun fire. If you aren't struck by the surrealism of this hyper-response, there is no hope for you.

More racism and intolerance by the ISLAMONAZI STOOGE
A dozen kids maybe 7 - 12 years of age throw stones at an armored vehicle, which comes to a screeching halt and discharges four soldiers with Uzis who blast the hillside and surrounding neighborhood with machine gun fire. If you aren't struck by the surrealism of this hyper-response, there is no hope for you.
Our honorable amity1844 comes to a screeching halt and blasts the board with schrapnel bullshit.
When I was a kid---neither I nor any of my many brothers threw rocks at vehicles or living things---
not so much as a rabbit. We also did not "run with a stick in hand"----mom gave her "I saw
someone poke the eye out of a baby because he ran with a stick in his hand"---lecture---periodically.
I was a child in a safe town----with no conflict. If a really bad kid decided to insert a rock
in a snowball------and throw it at someone-----his reputation was destroyed forever. The most dangerous prank in which my brothers engaged consisted of small balloons filled with water---
tossed off the garage-----ie about 12 feet up---I do not think that they ever hit anyone. The evening
before Halloween
Lady that I was----I did not participate. Where are the mothers of the "seven year old" brats?? Imagine---
mothers living in a war zone and telling their babies "see those men with the rifles----go throw
rocks at them.. I have seen rock throwing in Israel-----usually fully grown teen boys----
throw them with enough force to kill in fact there have been cases---to the delight of the
jihadi scum----death due to rock throwing----usually babies-----but anyone can be killed by rock
to the side of the head

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